
OpenCV to JNI how to make it work?

I am tring to use opencv and java for face detection, and in that pursit i found this "JNI2OPENCV" file....but i am confused on how to make it work, can anyone help me? and the following is the class JNIOpenCV { static { System.loadLibrary("JNI2OpenCV");...

how to run php file in netbeans

i have created a file with extention how should i run this file with netbeans.i have download the netbeans 6.8 with all bundle feature.i hav seen the php file can run with netbeans so i m asking.plz explain ...

How to use Netbeans platform syntax highlight with JEditorPane?

There are many tutorials online giving very complex or non-working examples on this. It seems that people recommend others to use the syntax highlighters offered by netbeans but I am totally puzzled on how to do so! I have checked many many sites on this and the best I can find is :

How to make "Open File..." window in netbeans PLATFORM?

Hello, I need to create something like internal frame in netbeans platform, which loads file from any location. I tried it by jInternalFrame, but I was not able to find some container to which I can add my frame. I am working in netbeans platform, which has own pre-created main window. Pease help me by any advice, I am dealing with this...

How to use a NetBeans Platform application from another Java application

Imagine you have a NB Platform application and you would like to use that application via some other app that you've created. In essence, how can you learn how to start an application if you don't want to use the NB Platform or IDE. You'd somehow need to figure out the stuff that NB Platform does for you when it loads up a module. ...

Highlighting modified lines in Eclipse

In netbeans, if I open a file which is under version control the lines which are modified are highlighted in the left. (green for new lines and blue for modified lines) Is it possible to get a similar effect in Eclipse? ...

NetBeans config file

Hi guys, my NetBeans has ugly fonts in interface. I'm going to make antialiasing for it. In internet I saw that there is should be -J-Dswing.aatext=true -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on in netbeans_default_options. This file should be located in /etc/netbeans.conf. But there isn't this file. I have NetBeans 6.8. Help, please. UP...

Maven and native libraries.

I mavenize my java-project and don't understand, how add in it native libraries. In my not-maven project i did it via CLASSPATH. I use NetBeans and maven in it. ...

Write gui programatically, or using an advanced gui editor (Java Swing) ?

I am planning to write a Swing-based application (using Netbeans 6.8). It seems that Netbeans has a very advanced GUI Editor... Still I have my doubts regarding the code generated by it. Additionally I don't like the fact the part of the code is locked (still I understand the need). Has anybody used Netbeans GUI Editor with success ? ...

php file creation and how to run my php program

I'd like if someone could give me some advice on creating the php file, i know to php language.but where to write it.i have followed some tutorial to run php file in netbeans but its pathethic to download xamp server,apache http server.can u give me the direct of how make configuration and all.i have window7 ultimate and will file i hav ...

Jar dependencies to use jetty httpclient

Hi all, I want to use the jetty httpclient(in netbeans) but have the least number of jar dependencies. I know I can import all jars from the jetty lib folder to my project but I would like to know what the minimum number of dependencies are and how you did find this out? Our there tools to find jar dependencies? ...

image upload-showing image on a form

I am using netbeans6.7.1 and phpmyadmin for my db to develop a java application to manage students records i want to upload students photos through browsing by clicking a browse buton which i have included in my interface I mean when i click on that button a JFilechooser pops up which filter only images(i have acomplished this) what...

How to run RMI in NetBeans?

We can run RMI in netbeans by following steps. Right click build.xml -> Run target -> Other targets -> startRMI But what i need is to start RMI registry through Java code. Is it possible? Help me. ...

How Netbeans Editors know that file is not modified after undo?

Netbeans uses standard UndoManager API for implementation of undo functionality. But neither standard javax.swing.undo.UndoManager nor org.openide.awt.UndoRedo.Manager doesn't have any method to mark states as saved and check modified status. Nonetheless if you change the file and press undo, the file is marked as unmodified. How do they...

How do you set the DisplayName of a Library programmatically?

I have a Library that I create programmatically with LibraryManager.createLibrary(String,String,Map) and there does not appear to be a straight-forward way to change the DisplayName property. What is the way to do this? ...

How to skip parentheses on Netbeans with enter?

So I have been programming in C++ with Eclipse and have the habit of hitting enter to skip parentheses (anyone who has ever used eclipse probably knows what I am talking about). I have recently started learning Java and decided to use NetBeans, mostly due to the much more simple interface. However, I would like to know if there a way t...

Create webservice client in netbeans with protected wsdl url (basic auth).

I've protected WSDL url with Basic Auth, if I put that url in a browser I'm get a pop-up with usr&pwd. How can I create WebService Client with netbeans with that protected URL?, I've tried but doesn't work ("Error: An I/O error occured. Connection timed out: connect"). Thanks! ...

Set the Size of a FrameView programmatically.

Hi guys, I am making a Desktop Application using Netbeans 6.8. What I would like to do is to programmatically set the size of my Application so that it fills the entire screen. I have looked around and it seems to be quite a nasty problem. I have been trying the code shown here, but it doesn't seem to be working. Anyone has any idea on...

I'v installed NetBeans 6.8 on my MacOS X MacBook and the logs say it cannot be run, any ideas?

I've installed NetBeans 6.8 on my MacBook, and the installation results indicated success. However, every single time I attempt to run the application is shuts down. I monitored the process and noticed the following entries in the console that imply the application cannot be found? 3/19/10 10:20:20 PM [0x0-0x22022].org.netbeans.ide.b...

Jar File doesn't work (It did not launch the application)

Previously, I have no problem in running the JAR file generated by NetBeans. However, I encountered the problem now all of a sudden. When I click on the jar, it did not launch the application as if nothing is clocked. But, it can be run from the project. And also, the size of the Jframe for desktop Java application cannot be set from t...