
Advantage of using NServiceBus Distributor process

I learned how to use an NServiceBus Distributor process on the FullDuplex sample from the article Getting the NServiceBus Distributor Working and it made me wonder: In order to use the distributor, I need the following queues: MyClientInputQueue - the input queue for the single client distributordatabus - the distributor's queue to se...

NServiceBus is blocking when hosted in ASP.NET web application

Hello, I created a simple web application where a search form is filled out, submit button clicked, and a message is sent with the search parameters via nServiceBus. I also have a handler in the same project that picks up the message (from the same queue). For some reason, the web server process blocks until after the message is picked ...

Suggest a solution for event notification using nServiceBus

Currently we are looking for a solution to have unique profile for our user. We are having a different set of applications and the different profiles like is SAP , in DB and in AD too. We want to make sure If user alters his/her profile from any of application it should have replicate in all the data sources. We are looking for NServiceB...

NserviceBus throws exception when referencing a Nettiers assembly

We use nettiers as a our data layer, and we recently have started looking at using NServiceBus, but we have hit a wall. We have a windows service which hosts NSB and references our Nettiers assembly. the service is throwing an exception when the following line is encountered. var Bus = Configure.With().SpringBuilder() .Xml...

Error using nservicebus with nettiers

I'm using the nservicebus springbuilder(below) with compiles and runs fine. However once I add a single DataRepository entry in the code to call nettiers the project compiles but throws an exception on the line below: IBus Bus = Configure.With().SpringBuilder() .XmlSerializer() .MsmqTransport() ...

How to configure MessageEndpointMapping by namespace in NServiceBus

I am trying to configure my message endpoint mapping in my NServiceBus configuration by sending messages from different namespaces to different endpoints. As such, I have configured the following in my web.config: However, when my application starts, I receive the following exception: Spring.Objects.PropertyAcce...

How can I return something other than an enum from an NServiceBus endpoint exposed as a WCF service?

I have a service exposed as WCF via NServiceBus. Ultimately, I'd like to call to this service from silverlight. My WCF Service Interface looks like this: [ServiceContract] public interface ISettingsService { [OperationContract(Action = "http://tempuri.org/IWcfServiceOf_RequestSettingsMessage_SettingsResponseMessage/Process", Reply...

ASP.NET MVC 2 with NServiceBus unable to load requested types

I am trying to use NServiceBus with an ASP.NET MVC 2 website (using VS 2010 and the .NET 4.0 framework). However, when I run the site on my local machine, I get the following error: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information. Here are the relevant steps I have ta...

"Using a single session in multiple threads is likely a bug" error in NHProf when using NServiceBus

When executing an NServiceBus handler that uses NHibernate for its data access operations, I am seeing an error that I am not sure if I need to be concerned with. The handler has code that does something like this: using (var tx = Session.BeginTransaction()) { var accountGroup = _groupRepository.FindByID(message.GroupID); acc...

Enterprise Service Bus real world usage or examples

I'm looking into the ESB thing with .net like NServiceBus etc , can someone highlight what kind of real world business problems can be solved (forget the technical edge) ? And is this used to integrate different systems.? ...

How do I get a java application to subscribe to an NServiceBus publisher?

I've asked Google and searched through the NServiceBus website and forums, but I can't seem to find any prescriptive guidance on how I would write a Java application to subscribe to a publisher. Does anyone have any such link or experience? ...

NServiceBus FullDuplex sample compiled and debugging against .NET 4.0 framework throws exception

I just installed VS2010 RC and launched the FullDuplex sample from NServiceBus and it ran fine. I then changed the target framework of each project in the solution to ".NET Framework 4", recompiled and launched in the debugger and received the following exception: System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled Message=No e...

NServicebus delay message saga?

How can I delay processing a saga message in NServicebus for 24 hours? ...

ESB vs Custom Solution

I am investigating whether to use nServicebus or a custom solution for a new project. Basically I want to create a "messaging layer" that will receive messages from various sources, process these messages and then send them off to some destination. In most cases I retrieve and send the messages. In a few cases, messages arrive via a web ...

NServiceBus pipeline with Distributors

I'm building a processing pipeline with NServiceBus but I'm having trouble with the configuration of the distributors in order to make each step in the process scalable. Here's some info: The pipeline will have a master process that says "OK, time to start" for a WorkItem, which will then start a process like a flowchart. Each step in...

Enterprise Service Bus, .NET Service Bus, NServiceBus and the wheels on the bus...

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), .NET Service Bus, NServiceBus, RhinoServiceBus, MassTransit and so on. I'm trying to understand what each of these technologies have in common or not in common. I attended Juval Löwy's presentation on the .NET Service Bus earlier today and he stated that the .NET Service Bus could be used as a poor man's v...

NServiceBus sending data question

hi, i am using NServices to send an object of the class MyMusicMessage as blow: [Serializable] public class MyMusicMessage:IMessage { public Guid EventId { set; get; } public byte[] MusicBytes { set; get; } } when the size of MusicBytes is about 200k, it can be sent well. but when the size is more than 300K,there is a "Messag...

Advice on designing and building distributed application to track vehicles

I'm working on application for tracking vehicles. There will be about 10k or more vehicles. Each will be sending ~250bytes in each minute. Data contains gps location and everything from CAN Bus (every data that we can read from vehicle computer and dashboard). Data are sent by GSM/GPRS (using UDP protocol). Estimated rows with this data ...

linq to sql with nservicebus table lock issue

I am building a system using NServiceBus and my DataLayer is using Linq 2 SQL. The system is made up of 2 services. Service1 receives messages from NSB. It will query Table1 in my database and inserts a record into Table1 If a certain condition is met a new NSB message is sent to the 2nd service Service2 will update records also in Ta...

What is a servicebus and when do I need one?

I have heard talk about the NServiceBus, but I haven't really understood what it is. They claim to be "The most popular open-source service bus for .net". So; what is a "service bus", and when do I need one? ...