
Is there a way to map a tag in flex to components in multiple directories?

Given a flex application or module, you can specify a custom xml namespace as follows: <mx:Module xmlns:mx="" xmlns:custom="custom.namespace.*"> We can then refer to mxml components in the directory custom/namespace/ using the custom tag. For example, if I have the components Custom1 and Custom2 in the c...

How to get the namespace alias operator :: to work under C#?

I've come up against the unlikely scenario when I reference two external assemblies that both have the same namespace and type names. When I try to use the type, the compiler throws an error that it cannot resolve which one I want to use. I see that C# offers a mechanism to use aliases for references. You can even specify these aliases ...

Adding a namespace to a nested element

I have some XML similar to this: <envelope xmlns="http://test"&gt; <header> <msgId /> </header> <body> <element1 /> </body> </envelope> I want to add a namespace to the <element1> node. Can anyone help me how to do this with XSLT? ...

Add XML namespace to existing document in ruby

I need to add an element to an existing XML document which uses a namespace that doesn't exist in the original. How do I do this? Ideally I would like to use REXML for portability, but any common XML library would be okay. An ideal solution would be smart about namespace collisions. I have an xml document which looks like this: <xrds:...

Defining a class within a namespace

Is there a more succinct way to define a class in a namespace than this: namespace ns { class A {}; } I was hoping something like class ns::A {}; would work, but alas not. ...

What is the impact of namespaces in c++ linkages compared to linkages in c?

What is the impact of namespaces in c++ linkages compared to linkages in c? Is it possible to make a name that has internal linkage to external linkage just by using namespace.Similarly the other way around. ...

How to properly name a class with respect to its namespace?

One can often see class names carrying a reference to the namespace to which they belong. One of the most popular examples is the .NET 'Xml' namespace where every single class defined in it is prefixed with the 'Xml' tag. This has always seemed pretty redundant to me, but recently I've realized that in some cases it could be useful... b...

url and name spaces java convertion.

I need to be able to convert: (url) to (namespace) com.joe90.showroom I can do this using tokens etc, and a enforced rule set. However, is there a way (a java package) that will do this for me? or do i need to write one myself? Thanks ...

std::copy to std::cout for std::pair

I have next code: #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <map> #include <iterator> //namespace std //{ std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& out, const std::pair< size_t, size_t >& rhs ) { out << rhs.first << ", " << rhs.second; return out; } //} int main() { std::map < size_t, size_t > some_map; ...

C# multiple class library with common base class/namespace problem

I'm new to c# and I'm trying to figure out if I can create multiple derived class libraries that each represent a specific item. I'll call the two class libraries ClassA & ClassB. Each class will share a BaseClass (namespace BaseNS). I then created a c# app that refrences both ClassA and ClassB. This generated an error because they b...

How to get Namespace of an Assembly?

Consider i have an assembly(class library dll) which i have loaded using the following code, Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(@"C:\Documents and Settings\E454935\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\nunit_dll_hutt\for_hutt_proj\bin\Debug\asdf.dll"); and i need to get the type of the Assembly. In order to get the type i need the nam...

HttpHandler using Default Namespace

I have a HttpHandler called Handler that I compile into a DLL and put in the /bin folder of my ASP.NET app. Then I have a .ashx file: <% @ webhandler language="C#" class="Handler" %> but I get a cannot create type 'Handler' error. However, if I wrap Handler in a gratuitous namespace, say foo, and change the .ashx to <% @ webhandler ...

WPF: XAML Custom Namespace

Okay so I have a Window in WPF. I add the following line inside of it: xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:mCubed.Controls" This compiles and runs just fine, but the Visual Studio designer gives me this error: Could not load file or assembly 'mCubed, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The ...

How To: Project Organization and Output

I have a fairly well project that I am developing right now, but I need to separate some of the components based on their intended run-time "environments." For example: MyNameSpace.MyProductName.Admin (parent class - helper classes) MyNameSpace.MyProductName.Admin.Terminal (child class - UI for End User: consumer) MyNameSpace.MyProduct...

WPF: XAML Custom Namespace

Okay so I have a Window in WPF. I add the following line inside of it: xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:mCubed.Controls" This compiles and runs just fine, but the Visual Studio designer gives me this error: Could not load file or assembly 'mCubed, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The ... web sites and default namespaces and LINQ Datacontext part 2

Let me try to ask this question from a different angle. I noticed that everytime an aspx page gets rendered in the browser using the "web site" model, a random assembly gets created 'on-the-fly' in the Temporary ASP.NET files. Analyzing the assembly in Reflector shows that the class created for any given .aspx file is under the "ASP"...

How can I remove a namespace from an XML document?

In my Flex application, I call several .NET WebServices that return XML. However, these WebServices all return XML with a namespace. I cannot read/parse the XML without referencing the namespace, meaning that I have to include the following lines of code in each Class that calls a WebService: private namespace PCRWebServices = "xxx.some...

System.Windows.Input not available to C++/CLI?

I'm working on a WPF app with a ViewModel in C++/CLI, so it can use legacy C code. I'm having trouble exposing the namespace System.Windows.Input to the C++/CLI code and wondering if this is because WPF doesn't really support C++/CLI? Do I really have to insert a C# layer in order to implement something like Josh Smith's CommandSinkBindi...

constants class in php

Hello, I once heard it's good to have one class with all your application constants so that you have only one location with all your constants. I Tried to do it this way: class constants{ define("EH_MAILER",1); } and class constants{ const EH_MAILER =1; } But both ways it doesn't work. Any suggestions? ...

ObjectDataSourceControl unable to find Type in imported namespace

I have an aspx page in a ASP.NET 2.0 application using several ObjectDataSources. They are all bound to the same class like so: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="TitleDataSource" runat="server" OnSelecting="TitleDataSource_Selecting" SelectMethod="GetTitle" TypeName="DropDownDataSource"></asp:ObjectDataSource> This was working fine. Then I m...