
What's the best reading to start JavaScript?

Possible Duplicates: Best resources to learn JavaScript A Beginners' Guide to Learning JavaScript? Where to start to learn JavaScript (especially developing node.js+JQuery applications) from zero to expert level (having good C# and some PHP5 experience)? Can you recommend any must-read books and/or cool articles/blogs? ...

LearnBoost's Socket.IO-Node why onClientMessage not work

Hi, all, I tried to put the module "LearnBoost's Socket.IO-Node", all works, except event 'onClientMessage' Tell, in what there can be a problem, thanks! ...sorry for my english io.listen(server, { onClientConnect: function(client){ client.send(json({ buffer: buffer })); client.broadcast(json({ announcement: client.sessionI...

Node.js for lua?

I've been playing around with node.js (nodejs) for the past few day and it is fantastic. As far as I can tell, lua doesn't have a similar integration of libev and libio which let's one avoid almost any blocking calls and interact with the network and the filesystem in an asynchronous manner. I'm slowly porting my java implementation to ...

POST body in Node.js and some asynchronous condition check.

I want to get request (POST) body from http.ServerRequest, but do so not straight when my request function is called, but only after some time (Redis query). I have a very simple example to illustrate: var http = require('http'), sys = require('sys'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { sys.puts("Got request"); req.pau...

Node.js or Erlang

I really like these tools when it comes to the concurrency level it can handle. Erlang looks like much more stable solution but requires much more learning and a lot of diving into functional language paradigm. And it looks like Erlang makes it much better when it comes to multi cores CPUs(fix me if I'm wrong). But which should I choos...

How should I implement session storage on node.js

I'm creating josi, a web framework for node.js. And I'd like to add session storage. What would be the best way to implement this? I'm assuming it probably has to be cookie based, but I'm interested in knowing if any other frameworks have a different approach. ...

NodeJS and node-mongodb-native

Just getting started with node, and trying to get the mongo driver to work. I've got my connection set up, and oddly I can insert things just fine, however calling find on a collection produces craziness. var db = new mongo.Db('things', new mongo.Server('',mongo.Connection.DEFAULT_PORT, {}), {});, db) {...

Monitoring Mongo for changes with Node.js

I'm using Node.js for some project work and I would like to monitor my Mongo database (collection) for changes, basically fire an event if something gets added. Anyone know if this is possible? I'm using the node-mongodb-native drivers. If it's not I'd also like any available pointers on pushing data from the server (run with node) to ...

Multiplayer game with Javascript backend and frontend. What are the best practices?

I'm thinking of creating a web multiplayer game in Node.js. This means I'll be using the same language in the backend and in the frontend. It would be in realtime and about 20 people max in each 'room', so I have a few thoughts: How do I compensate for the delay among all users so that everyone sees the same thing the same time? I'm th...

websocket + node.js + fallbacks framework

What is the best framework to use for websockets + fallbacks. I actually only know about Socket.IO, what are some others. Thanks. ...

Example of Getting POST variables in fabjs

Anyone provide an example of how to get POST variables in fab.js? ...

Node.js, WebSocket Location Issue?

I created a server using Node listening on port 8000, localhost. Verified it's running properly, but I cannot access the WebSocket on the client (Chrome 5). Tried several implementations from various Git repos, node + websocket, socketIO, articles, etc. Nothing. No port conflicts (sudo lsof -i tcp); Tried server.listen(8000, "*"); Po...

How to get path to current script with node.js?

How would I get the path to the script in node.js? I know there's process.cwd, but that only refers to the directory where the script was called, not of the script itself. For instance, say I'm in /home/kyle/ and I run the following command: node /home/kyle/some/dir/file.js If I call process.cwd(), I get /home/kyle/, not /home/kyle/s...

How do I see Node.js errors?

I'm new to Node.js. I know there are more involved debuggers available (like node_debug and ndb), but is there a simple way to see runtime errors thrown in Node.js? With a simple example file like this: var sys = require('sys'), http = require("http"); var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { var foo = [1, 2, 3]; f...

JavaScript Standard Library for V8

Hi In my application, I allow users to write plugins using JavaScript. I embed V8 for that purpose. The problem is that developers can't use things like HTTP, Sockets, Streams, Timers, Threading, Crypotography, Unit tests, et cetra. I searched Stack Overflow and I found node.js. The problem with it is that you can actually create HTTP...

Getting PHP from node.js

Hey everyone, I am working on using node.js's connection abilities to continiously long poll a php script and I was wondering if anyone knows the thoery behind (maybe even a code sample) linking to php in node.js? I was thinking I need a new client and I add a request for the php page and then I add a response event listener which then ...

how to integrate node.js into a kohanaPHP application for real time status update notification

I wish to add real time status update notification to a kohanaPHP application with MySQL database i'm developing using node.js, while looking around, i could not find any tutorials about integrating node.js in PHP, i will like to know if its possible and how can it be done and what type of servers should i host the php website on. From ...

node.js:: what does hostname do in `listen` function?

I own two domains, and (not the real ones I own, but they work as an example). They both point to the same ip address. The following is my server js file: var sys=require('sys'), http=require('http'), settings=require('./settings'); var srv = http.createServer(function(req, res) { var body="<b>Hello World!</b>...

Nodejs : require.paths. Restoring original paths.

I was playing around with require.paths and i modified it by mistake. How do i restore the original require.paths? Is there a command line utility to figure out what my nodejs path is? ...

What is the benefit of using NginX for Node.js?

For what I understand Node.js doesnt need NginX to work as a http server (or a websockets server or any server for that matter), but I keep reading about how to use NginX instead of Node.js internal server and cant find of a good reason to go that way ...