
Determine next hop mac-address in c#

I'm writing an application that injects packets using SharpPcap ( However, since I'm constructing the packets on my own and only know the destination's IP address, I have to determine the physical address of the next hop. I can always send a ping to the remote ip address, sniff it, and get th...

Name of applications running on port in Perl or Java

Xampp comes with a neat executable called xampp-portcheck.exe. This responds with if the ports required are free, and if not, which applications are running on those ports. I can check if something is running on a port, by accessing the netstat details, but how do I find out the application running on the port within Windows? ...

Overhead with PPP and Ethernet

What is the overhead for PPP and Ethernet sending 5000 bytes? Frame size for Point-to-Point Protocol: 8 bytes MTU: 500 bytes Frame size for Ethernet: 18 bytes MTU: 1500 bytes Both sending 5000 bytes.. I know this is just a calculation, but I am not sure how to do it. I can't find it anywhere. I would think that since a PPP frame take...

how to access facebook or twitter using blackberry API?

Hi, I am newbie for such kind of social networking Application integration using blackberry API. i want to develope such kind of application which can use the facebook or twitter social networking site integration using available blackberry api. how to access the faceBook using blackberry API? Is there any webservice available of face...

Implementation work in networking to be done as thesis

I am planning to do an implementation project as my one year MTech thesis, can you help me find some places to find any good work to be implemented ? I already looked into Tor, nmap and some other opensource projects involved in GSOC. Can you please direct me to other opensource work going on in networking where I may find some work to b...

iptables c++ control

I need to control inbound and outbound traffic to/from a linux box from within a C++ program. I could call iptables from within my program, but I'd much rather cut out the middle man and access the kernel API functions myself. I believe I need to use libnfnetlink, however, I have not been able to find any API documentation or example p...

Are there any mechanisms available to use LDMA or RDMA on Windows CLR based platform?

I want to be able to make use of LDMA or RDMA on a Windows CLR-based application (.NET). I have low-latency applications being developed with C++ and those applications will receive their data using LDMA or RDMA. I'd like our CLR applications to use the same API with the understanding that there is probably going to be a performance hi...

Transferring Files Over a Network

Among FTP, HTTP, SSH, etc. and given a consistent, broadband internet connection what is the fastest way to transfer files over a network? ...

Determining when to try an IPv6 connection and when to use IPv4.

I'm working on a network client program that connects to public servers, specified by the user. If the user gives me a hostname to connect to that has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (commonly, a DNS name with both A and AAAA records), I'm not sure how I should decide which address I should connect to. The problem is that it's quite commo...

How to set sockets to blocking mode in Windows?

I'm doing some fairly simple cross-platform TCP socket programming. I have unfortunately found out that when compiled on Windows, my sockets are non-blocking by default, while on OS X they are blocking by default. How do I force a socket into blocking mode on Windows? Do they normally default to non-blocking mode or is something terribly...

Limit wifi access using .net application

Currently following is the setup of my wifi connection. Laptop 1 ------> Wifi Router <------ Laptop 2 There are about 5 laptops which connect to the wifi router to access internet. Network is password protected so anyone with a valid network key can connect and access internet. I am planning to develop a local website which will...

Sharing NSOperationQueue across View Controllers?

I'm using an NSOperationQueue to manage HTTP connections (using ASI-HTTPRequest). Since I have multiple views and the need to have these different views requesting HTTP connections, should I try to create a global NSOperationQueue in the app delegate, or should I have one in each of the views? I'm not familiar with NSOperationQueue. I'd...

Java OSGi Centralised Network Configuration

I'm looking to create an app based on the OSGi model. One of the elements of this will be network access (http and obr initially) I am looking for a way of centralising the network config (proxying, encryption, etc) perhaps to a single bundle that the rest of the app can call into. Has anybody done this/got ideas? Thanks ...

Blackbery getting notified when the internet connection is available.

Hi there, is there any way to know whether the net is connected or not in a blackbery device .I have the following code but it was waiting till the network timed out. int rc = connection.getResponseCode(); if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) { throw new IOException("HTTP response code: " + rc); } Is there any other way. ...

Blackberry JDE HTTPConnection problems.

So, I'm using the HTTPConnection Class, like so: HttpConnection c = (HttpConnection)""); Following what LOOKS like the right way to do things in the Blackberry JDE API. However, my code crashes if I try to do just about anything with the variable 'c'. .getType() .getInputStream(...

Sending WCF messages being delayed under load

When sending messages from a self hosted WCF service to many clients (about 10 or so), sometimes messages are being delayed significantly longer than I'd expect (several seconds to send to a client on local network). Does anyone have an idea why this would be and how to fix it? Some background: the application is a stock ticker style ...

Disabling NICs or blocking all tcp connections

I was wondering if it's possible to use .NET to disable a certain network interface or, in alternative, to drop all the existing TCP connections (from the whole system) and then inhibit further creation. I'm asking this because I want to write a small C# utility that monitors the system and blocks networking (or at least TCP connections...

No response from sever on external IP in client-server IM app.

Hey guys, I'm following a tutorial @ to try and gather the basics of networking. For those not wanting to hit the jump, it's a quick tut demonstrating how to program a simple client-server-model chat application. When I try and run the code in the...

What are the internal limits to WCF

WCF has lots of limits imposed on it to protect against DoS attacks and other developer brainlessness. What are these limits? And how can they be overriden? Specifically, if I was to try to send a large number of messages in a short period of time to a variety of different clients, what are the internal WCF limits they may cause message...

Any idea for running Qt signals/slots over network?

We're going to running remote GUI on a few PCs, all communicating with a central server where the main application is running. Instead of hacking our own manual network protocol and marshalling layer for button presses and various events, my hope is that this could be solved more cleverly somehow. Indeed, it'd be nifty if you could auto...