
Sending a huge amount of real time processed data via UDP to iPhone from a server

I'm implementing a remote application. The server will process & render data in real time as animation. (a series of images, to be precise) Each time, an image is rendered, it will be transferred to the receiving iPhone client via UDP. I have studied some UDP and I am aware of the following: UDP has max size of about 65k. However, it...

How to retrieve vista's network status (e.g. "Local Only", "Local and Internet") in powershell

I have a flaky NIC that drops out from time to time, especially after resuming from hibernation. A drop-out corresponds to Vista's network status showing in the notification area as "Local Only". Is there a way of retrieving these status values (e.g. "Limited Connectivity", "Local Only", "Local and Internet") programmatically? I am writ...

How to get interface index from interface ip addres

Can anyone tell me how to get interface index from interface ip address? e.g. If interface ip address is then what is it's interface index. I want to add on that i need to use it in one code written in c so if any function with some option can give me the interface index number on the base of the interface ip address. ...

How do I use request-response using HTTP libraries in C#.NET/Mono

Right now I have been trying to use Launchpad's API to write a small wrapper over it using C#.NET or Mono. As per OAuth, I first need to get the requests signed and Launchpad has it's own way of doing so. What I need to do is to create a connection to with some necessary HTTP Headers like Conte...

Autotesting a network interface

Hi All, I'm developing a software component responsible for testing if a network interface has conectivity with the internet. Think of it as the same test the XBOX360 does to inform the user if it's connected with the Live network (just as an example). So far I figured the autotest would run as this: 1) Test the physical network interf...

Is Stream.Write thread-safe?

I'm working on a client/server library for a legacy RPC implementation and was running into issues where the client would sometimes hang when waiting to a receive a response message to an RPC request message. It turns out the real problem was in my message framing code (I wasn't handling message boundaries correctly when reading data off...

Reproduce a network filesystem error without a network

I have some software that is usually relies on data that is stored on a local hard drive. However one of my clients is encountering an error that I am unable to reproduce, and I think this may have something to do with the fact that their data is on a SAN. The program crashes randomly, and only when manipulating files. It would be usefu...

Reliably splitting lines out of a string

I'm writing myself a small server daemon in C, and the basic parts like processing connects, disconnects and receives are already in, but a problem in receiving still persists. I use "recv" to read 256 bytes at once into a char array, and because it can contain multiple lines of data as one big chunk, I need to be able to split each lin...

Testing a broken IP.

I'm trying to test an application and I need to make an valid IP not respond from a one of my test servers but not the others. I could do this for an fqdn using /etc/hosts but I'd like to do it for an IP. Any suggestions? Edit: To clarify I actually I want both servers to respond but I need one of the devices the servers manage to o...

how to send classes defined in .proto (protocol-buffers) over a socket

Hi, I am trying to send a proto over a socket, but i am getting segmentation error. Could someone please help and tell me what is wrong with this example? file.proto message data{ required string x1 = 1; required uint32 x2 = 2; required float x3 = 3; } xxx.cpp ... data data_snd, data_rec; //sending data ...

How to programmatically establish ad hoc wifi connection using C++ on Windows CE 5

We're sending video via wifi between 2 Windows CE devices. Works well enough but we have complaints that ad-hoc network configuration is too difficult or obsure for the users. Unfortunately I'm struggling to find any documentation on how to setup a network connection programmatically using C++ in Windows CE. I've seen some C# referenc...

Windows Mobile: "My network card connects to" registry settings

Can anybody please tell me the registry setting(s) that are affected in Windows Mobile 6.1 when a user selects Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Wi-Fi and then changes the value of the "My network card connects to" drop down list on the "Network Adapters" tab? I have a device that seems to default this to "The Internet" when in fact t...

WAN Optimization Resources

I'm looking for resources on writing software to do WAN optimization. I've googled this and searched SO, but there doesn't seem to be much around. The only things I've found are high-level articles in tech magazines, and info for network admins on how to make use of existing WAN optimization products. I'm looking for something on the te...

how to learn winsock or raw sockets? (c++)

i have been googleing trying to find a Winsock book or something about networking but all i can find is out of date books or nothing at all :( so does anyone know a book i can buy to learn about networking in VC++ 2008? i really would like a book i could hold because i learn better when it's in my hand. ...

Checking whether the PC is connected on LAN or not...

HI all.... i want to ask 2 questions and i would be thankful if somebody can reply.... 1) how can i check (using C#) whether the PC is connected to LAN or not? 2) HOw can i check (using C#) my pc is connected on LAN or not ...

How the clients (client sockets) are identified?

To my understanding by serverSocket = new ServerSocket(portNumber) we create an object which potentially can "listen" to the indicated port. By clientSocket = serverSocket.accept() we force the server socket to "listen" to its port and to "accept" a connection from any client which tries to connect to the server through the port associat...

What is DMZ in networking?

I have to configure a Java application which is hosted in side a corporate network. So what is DMZ and how to get through to expose the services? ...

Can Bonjour browse a service with a particular name?

Bonjour provides "DNSSD.browse(serviceType,callBackObject)" method which browses for services of a particular type. If a service of the given type is found, Bonjour calls "callBackObject.serviceFound". If the service is lost, Bonjour calls "callBackObject.serviceLost". I alway considered "DNSSD.browse" as a method for monitoring a parti...

Android, NetworkInfo.getTypeName(), NullpointerException

I have an activity which shows some List entries. When I click on a list item my app checks which connection type is available ("WIF" or "MOBILE"), through NetworkInfo.getTypeName(). As soon as I call this method I get a NullpointerException. Why? I tested this on the emulator, cause my phone is currently not available (it's broken...)...

What is encoding & decoding in communication?

Hello Everyone, Can someone please redirect me to some good references about the encoding and decoding in communication and different encoding techniques(unicode, base64, utf7) etc. Thanks in advance, Rupesh ...