



I'm writing a desktop application to do vector drawing in C++, and considering using sqlite to back my undo/redo feature.

Has anybody used sqlite for undo/redo features? How does it work out for you?


I was aware of the stack approach, I have even implemented one application with that approach. The problem I encountered was that it becomes hard to maintain after a while.

What I meant by utilizing sqlite is that I will map my entire in-memory data structure into a sqlite database, and let the sqlite do the diff and revision for me. Speed should not be a issue if I create a in-memory database.

That was the idea and I was wondering if that could work.

+1  A: 

Basically a undo/redo feature can be implemented using a stack: when the user does an operation, you push on the stack an object that represents the delta between the state before and after the operation, and when you undo, you "unroll" the delta. Because every operation the user does creates a new delta object on the stack, it might by that sqlite is not your choice of technology because it might be too slow. I would recommend considering the possibility of just storing the undo/redo information in memory, and linearizing it on the disk only if you want to actually save the undo/redo history.

Not necessarily the best approach for a graphics app. Knowing that the last operation was change every pixel to black isn't enough to undo the operation.
Martin Beckett
@mgb Of course not---but that's not how you do it anyway. An unoptimized implementation would have a basic operation of changing the color of a pixel. The delta object would be a triple (X, Y, old_color). When you change (X, Y) to new color you push the delta triple incl. the old color on the stack. Later when you undo you pop the delta object and write the old color back to the screen. Setting every pixel black on a 1000x1000 canvas would create 1 million delta objects. In practice of course graphics programs do it in a more optimized fashion.

Take a look at Memento Design Pattern.

Nemanja Trifunovic
+5  A: 

It makes sense to use SQLite to back undo/redo when an SQLite database is the application's data file format. See the SQLite website for an explanation of how to do this with SQLite triggers.

Doug Currie
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