
MySQL - Nested set model: searching in nodes

Hello. Let's just say I have tree in my table called "page": Foo -- Bar 1 -- Bar 2 -- Bar 3 -- Some foo -- Some value Bar -- Bar 4 I want to search by node's name. For example "bar%". Excpected output should be: Foo -- Bar 1 -- Bar 2 -- Bar 3 Bar -- Bar 4 I can't find solution to write right query in My...

Adding Children with awesome_nested_set in rails

How do I add children to a parent using the awesome_nested_set plugin? I have a model, Unit, which is a nested set. I'd like to add sub-units. Within the edit view, how I let the user add children (sub-units) to the parent (unit)? ...

Using nestedset for site navigation

Hi, I would like to use a nested set to manage the navigation of a website. Would it be better to have a single page model and just make the parent names define the sections of the site or would it be better to have a category model which can be nested and a separate page model, each of which belong to a category? Any advice appreciate...

Ruby on Rails - Awesome nested set plugin

Hi, Is there a simple way to display the entire nested set when using this plugin? What I would like to do is display an unordered list of root nodes with another unordered list inside each child that also contains children and so on? Any advice appreciated. Thanks. ...

Nested Set Model: Inserting Node at the end of SubNodes

Existing Data (name, lft, rgt): Root, 1, 4 Item1, 2, 3 Looks like: - Root --- Item1 How do you insert a new node (Item2) BELOW Item1? My system's current logic follows most examples I've found online but the result is Item2 ABOVE Item1. - Root --- Item1 --- Item2 Thank you for the help. ...

Self join without relations in Doctrine ORM

I have a class MenuItem act as NestedSet with many roots: MenuItem: actAs: NestedSet: hasManyRoots: true rootColumnName: root_id I want to retrieve a path from root to selected node. SQL-query for this is: SELECT m2.* FROM menu_item m INNER JOIN menu_item m2 ON m2.lft <= m.lft AND m2.rgt >= m.rgt WHERE m...

Query to search tree in database

I have a table in my database representing a tree. The data is stored using nested sets. I want to write a query to search the tree and return just the nodes that match a pattern, along with their ancestors and descendants. This is what I have come up with so far. SELECT DISTINCT Node, Parent, Description FROM Hierarchy INNER JOIN ...

Select ancestors and immediate children of a node in a nested set tree using MYSQL

Hoping some of you mysql experts can help me out. I have searchtag data that is stored in a nested set. TABLE searchTags searchTagID searchTag lft rgt (I am using nested sets because there are times when I need to easily select entire branches of the tree.) I would like to construct a query that will return a resultset of nodes ...

Weighted nested set

Are there any gems or plugins that offer a nested set but with a weight also. I want to be able to create a nested set and order each subset by its weight. ...

Is it considered bad design to combine the adjancey list model and the nested sets model?

I'm working on building a tree structure in MySQL and have been experimenting with different ways of representing the data. However, no matter how I slice it, there are shortcomings. The nested sets model allows me to easily select entire branches of the tree - which I need to do. However it is not so easy to select immediate childr...

How to SELECT immediate children and ancestors all in the same query

I'm working with a tree structure in MySQL that is respresented using the nested sets model. I'm hoping some of you sql experts can help me with building a SELECT query. I would like to be able to match a set of nodes using LIKE. For each node that is matched, I also need a comma-delimmited list of the ancestors of that node, and a co...

Product count of a subtree SQL nested set

See Under the heading "Aggregate Functions in a Nested Set" I'm trying to work out a query similar to the example given, except I want it to work at a sub-tree level, so if I queried for MP3 players I would get a result set like; |NAME |COUNT| -------------...

PHP Doctrine ORM NestedSet

Hello, although I read through the manual here: I couldn't find a way to move a node from a Leaf to become a Root node. Any clues? The question is trivial for inserting a new node...but what about updating a node? ...

Efficient query many-to-many relation in a nested set

I have a many-to-many relation between labels and files (using rails). The labels model is also a nested set (awesome nested set plugin) that allows the lables to be organized in a hierarchy like: Multimedia Video mpeg-4 h264 theora Audio mp3 aac vorbis To access all the files under the Video label I would have to create some ...

Can someone describe the nested set model from a C#/LINQ perspective?

I know the nested set model doesn't pertain to the C# language or LINQ directly... it's what I'm using to develop my web app. For hierarchical data (categories with sub-categories in my case), I'm currently using something similar to the Adjacency List model. At the moment, I've only got 2 levels of categories, but I'd like to take it f...

What is the best way to add and order to Doctrine Nested Set Trees?

What is the best way to add a sense of order in Doctrine Nested Sets? The documention contains several examples of how to get al the childeren of a specific node $category->getNode()->getSiblings() But how can I for example: change the position of the fourth sibling to the second position get only the second sibling add a sibling b...

MySQL nested set hierarchy with foreign table

Hi! I'm using a nested set in a MySQL table to describe a hierarchy of categories, and an additional table describing products. Category table; id name left right Products table; id categoryId name How can I retrieve the full path, containing all parent categories, of a product? I.e.: RootCategory > SubCategory 1 > SubCategory 2...

Nested routing in Ruby on Rails

My model class is: class Category < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_nested_set has_many :children, :foreign_key => "parent_id", :class_name => 'Category' belongs_to :parent, :foreign_key => "parent_id", :class_name => 'Category' def to_param slug end end Is it possible to have such recursive route like this: /root_category...

introduce a join to this query, possible?

I'm trying to introduce a join to this query: SELECT `n`.*, round((`n`.`rgt` - `n`.`lft` - 1) / 2, 0) AS childs, count(*) - 1 + (`n`.`lft` > 1) + 1 AS level, ((min(`p`.`rgt`) - `n`.`rgt` - (`n`.`lft` > 1)) / 2) > 0 AS lower, (((`n`.`lft` - max(`p`.`lft`) > 1))) AS upper FROM `exp_node_tree_6` `n`, `exp_node_tree_6` `p`, `exp_node_tr...

How to get structed result using nested set in MySQL and PHP?

There is no limitation on the depth. How to get the structed branch or even entire tree? The definition is from here: ...