
Problem Bridging Wired Interface to Wireless Interface.

Hi All, I'm doing the reverse of what it seems most people do when bridging an ethernet and wireless interface. I have one box without a wireless card, and I want to provide access to the internet through the box next to it which has both a wireless card and an ethernet card. The wireless card accesses the internet through a wireless rou...

Is it possible to find user's location by IP address?

For example I want to go to every coffee shop in my town that has WiFi and know what IP they are providing, so that later I could check anybody`s IP and know where is he. Is it possible to do so? What can be wrong with this approach, how can one trick me and show some other IP? P.S. Just think it would be cool to have where are you serv...

How would one connect two clients behind firewalls?

When using an instant messaging application like Live Messenger or the desktop client for Google Talk, computers can transfer files between one another. I can't say for sure, but I'm fairly certain that the data being transferred between computers does not go through Microsoft's or Google's IM servers, rather the two computers with the I...

Why won't TcpClient.Write throw an exception when writing to a closed connection (the first time)?

I have a simple program that uses TcpClient and SslStream to write data to a socket. To test it I ran the program over night so my program would open the connection, write nothing for a long time, so the firewall or remote server would close the connection. This morning I took a look at TCPView and verified the connection was closed ...

How to create read-only network share programmatically?

How does one create an administrative network share [1] with read-only permissions from C/C++ or Python under Windows XP? [1] Necessary in order to access C:\Program Files over the share. ...

What does AddressFamily.FireFox refer to in .NET sockets?

In System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily there are a number of obvious entries like InterNetwork, AppleTalk and Ipx. There's also one for "FireFox". I assume this has nothing to do with the "Firefox" browser since a. it's cased differently and b. why would the Firefox browser have its own network address type. So what the heck is this for...

What is the best method for creating a network packet struct/class in C#?

I'm wondering if there are any good guides or books that explain the best way to handle network packet communication in C#? Right now I'm using a structure and a method that generates a byte array based on values of the structure. Is there a simpler way to do this? Or even a better way? public struct hotline_transaction { priv...

How to check an NFS export's availablity using Ruby?

How can I check if an NFS share on network is online/available/alive using Ruby code (on Linux)? I have a code like this at the moment: while !Ping.pingecho('') end `mount -a` exec 'SOMETHING THAT IS PLACED ON NFS SHARE' And it doesn't work quite OK, because the remote machine exporting the share don't always have the NF...

Native equivalent of NetworkChange class; how to spot IP address changes in Windows

Is there a native Windows API which does the same as the .NET System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange class? Basically I'm looking for something to report changes to connectivity and IP address changes. ...

Simulate multiple IP addresses for testing

I need to simulate multiple embedded server devices that are typically used for motor control. In real life, there can be multiple servers on the network and our desktop software acts as a client to all the motor servers simultaneously. We have a half-dozen of these motor control servers on hand for basic testing, but it's getting expe...

Issue using SocketConnection with a Blackberry using MDS

I am currently writing an app on the Blackberry to do a simple send and receive of some raw data to another TCP based device on my network. I am having the same problem in the Blackberry simulator w/ an MDS simulator running and using a physical phone talking to my company's MDS server. Note this problem does not happen when using wifi d...

Specify which DNS servers to use to resolve hostnames in .NET

Hi, I'd like to know if there's any way to force the System.Net.Dns class to resolve hostnames using a set of custom DNS servers instead of using the ones that are associated with the main network connection. I suspect that this is only possible using a custom library like DnDns (, but I was hoping this could ...

How to Avoid DOS Attack using Berkeley Sockets in C++

I'm working my way through UNIX Network Programming Volume 1 by Richard Stevens and attempting to write a TCP Echo Client that uses the Telnet protocol. I'm still in the early stages and attempting to write the read and write functions. I'd like to write it to use I/O Multiplexing and the Select function, because it needs to be multi...

Easiest for two way communication over the internet using C#

Hello, What do I use for two way communication over the internet without the necessity to open ports on the client side? Users won't agree to open ports and do port forwarding on the client side although everything is possible on the server side. But,I need to accomplish two way communication.. How do I go about achieving this? It do...

PHP fsockopen Is Slow

I'm playing around with the IMAP protocol in PHP using fsockopen to send and receive commands. My preliminary experiments work but are insanely slow. It takes about 2 minutes for the simple function below to run. I've tried several different IMAP servers and have gotten the same result. Can anyone tell me why this code is so slow? <?php...

PHP Stream Notification Callback Not Invoked

I've been playing around with PHP Streams and have been experimenting by beginning to write the class shown here. The PHP docs are bit lean in this area to say the least. I'm having a difficult time with getting my stream context to invoke the callback method specified. If I use a function like file_get_contents or fopen to connect to a...

Adaptive bandwidth allocation?

Hi friends, In our File Transfer application the network performance was fair but we want to get the maximum network performance so one way of achieving through adaptive bandwidth allocation .So the application will be forced to attain the available bandwidth.friends!!! if u have any white papers or code for reference it wou...

Parse numeric ifconfig flags

The ifconfig command outputs its flags in both textual and numeric format. While I can find a reference here or there to the numeric flags, I cannot find any indication on how to interpret (mask) the number. qfe2: flags=1100843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,ROUTER,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4 usesrc vni0 inet netmask ffffff00 b...

monitor local network traffic issue

Hello everyone, I am using Networking Tab of Windows Task manager to monitor local network traffic to test how much bandwidth my application will use. My scenario is, I will use a local console client application to send data (using Http POST method) to local IIS 7.0 server. My issue is no traffic could be monitored using Networking Ta...

Best Practice: generating and parsing network packets for a known protocol in C#?

I tried asking a similar question recently however after several answers I realized it wasn't the correct thing to ask. Is there a guide or a generally accepted practice for generating and parsing network packets based on an existing protocol like SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol [Used for SMS Messages]) or various chat protoco...