
Is it possible to boot a "shut down" system over a network through an application(code) on the network?

I was just wondering if by any means an application can boot up a system that has been previously shutdown within the same network. This taught came to my mind after a friend just told me how his system always powers on by itself after he shuts it down. The boot does not happen immediately though. Is it possible and what are the option...

Virtual Network Connection

I can see that lot's of programs like openvpn and Teamviewer for their VPN Connection creat a virtual network connection on windows. I want to create one for myself for testing purposes. Is it possible to create one programmatically or so? ...

Creating an 802.11 transmitter and reading the data from a WiFi router.

There are 2 parts to this question. Feel free just to give me URLs to articles or suggest books, too, as the answer is probably a bit in depth for a quick forum response. 1) I need to sense the wattage flowing through a pair of wires and transmit data about it via 802.11. I guess a micro controller is involved, but I'm not sure where to...

How to speedup UDP communications in Windows XP applications

I am doing some maintenance on software and have a problem that I do not understand. Application was developed using Microsoft Visual C++ 6 and runs on Windows XP. It consists of 21 applications that communicate to each other via UDP sockets. It is a simulation of an embedded avionics system used to debug the system in a PC environment....

Set timeout for winsock recvfrom

I'm trying to set up a blocking socket to timeout after 16 ms of trying to recvfrom() on a port. Platform is Windows. I've looked at tons of examples online and it seems really simple I just can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated! #include <winsock2.h> #include <string> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") #defin...

Simple way to simulate a slow network in python.

Scenario. I have a client with two network connections to a server. One connection uses a mobile phone, and the other is using a wlan connection. The way that I have solved this is by having the server listen at two ports. But, the mobile connection should be slower than the wlan connection. The data that is sent, is usually just a lin...

Where can find examples and tutorials for Perl's Net::Pcap module?

Could someone provide a good documentation / tutorial/ PDFs/ reference to book link about Net::Pcap in addtion to the module documentation and this Perl and Net::Pcap article on PerlMonks? ...

Possible to sit on the network and receive a TCP stream/UDP datagrams?

Has anyone out there done the work of sitting on top of a packet capture interface (like jpcap) with an implementation of UDPSocket (for UDP datagrams) and InputStream (for TCP streams)? I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to do given the callback API in jpcap, but has anyone out there already done it? Are there any issues with doing this...

Sending movie stream from client to server. The python server should play the stream on the fly.

I would like to simulate some kind of camera on a UAV. The camera should provide a live stream, and send the stream over a network connection to a server. The server should be able to play the stream on the fly for me to see. I was thinking the client(uav) just read a moviefile and sent it to the server. But how can the server show the ...

How can I send raw IP packets with Perl under Windows?

Is there any Perl module which has the capability to send raw packets on Windows? I know there is Net::RawIP, but it seems that it does not work on Windows. ...

any idea how do we copy a browser uploaded file to its network machine of client

Hello experts, I am not sure whether its possible with just a browser. User will have its own local network where he should be able to upload the files through the browser via some site( in his local network's server and not on the hosted application server. Any suggestions like a plugin or activex but needs to be browse...

On the Design of zero-copy Memory allocators used in high volume fast-path code.

Disclaimer: please do not bother reading this long post unless you are an embedded programmer, or a kernel developer, or a high performance system software programmer. It is about memory allocators and might not be of any interest to you. I am building a library for high-volume high-performance same machine IPC, using OS specific pipes...

Interrupt boost::asio synchronous read?

I'm using asio synchronous sockets to read data over TCP from a background thread. This is encapsulated in a "server" class. However, I want the thread to exit when the destructor of this class is called. The problem is that a call to any of the read functions does block, so the thread cannot be easily terminated. In Win32 there is an A...

How can I capture and edit network packets on the fly with Perl?

Does someone know about a CPAN module on Win32 that captures network packets and edit them on the fly? As far as I know, the only Perl module on Win32 that deals with packets on the fly is Net::Pcap but it only support passive monitoring and not affet the TCP/IP stack. Is there a such module could someone provide example /reference /doc...

Send a raw ethernet packet from inside a kernel module

I found out that I need to build a new sk_buff struct in the kernel module and pass it to my network device, but what I can't figure out is how to set the struct variables for a simple raw ethernet packet. This has to be easy, but i would really appreciate it, if someone could give me a sample code of how to put the sk_buff together. ...

Design an ipstack in C++

I want to implement an IP stack in C++ as a training project for me to the Linux and networking world. I have some knowledge of how the Linux IP stack works, but, as I said I want to implement something in C++ which has a good design rather then focusing on performance. Does anyone know where I can find written design for IP stacks writ...

Preferred Placement of a Network Collector in a Switched Environment

I'm not a network specialist so my apologies if i've used some of the domain terminology incorrectly, etc. For web metrics/analytics, we currently use both client-side (js page tags) and server-side (log files) data. Neither gives us "delivery" information (e.g., connection speeds), hence the interest in Network Collectors. We are in a s...

Passing structures using sento()

How do I pass following message format from a UDP client to a UDP server? ----------------------------- |Ver|p|fff| length| checksum| ---------------------------- | Customer id | ----------------------------- | Amount | ----------------------------- |other | -------------------------...

Why would a browser make two separate requests for the same file?

I'm debugging a program I wrote and noticed something strange. I set up an HTTP server on port 12345 that servers a simple OGG video file, and attempted to access it from Firefox. Upon sniffing the network requests, I found these two requests were made: GET /video.ogv HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U...

How to tunnel TCP over reliable UDP?

Assume I have a reliable UDP library, and want to tunnel arbitrary TCP connections over it. This is my current approach to doing so, but I feel that it may not be very efficient. Any suggestions are very welcome. Client establishes a reliable UDP connection to server. Client runs a local SOCKS5 proxy, which receives data from any app t...