
"Anagram solver" based on statistics rather than a dictionary/table?

My problem is conceptually similar to solving anagrams, except I can't just use a dictionary lookup. I am trying to find plausible words rather than real words. I have created an N-gram model (for now, N=2) based on the letters in a bunch of text. Now, given a random sequence of letters, I would like to permute them into the most likely...

What is the difference between EdgeNGramTokenizerFactory EdgeNGramFilterFactory in SOLR?

What is the difference between these two filters? They seem to have the same effect? Can anyone supply an example of how they are applied to some text? Thanks ...

Extracting Ngrams as Words From Strings in Perl

Is there a module or Perl code that extract n-grams of words from a string besides Text::Ngrams ...

N-gram generation form sentence

how to generate ngram of a string like String Input="This is my car." i want to generate Ngram of this input Input Ngram size = 3 Output should come: This is my car This is is my my car This is my is my car give some idea in java, how to implement that or any library is available for it. I am trying to use this NGramTokenizer ...