
Implementing windows hooks using NativeWindow properly

Hi guys I dont have much of a C++ background but have successfully hooked a window and converted its msgs into raised events that my application can consume, Ive started by inheriting from NativeWindow and overriding WndProc and have determined the msgs that im interested in, WM_VSCROLL and WM_HSCROLL for instance. Firstly are there any...

C#: What is destroying my NativeWindow object and why?

I am using a NativeWindow object to subclass an unmanaged window's message pump, with the purpose of intercepting its messages. Code structure looks something like this (its psuedo C#, please excuse minor syntax problems): class AppSubclass : Control { class SpecialAppWndProc : NativeWindow { protected override void WndProc(ref Me...

Windows.Forms.NativeWindow is null

In our SDK (DotNET SDK for an unmanaged C++ application) we offer a way for plug-in developers to get the main window of our application. public static System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow MainWindow() { System.Diagnostics.Process process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if( null==process ) return null; IntPtr ha...

How do I make an AIR NativeWindow always in front of just the app, but not in front of other windows?

I want the window to be always in front of all of the app windows, but when the app is deactivated I don't want the window to be in front of the other apps. ...

Show a taskbar item with a NativeWindow

My application is intended to work almost entirely through a Windows 7 taskbar item with the use of thumbnails and jump lists. I know I can easily create a Form and simply hide it, but this seems like overkill. Plus, I'd like to toy around with NativeWindow as much as possible, because I've never used it before. Essentially, I have a cl...

Accessing contents of NativeWindow in a HTML AIR application?

I'm currently building a HTML/JS AIR application. The application needs to display to the user a different 'window' - dependant on whether this is the first time they've launched the application or not. This part is actually fine and I have the code below to do that: if(!startUp()) { // this simply returns a boolean from a local prefere...

NativeWindow WndProc not receiving messages

Could someone shed some light on why my WndProc method as implemented below isn't receiving any messages? If I put this class below in a WinForms application and pass in that application's handle, WndProc receives messages as I would expect. However, using the IntPtr returned from GetForegroundWindow() as I have below doesn't yield the s...

controlling X and Y of spark.components.Window

I am building an air app in Flex 4. I am creating windows as I need them in a chromeless application. Here is what I have in my main app creation complete protected function creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { facade.sendNotification(AppFacade.APP_INIT, this); var buttons:Navigat...

Handling JavaScript calls to not using Native Windows - Adobe AIR

I am developing an Adobe AIR application which uses both native windows and floating panels. Is is possible to enable the creation of a floating window instead of a native window when a JavaScript function is called? It is required that all of the floating windows are contained within one native window, therefore the creat...

How to transfer the NativeApplication instance to another NativeWindow

Not sure if my title accurately describes what I'm trying to do, but basically I've created a new NativeWindow as follows (using an example from the Adobe NativeWindow documentation

Adobe Air - window.nativeWindow undefined

Hi, I have an Adobe Air Application opening a Window from menu tray. The html content have a javascript code doing alert(window.nativeWindow) on load. It works fine with an embeded html static file It do not works with a JSP called file I have correctly included AIRAliases.js. Is there restriction about nativeWindow ? My goal is to...

What kind of Flex component can I utilize in NativeWindow?

I'm developing Adobe Air application. To show additional window, I create NativeWindow object. In the object, "stage.addChild( Sprite Obj )" does work, but almost all other flex components do not work. Actually I want to add 'spark.components.BorderContainer', 'spark.components.Group', 'mx.controls.Image', etc., but cannot. One solution...