
What are the advantages and disadvantages of turning NOCOUNT off in SQL Server queries?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of turning NOCOUNT off in SQL Server queries? ...

MS SQL: Suppress return value of stored procedure called in stored procedure

I think I have the same problem as kcrumley describes in the question "Problem calling stored procedure from another stored procedure via classic ASP". However his question does not really include an solution, so I'll give it another shot, adding my own observations: I have two stored procedures: CREATE PROCEDURE return_1 AS BEGIN ...

SET NOCOUNT ON and Cursors

I have a stored proc that calls several store procs, each of which insert dummy data into a single table each. It works fine except that for each loop in the cursor a single row of results is dispayed - just showing ClubcardId = 2, ClubcardId = 3 etc. I have used the SET NOCOUNT ON but this doesn't seem to help. I'm looking for this sto...

Microsoft Sync Framework clashes with Nhibernate TooManyRowsAffectedexception

We are trying to implement the Microsoft Sync Framework into our application that persists it's domain using NHibernate. One of the problems we encountered is that after the Sync Framework has altered your initial database structure (adding shadow tables and triggers) NHibernate seems to get upset by throwing an toomanyrowsaffectedexcep...