
Ad-Hoc mode and Cell (how does it work)?

hello, I am setting up a wireless Ad-Hoc network manually in linux using iwconfig and ifconfig. I have gotten everything working, and I think I understand it all except access point. The part that confused me is this: If I have essid='some_id', channel=11, Mode=Ad-Hoc and appropriate routing/ip on both laptops, why do I need to make s...

httpURLConnection vs apache commons http

Hi everyone! I just wanted to know if any of you had any problems using java default HttpURLConnection class. Some kind of bug that made you switch to apache commons. Or is it just the (ugly) interface that class exposes that justifies the birth of 3rd party http lib? Disclosure: I heard some arguments against having some ser...

Too many NSURLConnections? Set of NSURLConnections not completing

Hello. I have a class that's very similar to MultipleDownload.m by leonho. Basically, in a pretty tight loop, I spawn a bunch of NSURLConnections and keep track of received data using a method similar to that used in MultipleDownload.m. There are changes in my code that was necessitated by needing to save files to the camera roll in the ... Software caused connection abort: socket write error

Hi guys, I am trying to send an image from a Java desktop application to a J2ME application. The problem is that I am getting this exception: Software caused connection abort: socket write error I have looked around on the net, and although this problem is not that rare, I was unable to find a concrete solu...

C automatically assign port

Hi, I just wanted to know how to use C to automatically assign a free port (and see what was used) if a specific port number is not provided. For example, i'm using this: struct sockaddr_in address; address->sin_family = AF_INET; address->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; address->sin_port = htons( port ); But how can I replace the sin_p...

C CLI game concept

So I just wanted to get some opinions on the overall structure of a game I have to build for a programming class. Essentially - I'm building two programs - a client and a server for a battleships game. I've already written the actual program which plays the battleships game. The program I've written is where a map and rules file is read...

Network Security and Encryption explained in laymen terms

Although I might pretend very well that I know a thing about networks or security and it might help me pass an interview or fix a bug, I don't really feel I'm fooling anyone. I'm looking for laymen explanation of current network security concepts and solutions. The information is scattered around and I didn't find a resource for "dummies...

Automatically detect a new computer connected to the network

Hi All, Is there an elegant way to make a program detect a new computer that is connected to the network? I would like my program to "auto-sense" a new computer being connected on the network (they're on the same network). Like a USB device being connected to the computer. What I'm doing now is to save a list of all computers in the n...

Unable to launch the development server because port '80' is in use

I need to use port 80 for my development server. Before i restart pc, it's still working fine. After that, it pop up the port 80 is in use. The development server able to run if i changed to other port. I've checked using netstat -ano, no program is using it (my iis is using other port and my skype is not using port 80 as well). I also ...

Slow 'unknown host' response to networked macs from router? (Suddenly!)

Some IOError response tests in my unit test suite suddenly started failing. Have passed several times daily for months, only started failing today - they had a time out of 2 seconds. Chasing this up I found that it was taking over 30 seconds for the IOError to be produced. We're accessing the web (BT broadband DSL) via a wireless router...

Cannot handle redirect from HTTP/HTTPS protocols to other dissimilar ones

Basically, I'm trying to grab an EXE from CNet's So i created web parser and so far all is going well. Here is a sample link pulled directly from their site:

Accessing mapped network drive from ColdFusion

I am having a problem accessing a mapped drive in ColdFusion. I have \\server\files\sharing mapped to z:\. If I run this code, it says the directory exists for the full path but not for the mapped one: <cfscript> fullPath = "\\server\files\sharing\reports"; mappedPath = "z:\reports"; WriteOutput("fullPath exists: #DirectoryExist...

Erlang: How can I remove a node from other nodes' nodes()?

I want to simulate the behavior of 'erl -sname example -hidden' but dynamically. How can I drop a node out of visibility in a cluster? See the comments by @mwt at @Yasir Arsanukaev for additional clarification of what I'm trying to do. ...

TIPC networking protocol in Linux

Hello How should I program to use TIPC networking protocol, that comes with linux kernel (CONFIG_TIPC xconfig parameter) ? Is there any applications, which uses TIPC? ...

About Network Address Translation (NAT)?

Just curious about a particular scenario of NAT. Let's suppose we have 4 computers sharing a global IP address under the NAT. I understand that the NAT box keeps an internal record to know which computer to forward requests to. But let's say on computer #2 I'm trying to download a file. And let's say on computer #1, #3, and #4, I'm just ...

video streaming

Hi! all I am designing an application for streaming video.I have developed a model in which a server wait for incoming request.The server it self is serving to a good number of clients and it can't afford to serve any more clients.Now when the new connection comes,the server chooses from among it's clients a candidate client who will s...

process of connecting RTP with SIP via SDP & land lines

Hello to everyone, I have a problem with starting a media session and to combine it with my SIP client. I've designed a recursive SIP client that reuse the same request template to send the next requests to server, according to the acceptable sequences noted in the RFC's, and examples that I read. as far as I could tell the SIP part is ...

How to establish a socket connection from iPhone to a Apache server and communicate via PHP?

Hi, I am working on an iPhone game which is depended on a LAMP server. I want to create a "event" based system where the apache server sends an event to the iphone. For this, I am thinking of using "CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost" to connect to port 80 of the apache server. I am able to successfully connect to the server and open...

Networking multiple computers to one brain in Java

Hello, I was wondering which libraries or API's would be useful in this. what im aiming for is to be able to type a command into a prompt and then specify which computer(out of all of them that are networked together) to execute that command on. the second part is i want to be able to see that command execute and the result on the compu...

Anyone knows which networking package contains winlive.h ?

I am dealing with a c++ small game solution which contains references to winlive.h header. I'm sure it is part of a networking package, but haven't been able to track it down. It is not in windows sdk or platform sdk. Anyone may have have seen this before and can point me in the right direction? thanks ...