
WiFi network without routers

Imagine we have N devices (say, mobile phones) with WiFi somewhere in a big desert (no area WiFi, no routers, no GSM signal, etc). Is it techincally possible to create dynamical network of such devices, so that they automatically discower new nodes and everyone can send messages to everyone (let us take simplest case - no broadcasting of...

Help with first networking program.

Here's the code. public class testClient { public static void main(String[] args) { testClient abc = new testClient(); abc.go(); } public void go() { try { Socket s = new Socket("", 5000); InputStreamReader sr = new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()); BufferedReader reader = new Buffered...

Distributed computing framework in c/c++

I am looking for a way to make distributed computing over a network (lan). Is there any good framework or a library for this purpose in C/C++. ...

Peer-to-peer chat

Hello,im wondering if it's possible to create p2p chat application without server(so there is no need in external static ip.Is it true?)? ...

Query and modify advanced information about interfaces

I need to do following tasks: List the interfaces Set/remove/list IPv6 address Add/remove routing entries AFAIK I cannot use ioctl I need to use netlink. The problem is that I couldn't find good description how to use it (most netlink tutorials concentrate on how to create connection). strace also didn't prove useful. ...

PHP and Labview - grabing a value from labview and displaying the value on a webpage - two different computers on the same network

Hello. I am by no means considered a programmer. The only programming language I some what know is HTML - so be gentle :) My boss came up to me the other day and asked me if i wanted to learn PHP, so i said sure. He threw me some text books and said here's what i want you to do: There's a computer running labview that monitors various...

Network Programming?

I want to leave strictly desktop programming and start exploring networking. I want to make a little program that just sends data from computer A to B running the same program. Just a few questions before I start... 1) What is a better language for net programming Python or C#? 2) Could you recommend some stuff to help me understand h...

Connect two users using server

Hello, How can I connect two clients connected to TCP server so they will be able to send packets to each other (they don't have public IP)? ...

Problems writing a protocol on top of sockets in Java

Hi, I'm writing a protocol on top of sockets, so I've decided to implement headers then send the information. So there is one thread per connection on the server which sits there reading in headers, then delegates off to methods to read in the rest of the information when it arrives. So essentially it looks like this: while ((length ...

Use kqueue to determine hangup on the other side of the socket or exceptional state of the socket.

I've read man 2 kqueue but have not found out how I can get notified about a socket hangup or exceptional condition of the socket without registering it with EVFILT_READ or EVFILT_WRITE. Apart from this it is not fully clear how kqueue signals exceptional states of sockets altogether. Thanks for your answer in advance. ...

AJP configuration in JBoss 4.2.2 is not binding to the correct port

I am looking into a strange problem where a JBoss 4.2.2 server is not binding to the correct AJP port. We have configured it to bind to 8009, but it is binding to 18129. After attaching the debugger, I can see that for some reason, is generating a temp file with this in it. The XSLTFileDelegat...

Books on Networking

Can you recommend a book that explains packets sockets and network protocols. Really anything pertaining to how data is sent and received over the web. I'm a desktop only background and only really understand anything other than TCP Handshakes. But I want a book that is basic but goes in depths and explains alot. Thanks! ...

Android emulator to communicate with pc emulator running on

I have an application that I will run on two separate emulators. This application uses httpclient to communicate to the server application, that I will run on the same computer as the emulators are running. "localhost" for the android emulator wont work as local would be the emulator itself. The computer will not be connected to a lap...

Open ports in android

How to open a port in android, in J2ME is thanks in advance ...

Anyone try Infiniband in Java?

I see there is support in JDK7 for it, but don't know if the pre-release builds just stub it out. ...

What port does httpclient use?

80, 8080, ....? ...

How to find out what process/service initiates a network connection

Hi, On Windows, how do I find out what service or process initiates a network connection to a known address? Thanks. ...

Simple Sockets in Objective-C

Hey guys, I've had trouble finding simple guides/examples for basic sockets in Objective-C (using NSSocketPort with NSFileHandle or using CFSocket/CSNetwork). Can anyone recommend a guide or a useful example? I would appreciate this greatly! I have tried to use this, but it is incomplete. Thanks! P.S. I have been stuck in this part of ...

Can a Wireless Network Card work as a Wireless Access Point in Laptop

Hi I have a laptop with wireless and LAN card. I have a wired Internet connection. Can I use my wireless network card as wireless access point and then bridge the lan and wireless connection. So that I can access the internet in other wireless devices like Ipod Touch.My OS is Windows XP. Thanks ...

analysing network traffic

Hi, Whats the best way to identify network behavior?? Behavior of the ports/interfaces and routers? I can get data and analyse the traffic but trying to search for a pattern for a meaningful classification. Any help appreciated. Thank you ...