
How to reduce latency of data sent through a REST api

I have an application which obtains data in JSON format from one of our other servers. The problem I am facing is, there is is significant delay when when requesting for this information. Since a lot of data is passed (approx 1000 records per request where each record is pretty huge) is there a way that compression would help reducing th...

Access dev machine localhost via usb

My activity needs to communicate with a java server located on my dev machine. Actually, using the emulator, I can access the server socket via the special address. Now I'd like to test my app on my phone connected via usb, but it seems like I can't use to access my dev machine localhost anymore. Naturally using a wifi ...

Hardware/Software inventory open source projects

Dear Stackoverflowers I would like to develop a Network Inventory application that works on any operating system. Reports on every possible resource attacehd to a network. Reports all pertinent details of hardware and software. Thats (and i hate to use the phrase) my "End Game". However I am running before i can crawl here. I have no e...

Python: How to transfer varrying length arrays over a network connection

Hi, I need to transfer an array of varying length in which each element is a tuple of two integers. As an example: path = [(1,1),(1,2)] path = [(1,1),(1,2),(2,2)] I am trying to use pack and unpack, however, since the array is of varying length I don't know how to create a format such that both know the format. I was trying to turn...

Verify p2p node

Hey guys, I have been working on a p2p namespace for some of my programs. I created a system to encrypt/decrypt the packets send/received with the class. I was using the basic public private key system: 1) encrypt the data with Symmetric encryption 2) encrypt the symmetric key with RSA. Then do the opposite when you decrypted.. I was...

C++ networking simple send and receive

I'm trying to link 10 computers together, the program I would like to write would have one 'control' computer. From what I've looked up this computer would take all the packets sent over the network and do a echo with them... right? The other computers would need to be able to send information (then echoed to the others) to the 'control'...

Implement Caching in a network

I am developing an application which could be used in small networks where the external internet connectivity is slow. My application will run on every host in that network and when I request a URL, it would search its own cache and caches of adjacent systems and if not found then search the external web. How should I go about implement...

Poll multiple desktops/servers on a network remotely to determine the IP Type: Static or DHCP

Had a gentleman answer 90% of my original question, which is to say I now have the ability to poll a device that I am running the below script on. The end goal is to obtain IP type: Static or DHCP on all desktop/servers on a network I support. I have the list of servers that I will input in a batch file, just looking for the code to ac...

My C#.NET application is running slower when the exe is located on the network

Hi, My C#.NET application is running much slower when the exe is located on the network. And I'm talking about everything, even the graphical dispay is slower. For example: when a form is already loaded, if I unplug my network cable and minimize and maximize the window, it takes a very long time to redraw itself (whether the cable is p...

JBoss 5.1 binds to host address while run in vserver with -b <guest address>

Hello, while starting JBoss 5.1.0.GA in virtual server machine on Debian (linux-VServer technology) I get the following error: ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController] (main) Error installing to Start: name=jboss.remoting:protocol=rmi,service=JMXConnectorServer state=Create mode=Manual requiredState=Install...

how to customize the filter when following a stream in wireshark?

when selecting a packet and choosing to follow the stream, wireshark automatically sets a filter that looks something like this: (ip.addr eq and ip.addr eq and (udp.port eq 999 and udp.port eq 899). i'd like to be able to set that myself when following the stream, but have not been able to identify where to do that...

Does any one know about opensource network monitor tool for black berry?

Does any one know about opensource network monitor tool for black berry? Abdul Khaliq ...

Get a remote Windows Computer to perform a Login C#

Hi there, I'am managing a Lab with around 15 Computers. I wrote a little program to start all of the from one computer and to shut all of them down from a remote computer... So far so good. But it would be really nice to get all computers to do a login (credentials given from the app). There are on all 15 Computers the same user accounts...

Accessing Password Protected Network Drives in Windows in C#?

Hi Everyone, So in C# I am trying to access a file on a network, for example at "//applications/myapp/test.txt", as follows: const string fileLocation = @"//applications/myapp/test.txt"; using (StreamReader fin = new StreamReader(FileLocation)) { while(!fin.EndOfStream()){ //Do some cool stuff with file } } Howeve...

How to launch a Windows service network process to listen to a port on a localhost socket that is visible to a normal user under UAC?

Here's the code (in a standard TService in Delphi): const ProcessExe = 'MyNetApp.exe'; function RunService: Boolean; var StartInfo : TStartupInfo; ProcInfo : TProcessInformation; CreateOK : Boolean; begin CreateOK := false; FillChar(StartInfo,SizeOf(TStartupInfo),#0); FillChar(ProcInfo,SizeOf(TProcessInformation),#0); ...

How do I disable the network connection from .Net without needing admin priveledges?

I may be SOL on this but I thought I would give throw it out for possible solutions. I am writing a computer access control service to help me control my kids' computer use. Plan on open sourcing it when I have it working. It is written in VB.Net and needs to work on XP through 7. I am running into all sorts of security and desktop acc...

Accessing wireless network through terminal in ubuntu

I'm connected to a wireless network and it's working fine on browser but not on terminal. I'm getting a timeout error when i'm trying to download any plugin for ruby ...

Ideas on simulating webservices for local automated testing.

I am testing an app, which talks to different webservices over the internet. For my automated testing, I don't want to go over the network. To achieve this, I need to simulate the webservice on my machine using another app. My initial thought is to record all the requests and responses between client and webservice, and then just write ...

how to get network connection list in my computer with .NET?

how to get network connection list in my computer with c# vpn list or other in windows 7 this path Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections i need for write a function to connect to internet in c# ...

How to check if a network path exist?

What is the best way to know if a network path(e.g. // exist using python in linux? ...