
Pseudo-dicts as properties

I have a Python class C which should have two pseudo-dicts a and b. The term pseudo-dicts means that the dictionaries don't actually exist and that they are “recomputed” each time a key is accessed. In pseudocode this would look like this: class C: def a.__getitem__(self, key): return 'a' def b.__getitem__(self, key): ...

Putting Nested Classes In Separate Files

I have a file with nested classes, but it's becoming long enough to be unreadable. Is there a way I can break out the nested classes into separate files? ... how to edit nested viewmodel classes

I have the following nested viewmodel class... public class CustomerModel { public string name; public Address mailingAddress; public Address billingAddress; } public class Address { public string line1; public string city; public string country; } I was hoping that there is some automated way to create an edit page, but ...

is there any difference between a public nested class and a regular class?

Hi lets say i Have: class A { public: class B { }; }; is there any difference between that public nested class an just a regular B class which is defined in its own cpp file, except for the face that A::B must be used in the first option? Thanks! ...

nested classes in c++

my question is how often do You really use nested classes in Your practice and in which cases? what is the real power of the nested classes, what can't be done without them? P.S. please don't explain what is it, I know it (from technical point of view) ...

classes inside a class by template

we make a class with data member and its methods.. now my question is that can we make a classes inside a class.. i think we can get it by using template.. like template <class T> class class_template_list { public: class class_link { public: T item; class_link* prev; class_link* next; class_link(const T& value) { prev...

Nested inner Activity class in android

Is declaring a class that extends Activity inside another Activity class possible? If it is, how would I register that class in the manifest? Also, is that something that can be reasonably done or is it a bad idea? I was thinking of something like class ListClass extends ListActivity{ ... ArrayList items; class ItemClass ...