
What is the problem with this code?

The compile error I'm getting is "newline in constant" The error occurs where the four asterisks are (****). I can't debug, because the solution won't build successfully. <script type="text/javascript"> function TNClicked(fullImgURL, TNID) { document.getElementById("<%= this.imgFull.ClientID %>").src = fullImgURL; var pnlFullIm...

Necessity of newlines in C: Character sequences recognized as such and simulating line breaks

Is there a character sequence recognized as a newline that's defined by the C standard and/or recognized by GCC? How can newlines be simulated after preprocessor directives to have them and C code share the same line? How about using digraphs or trigraphs? #include <stdlib.h> [NEWLINE] int main() { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }

Regular expression and newline

Hello guys, I have such text: <[email protected]> If you do so, please include this problem report. <[email protected]> You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. The mail system <[email protected]>: connect to *.net[82.*.86.*]: Connection timed out I have to parse email from ...

iphone SDK: how to add a new line char to my uitextview programmatically?

Please help me adding a line break (\r\n) programmatically to my uitextview ...

Print new line in the source-code with jQuery.

I have a simple function in jQuery that creates new elements in the DOM. the problem is in the html source code, it append every element in the same line, and it's very bad to read. function _loadNewElements(elements){ for(var i=0; i<elements.length; i++){ var fixedElement = $('<img />') var position = elements[i].p...

Vim: How to handle newlines when storing multiple commands in registers?

I have a file where I store snippets of vim commands. When I need a snippet, I yank it and then execute it with @". The snippets are stored as a script, one line per command, like this: :s/foo/bar/g :echo "hello" :s/1/2/g Edit: I removed normal mode commands from the example, as they were not part of the problem. Now this procedure d...

PHP generating csv not sending correct new line feeds

I have a script that generates a csv file using the following code: header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.date("Ymdhis").'.csv"'); print $content; The $content variable simply contains lines with fields separated by commas and then finalised with ."\n"; to generate a new line. When I o...

Determine if string is newline in C#

I am somehow unable to determine whether a string is newline or not. The string which I use is read from a file written by Ultraedit using DOS Terminators CR/LF. I assume this would equate to "\r\n" or Environment.NewLine in C#. However , when I perform a comparison like this it always seem to return false : if(str==Environment.NewLine...

Portable way to determine the platform's line separator

Different platforms use different line separator schemes (LF, CR-LF, CR, NEL, Unicode LINE SEPARATOR, etc.). C++ (and C) make a lot of this transparent to most programs, by converting '\n' to and from the target platform's native new line encoding. But if your program needs to determine the actual byte sequence used, how could you do i...

Coldfusion: insert new line into string

I would like to insert a line break into the first space between words in a string variable. Here is my code so far: <cfset myPosition = find(" ", #myVar#)> <cfset lineBreak = Chr(13)&Chr(10)> <cfset myVar = insert(#lineBreak#, #myVar#, #myPosition#)> What am I doing wrong? ...

Removing blank output before opening tag to prevent "quirks" mode

I have a html template as a php string. To prevent output, all blank characters and line breaks before the html opening or doctype definition should be removed. What is the simplest and fastest way to do this with PHP? ...

How to properly add newlines to an XML string in PHP?

I have some xml that I manually construct in a function that is something like: $xml = "<myxml>"; $xml .= "<items>"; $xml .= "<item1>blah</item1>"; $xml .= "</items>"; $xml .= "</myxml>"; When I output the string though I'd like the newlines to be present. How can I add this to the string without affecting a web service accepting the ...

[genshi] Print string as HTML

Hello, I would like to know if is there any way to convert a plain unicode string to HTML in Genshi, so, for example, it renders newlines as <br/>. I want this to render some text entered in a textarea. Thanks in advance! ...

[.NET] Line break in ListView work in Vista/7 but not in XP

hi, I've got problem. I'm using windows.forms ListView to show some data and I need to make two lines in one row. I've found solution to make row higher by adding ImageList with specified height and then I add Environment.NewLine to my text. It works in Vista and 7 but in XP instead of new line there are shown squares. I've been trying t...

Inserting newlines into a GtkTextView widget (GTK+ programming)

I've got a button which when clicked copies and appends the text from a GtkEntry widget into a GtkTextView widget. (This code is a modified version of an example found in the "The Text View Widget" chapter of Foundations of GTK+ Development.) I'm looking to insert a newline character before the text which gets copied and appended, such ...

vbCrLf in Multiline TextBox shows up only when .Trim() is called

I have an ASP TextBox with TextMode set to MultiLine. I'm having problems with preserving the vbCrLf characters when a user tries to put line breaks into the text. When a button on the page is pressed, I'm taking the text from the control, trimming it using String.Trim, and assigning that value to a String property on an object (which, i...

Does the XML specification states that parser need to convert \n\r to \n always, even when \n\r appears in a CDATA section?

Hi, I've stumbled in a problem handling the \line-feed and \carriage-return characters in xml. I know that, according to, xml processors are required to replace any "\n\r" or lone "\r" sequences with "\n". The specification states that this has to be the behaviour for handling any "external pa...

istream stop at \n

Is there any way of telling istream to keep going until it hits \n instead of normal white space and with out the use of getline and also keeping any format options in the stream? Thanks. ...

How do I add a newline to a TextView in Android?

When I define in XML a TextView, how do I add new line to it? \n seams to not work. <TextView android:text="Line1: \n-Line2\n-Line3" android:id="@+id/txtTitlevalue" android:layout_width="54dip" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:textSize="11px" ></TextView> ...

Newlines in the Immediate Window

Using Visual Studio 2010 Professional, I have a ToString() method that looks like this: public override string ToString() { return "something" + "\n" + "something"; } Because there are several "something"'s and each is long, I'd like to see something something Sadly, I'm seeing "something\nsomething" Is there a way to get wh...