
Is this optimal schedule task NPC?

I volunteered to write a program to schedule parent-teacher conferences. The principal wants parents to select 3 possible datetimes to visit their english and math teacher (at the same time). Once all the parents have selected 3 datetimes, I'm supposed to figure out the optimal way to schedule the parent-teacher conferences so the grea...

Looking for a model to represent this problem, which I suspect may be NP-complete.

(I've changed the details of this question to avoid NDA issues. I'm aware that if taken literally, there are better ways to run this theoretical company.) There is a group of warehouses, each of which are capable of storing and distributing 200 different products, out of a possible 1000 total products that Company A manufactures. Each w...

How to optimize this suboptimal Set-Cover solution?

I wrote this program to test how long it would take to "solve" the set-cover problem. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using MoreLinq; namespace SetCover { class Program { const int maxNumItems = 10000; const int numSets = 5000; ...

Is this combinatorial optimization problem NP-hard?

I working on a combinatorial optimization problem that I suspect is NP-hard, and a genetic algorithm has been working well with our dataset. We're a research group and plan to publish our results in our field (not in math or CS), and I'd like to explore the NP-hard question before sending the manuscript out for review. There are two ...