
NSInvocation for Dummies?

How exactly does NSInvocation work? Is there a good introduction? I’m specifically having issues understanding how the following code (from Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, 3rd Edition) works, but then also be able to apply the concepts independently of the tutorial sample. The code: - (void)insertObject:(Person *)p inEmployeesAtIndex:(...

Is there any library/framework for undo/redo changes of rows in database ?

May be my title is not clear. I am looking for some kind of version control on database tables, like subversion does on files, like wiki does. I want to trace the changes log. I want to extract and run the diff in reverse. (undo like a "svn merge -r 101:100"). I may need a indexed search on the history. I've read the "Design Pattern fo...

How to implement undo/redo of files mapped in a treeview

Can anyone give an idea of how should I implement undo/redo of files (dirs, subdirs) mapped in a treeview - C#? Would be great some code samples ...

How to enable Multi-Level undo/redo in mshtml & c#

I have a System.Windows.Forms.Webbrowser control hosted in a Winforms app and am loading up a html document that has various elements with the contentEditable attribute set to true. How do I enable multi-level undo and redo for the document? TIA. MB ...

C#: How to implement good and efficient undo/redo functionaly for a TextBox

I have a TextBox which I would like to implement undo/redo functionality for. I have read that it might have some slight undo functionality already, but that it is buggy? Anyways, I would like to implement both undo and redo functionality also just to learn how you would go ahead and do that. I have read about the Memento Pattern and l...

How to utilize sqlite for undo/redo features?

I'm writing a desktop application to do vector drawing in C++, and considering using sqlite to back my undo/redo feature. Has anybody used sqlite for undo/redo features? How does it work out for you? Clarification: I was aware of the stack approach, I have even implemented one application with that approach. The problem I encountered...

data structure used to implement UNDO and REDO option

I want to implement UNDO and REDO option(as we see in MS word etc). Can you suggest me a data structure for it, and how can i implement it.? ...

How to implement 'undo' operation in .net windows application?

Assume that, a win form has certain input fields and user enters/re-enters some data. How to retain data previously entered by 'undo' operation? Just I want to know the best way to accomplish it. ...

How to add undo / redo buttons to toolbar in Eclipse?

I feel a bit embarrassed asking this questions, but how the heck can I get regular undo/redo buttons into the toolbar of eclipse? I've often to switch between German and English keyboard layout. Y and Z on those layouts is interchanged and thus I constantly trigger the wrong action for undo / redo. I've observed myself how I figure this...

problem when implementing undo/redo

Hi I have a problem with my code after I click undo I can't draw on the image and I don't know why this is my code Imports System.Drawing.Graphics Imports System.Drawing.Bitmap Imports System.Drawing Public Class FrmChild Dim Xstart As Short Dim Ystart As Short Dim Xend As Short Dim Yend As Short Dim BoolErasin...

Memento in Javascript

Hi, I'm looking for a JavaScript implementation of the memento pattern (GoF) to be used in CRUD forms. In its basic level it will be enough to undo changes on inputs, but it would be great to use it with standard JS frameworks like YUI or Ext, to undo & redo grid actions ( new row, delete row etc.). Thanks ...

Is it possible to implement an undo/redo engine with JavascriptMVC?

Is it possible to implement an undo/redo engine with JavascriptMVC? ...

How would you implement Undo in a raster drawing program?

You're making a drawing program like Paint. You want to be able to undo/redo brush strokes. How would you implement this? Optimize for speed and memory. ...

Undo/Redo with immutable objects

I read the following in an article Immutable objects are particularly handy for implementing certain common idioms such as undo/redo and abortable transactions. Take undo for example. A common technique for implementing undo is to keep a stack of objects that somehow know how to run each command in reverse (the so-call...

Oracle How to Avoid writes to UNDO / REDO log .

Hi I have an Oracle PL / SQL script. It processes about 51 millon registers, and writes results to 5 different tables. The problem is that I left the process running last night, and apparently there was an overflow in the UNDO logs. Particularly, we are not interested in Rollbacking this script, if it fails, we can run it again. Is t...

HTML annotations (selecting, highlighting, remove format)

I am working on a cross browser web based annotation toolset, which allows the users to select any part of a web page HIGHLIGHT, if you select: john is <li>big</li> <li>dump</li> Result <span style="background-color: rgb(106, 168, 79)">john is</span> <li><span style="background-color: rgb(106, 168, 79)">big</span></li> ...

best practice for Undo Redo implementation

I need to implement Undo/Redo frame work for my window application(editor like powerpoint), what should be the best practice to follow, how would be handle all property changes of my objects and it reflection on UI. ...

How would I save a CGContext into an NSUndoManager

I want to be able to save a CGContext into my NSUndoManager using these methods - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject]; CGPoint currentPoint = [touch locationInView:self.view]; currentPoint.x = currentPoint.x; currentPoint.y = currentPoint.y; ...

Undo/redo Plugin in jquery

Hi every one. Is there any undo/redo plugin in jquery. If not how one can implement and undo/redo mechanism on a particular html emlement. thanks. ...

Abstract classes issue in C++ undo/redo implementation

I have defined an "Action" pure abstract class like this: class Action { public: virtual void execute () = 0; virtual void revert () = 0; virtual ~Action () = 0; }; And represented each command the user can execute with a class. For actual undo/redo I would like to do something like this: Undo Action a = historyStack.p...