
Python: get default gateway for a local interface/ip address in linux

On Linux, how can I find the default gateway for a local ip address/interface using python? I saw the question "How to get internal IP, external IP and default gateway for UPnP", but the accepted solution only shows how to get the local IP address for a network interface on windows. Thanks. ...

How can I get network speed in Windows Mobile?

when i access webservice,How can I get windows Mobile Application's network speed? ...

Client Server communication in Java - which approach to use?

I have a typical client server communication - Client sends data to the server, server processes that, and returns data to the client. The problem is that the process operation can take quite some time - order of magnitude - minutes. There are a few approaches that could be used to solve this. Establish a connection, and keep it alive,...

Sending information down a socket in C#

I have built two programs in C# and I am sending simple strings through the sockets. This is fine for the moment but in the near future I will need to send more complicated items, such as objects down the sockets and eventually files. What steps would I take to do this? What purpose do the buffers serve for the sockets/streams? Apolo...

Looking for a virtual network adapter (virtual interface controller)

I need a software that simulates a network adapter. I need the virtual adapters will be able to communicate with each other. For example, if I i have 2 virtual adapter (on the same computer): interface1- and interface2- I want the packets that will be send through interface1 will be received in interface2. I have as an o...

my realtime network receiving time differs a lot, anyone can help?

I wrote a program using tcpip sockets to send commands to a device and receive the data from the device. The data size would be around 200kB to 600KB. The computer is directly connected to the device using a 100MB network. I found that the sending packets always arrive at the computer at 100MB/s speed (I have debugging information on the...

C# Network Printing

I am able to get the list of network printers via this code: private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (String printer in PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters) { listBox1.Items.Add(printer.ToString()); } } For each network printer, I want to extract out more information like: (a) get document information, li...

transmit a java.lang.reflect.Proxy over a network

Is there a convenient way to transmit an object including its code (the class) over a network (not just the instance data)? Don't ask me why I want to do this. It's in an assignment. I asked several times if that is really what they meant and the didn't rephrase their answer so I guess they really want us to transmit code (not just the ...

feedback for programming newbies looking to build a social networking site?

my partner and i are launching a social learning platform - the requirements have been mapped out and are quite basic/intuitive. we are familiar with html/css, and have some very basic understanding of php, but we would love some feedback on whether we should tackle this ourselves or not. we've built websites, but in the past relied mo...

Proxy is preventing my program from connecting to the internet.

So I wrote this program to send a group of my friends a text message. It works fine at home when I try to use it at work it doesn't work. I get an error message "Failure Sending Mail". We are using a intercepting proxy at work. I though/hoped that everything would just work, clearly not. So what do I need to do, I've never programme...

Detect network connection type on Android

How do you detect the network connection type on Android? Is it through ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo().getType(), and the answer is limited to Wifi and mobile? ...

Efficient way to store a graph for calculation in Hadoop

I am currently trying to perform calculations like clustering coefficient on huge graphs with the help of Hadoop. Therefore I need an efficient way to store the graph in a way that I can easily access nodes, their neighbors and the neighbors' neighbors. The graph is quite sparse and stored in a huge tab separated file where the first fie...

Gethostname and IPv6

Microsoft recommends not to use 'gethostname' on IPv6 and instead use 'getaddrinfo' or 'getnameinfo'. But 'gethostname' doesn't seem to have any problem working on IPv6. Does anyone know any reason why 'gethostname' is not recommended on IPv6? ...

Need a free Application for network monitoring, traffic per port, and a weekly report

Hi all, I would like to know if there's an open source application that can: -Being open-source (obviously free, no cost at all) -Check which ports are being used and check the bandwith used by each of them. -Based on requirements above create a weekly report. With details of each prt per day and time specifications. I have read abou...

Bind WCF webservice to specific network interface / IP

On a machine with multiple network cards I need to bind a WCF webservice to a specific network interface. It seems that the default is to bind on all network interfaces. The machine has two network adapters with the IPs and I have an Apache running that binds on and need to run the webservice o...

Calculate the Power Or Number Of Routing Signal

If i change place of Laptop from p1 to p2 , i need function in C++ or Java to calculate the amount or number or power of signals came from router. This function will help me to find the different in (amount Or number Or power) between two position , THANKS. ( Note : i am so sorry about first questions , because i have bad english , and...

Passing message over network

Hi, I'm currently trying to develop a message-oriented networking framework and I'm a bit stuck on the internal mechanism. Here are the problematic interfaces : public interface IMessage { } public class Connection { public void Subscribe<TMessage>(Action<TMessage> messageCallback); public void Send<TMessage>(TMessage messag...

.NET SSH Port Forwarding

I am trying to build in SSH port forwarding into a .net application that I am writing. I have tried using sharpSSH, but it requires the user to input their password every time, and I don't want that. I am going to handle storing the password. I have downloaded Granados, but there is basically zero documentation for it. While I sift th...

write file in network shared folder with UnauthorizedAccessException?

hi the win mobile 6 code tries to write files on network shared folder, but always gets UnauthorizedAccessException. I have checked permission and security setting on the folder and the code can read the file but just cant write to it. The code runs under administrator account which has full control over the folder and files. It is in vs...

ASP.NET Anonymous user cannot print to a network printer

Hi, I have an ASP.NET application where user is Anonymous when he connects to website. Also I have a printing server inside network. I want to let this user to print to the network printer. In order to print I have to use File.Copy command. When I do this I get "Access denied". So I tried to impersonate the user with credentials of use...