
C# topics names for multicast

Hi All do you know if in C# is it possible to create a communication between client and server using TOPIC names via multicast? Is there any class or free messaging system able to do that? Essentially a server open a communication and send data to a channel represented by a Topic name i.e. a String e.g. "MAIN_DATA" and all clients (mu...

configure linux box to have a static ip

hi, I need to make a machine on my home network use a static ip address. It's a linux box. My question is can I make just my linux box use a static ip address where the rest of my network (which is comprised of all windows machines linked up to a router) uses dynampic ip's? It not so much the info on configuring the linux box to use a...

Buffered socket reading

Hi guys, I have a problem - I don't know the amount of data being sent to my UDP server. The current code is this - testing in irb: require 'sockets' sock = sock.bind('',41588) # Returns nothing sock.recvfrom(1024) # Requires length of data to be read - I don't know this I could set recvfrom to 65535 ...

How to best server >10,000 iPhone clients from server (not web server)

I'm trying to build a server that will handle many concurrent connections to iPhone clients without multi-threading. I will be sending messages to all clients approximately every 10-30 seconds, but most messages will be identical or very similar and easy to sort. Given the setup of high-concurrency but low need for data sorting, I am t...

socket.getaddrinfo fails on one machine; works on another apparently-identical one. Why?

I've got a laptop and a desktop, both running Ubuntu 10.04, both running the stock Python 2.6.5 that comes with Ubuntu. On the laptop, the following program #!/usr/bin/env python import socket print(socket.getaddrinfo("localhost", 8025, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) works -- i.e., it prints out some stuff without getting an error. The stu...

how a website is loaded in our browser

when I type at my browser address bar. what exactly happens techincally and how entire stuff is loaded. considering the same http page is being loaded... what is role of DNS server, ip addr, mac address, subnet mask, proxy setting, default gateway in this case. does it make any different if i am in different class of net...

reading in C++ a socket open by Java + structure alignment

Hi All I am trying to write in Linnux a client in C++ using boost::asio data from a socket. The server is built in Java. The issue I have now is that I cannot read correctly some piece of information from the socket. If the client is done in JAVA everything is ok. In details the big error I have are in receiving the unsigned long and t...

Can't communicate via socket on Mac OS X

I'm working on some software that consists of a server and clients on one machine that communicate via local sockets. The server (written in Java) opens a on port 9000, and the clients (in either Java or Python) have to connect to localhost:9000 to communicate. In Windows and Linux, this works fine. On Mac OS X (...

CDN: Alternatives to SimpleCDN Mirror Bucket ?

I'm using They have a "Mirrored Bucket" which is an "origin pull". How it works is I store my conent at and SimpleCDN pulls any requests from, caches them in their CDN if not already in the cache, and display my content at I really like Origin Pull because I don't have t...

Network service security: network message size must be known?

The server/client application communicate with each other using XML formatted data, using a TCP connection. This is awesome, since I don't have to worry to serialize/deserialize complex data. To allow the XML data receiving, I prepend the XML document length (in bytes) to the data sent over the network socket; in this way the receiving...

TCP connection basics

Hi, This a basic doubt, but I wanted to know that if establish two TCP connections between the same two machines, will the packets in both the connection follow the same path(same link and nodes). The reason why I am asking this is because I want to measure the bandwidth between the two machines for both IPv4 and Ipv6 TCP connection and...

Why doesn't this Proxy server (written in python using asyncore) work?

This proxy server connects to another proxy server which is connected to the internet . The problem with this is that authentication etc works fine but the Server receives only the header from the remote server and not the HTML.How to fix this? please help USER='someUsername' PASS='somePassword' import asyncore import asynchat import ...

Static vs Dynamic Properties of SNMPv3

I'm looking into implementing SNMPv3 as a requirement for monitoring a specific device on the network. As it is now, our project consists of a number of different Java classes that represent each device to be monitored on the network. Within each of these classes are a number of device-specific attributes that are needed in properly mon...

Computer Networks Thesis Idea?

I am trying to find a topic for my thesis research! Is there anyone that can give me an idea for a good topic? My major is about computer networks. I am getting a masters degree. ...

TCP connection - delayed close() and RST

Hi, I have both TCP client and TCP server run on RHEL 5.3 on different machines. I'm killing server and FIN is sent to the client. ACK is sent back by client's OS back immediately. Client discovers the close (by read() returning zero) and perfroms close only after 90 sec. At this stage I verified netstat on both sides and it's as expe...

Catching an error in Ruby's net-ssh

I'm using net-ssh to iterate over a couple of hosts in a loop. This bit of code will throw an error if the username entered is incorrect. Net::SSH.start(host, user) do |ssh| out = ssh.exec!(exec) puts out ...

How to specify source port of a UdpPacket?

Hi everybody! I wanted to send UdpPacket to a specific remote host (I already know the public IP and Port). I wanted to use C#'s UdpClient class. static int Main() { UdpClient client = new UdpClient(); IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 9999); byte[] data = GetData(); client.Send(data,...

How to receive UDP packets from any ip and any port?

I wanted to use C#'s UdpClient to listen to any incomming UDP packets. I want to receive packets from any IP and any port. I tried the following: UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient(0); IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); byte[] data = udpClient.Receive(ref ep); but without success. Does anyone know whats wrong? Thanks...

Python twisted: how to schedule?

Hi, all! Having 1-day experience in Twisted I try to schedule message sending in reply to tcp client: import os, sys, time from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor self.scenario = [(1, "Message after 1 sec!"), (4, "This after 4 secs"), (2, "End final after 2 secs")] for timeout, data in self.scenario: reactor.callLater(ti...

Can I Try to Ping a Website thru a specific adapter?

I hope this isn't too basic a question. The title kind of asks it all. :-) TIA! Rich ...