
Ninject woes... 404 error problems

We are using the beloved Ninject+Ninject.Web.Mvc with MVC 2 and are running into some problems. Specifically dealing with 404 errors. We have a logging service that logs 500 errors and records them. Everything is chugging along just perfectly except for when we attempt to enter a non-existent controller. Instead of getting the desire...

This 404 seems unavoidable - what am I doing wrong? [Ninject 2.0 with ASP.NET MVC 2 on .NET 4]

I downloaded the fairly new Ninject 2.0 and Ninject.Web.Mvc (targeting mvc2) sources today, and successfully built them against .NET 4 (release configuration). When trying to run an application using Ninject 2.0, i keep getting 404 errors and I can't figure out why. This is my global.asax.cs (slightly shortified, for brevity): using .....

Ninject Intermittent exception thrown related to OnePerRequestModule

I just upgraded an existing implementation of Ninject from 1.5 to 2.0. I'm now seeing an intermittent exception getting thrown when many requests are happening in a short period of time. Here's the exception that is being thrown. Type: System.ArgumentException Message: An item with the same key has already been added. Source: ...

Ninject.Web (webforms extension), injecting outside of a webform page?

I've been using the Ninject.Web extension to inject business objects, repositories, Entity Framework context etc into my application. This works very well using the [Inject] attribute which can be applied within a webform that inherits from PageBase. I am now running into a snag as I am trying to write a custom membership provider that...