
Use of Namespaces in Groovy MarkupBuilder

I want have the following output: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <structure:structuralDataRoot xmlns:register="" xmlns:structure="" > <structure:tester>ZH</structure:tester> <structure:surveyYear>2001</structure:surveyYear> <structure:surfaceData> <structure:houseS...

Is there a Python module for handling Python object addresses?

(When I say "object address", I mean the string that you type in Python to access an object. For example 'life.State.step'. Most of the time, all the objects before the last dot will be packages/modules, but in some cases they can be classes or other objects.) In my Python project I often have the need to play around with object address...

how to set a namespace prefix in an attribute value using the lxml?

I'm trying to create XML Schema using lxml. For the begining something like this: <xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""&gt; <xs:element type="xs:string" name="name"/> <xs:element type="xs:positiveInteger" name="age...

What's a namespace used for in the App Engine datastore?

In the development admin console, when I look at my data, it says "Select different namespace". What are namespaces for and how should I use them? ...

SWIG - Problem with namespaces

I'm having trouble getting the following simple example to work with SWIG 1.3.40 (and I also tried 1.3.31). The Foo structure comes through as a Python module as long as I don't wrap it in a namespace, but as soon as I do I get a compilation error in the generated test_wrap.c. test.h: #ifndef __TEST_H__ #define __TEST_H__ #define USE...

namespace in php codeigniter framework

do codeigniter supports namespace? ...

Easy way to drop XML Namespaces with JavaScript?

Is there an easy way, for example, to drop an XML name space, but keep the tag as is with jQuery or JavaScript? For example: <html:a href="#an-example" title="Go to the example">Just an Example</html:a> And change it to: <a href="#an-example" title="Go to the example">Just an Example</a> On the fly with jQuery or JavaScript and not...

VS2008(+?) compiler bug with templated functions and 'using namespace'

I've found this odd case of some code (below) doesn't compile under Visual Studio 2008 and produces an "error C2872: 'Ambiguity' : ambiguous symbol" on line 12. Removing the using namespace RequiredNamespace on the last line fixes the error, but I'd expect that putting using namespace at the end of a file should have no effect. It also...

[AS3] Get compile-time variable at runtime

I am trying to use the "define" mxmlc compiler option to embed compile-time constants into my SWF files. <mxmlc ...> <define name="NAMES::PluginCompileTime" value="Hello World!"/> </mxmlc> I can access this variable if I "hardcode" it into my codebase, as so: public static const PLUGIN_COMPILED_TIME:String = NAMES::PluginCompile...

web.config file references cannot be found in intellisense

I have referenced multiple user controls within the web.config file, because I was receiving an error in the individual pages and they are used in multiple pages, the code I wrote is as follows: <pages> <controls> <add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="System.Web.UI" assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, Publ...

require_once of certain file works on local windows, not on dev linux machine

Hi, I'm trying to integrate Goutte into my existing symfony 1.4 project and am running into a problem. I have everything working on my local wamp server, here are the two lines in question: require_once('path_to_goutte.phar'); $client = new Goutte\Client(); Now to debug I've put a print statement befor...

Atom namespace with php simplexml

This is my RSS template that I load into my simplexml object. I want to change the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss xmlns:atom="" version="2.0"> <channel> <atom:link href="link" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <title></title> <link></link> <description><...

Reconciling Admin:: controllers with :: models

Using Rails 3, I have some models (e.g. Product) in the root namespace, but controllers (e.g. Admin::ProductsController) in an Admin:: module. Unfortunately, this seems to be causing issues with basic functionality, such as form_for(@product) producing undefined method `products_path' for #<#<Class:0x103dc4110>:0x103dc1618> This is pr...

python: timing of __new__ in metaclass

The following code doesn't compile; it says NameError: name 'fields' is not defined in the last line. Is it because __new__ isn't called until after the fields assignment is reached? What should I do? class Meta(type): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attr): attr['fields'] = {} return type.__new__(mcs, name, bas...

ActionScript Interfaces with custom namespaces

Hello! Is there any way to get interface to play along with custom namespace? Example follows. public interface IHeaderRenderer{ function set header(value:IHeader):void; function get header():IHeader; } import fi.test.internalNamespace; public class HeaderRenderer implements IHeaderRenderer{ ...

Dyld Symbol not Found Error

Here's my error. dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTIN8eqOsirix3ROIE Referenced from: /Users/slate/Documents/osirixplugins/CoreDataTrial_EQOsirix/build/Development/ Expected in: flat namespace in /Users/slate/Documents/osirixplugins/CoreDataTrial_EQOsirix/build/Development/

Is there any way to make Visual Studio stop indenting namespaces?

Visual Studio keeps trying to indent the code inside namespaces. For example: namespace Test { void Testing(); void Testing() { } } Now, if I un-indent it manually then it stays that way. But unfortunately if I add something right before void Testing(); - such as a comment - VS will keep trying to indent it. This is s...

Nerd Dinner - how is the return type of the EF queries determined?

In Nerd Dinner's Entity Framework repository, the queries' return type corresponds to the model and not to the EF conceptual entity. public IQueryable<Dinner> FindAllDinners() { return db.Dinners; } ... public ObjectSet<Dinner> Dinners // NerdDinner.Designer.cs, line 76 The type of Dinner is NerdDinner.Models.Dinner. I noticed ...

How do I put multiple files into a single namespace/module? (javascript)

I've been reading about the module pattern, but everything I read assumes that the entire contents of the module will be in a single file. I want to have one file per class. I've resorted to doing this at the top of every file: if(window.ModuleName === undefined) { window.ModuleName = {}; } ModuleName.ClassName = function () { ... } ...

Namespace & Class Conflict

Hi, I'm facing a problem with a conflict between the DateTime class and a namespace for some unknown reason was also called DateTime. Assembly CompanyDateTime has namespace Company.DateTime My Application is in the namespace: Company the problem is that everytime I need to use DateTime class, I have to explicitely say System.DateTime ...