
nservicebus subscriber implementation

Is having the event handler in the subscriber required? For example: Projects: Crm.Events: NewUserCreated : IMessage {} Crm.Publisher: console app publishes as Bus.Publish(new NewUserCreated()); Crm.Subscriber: console app subscribing to the NewUserCreated event. Crm.EventHandlers NewUserCreatedHandler : IHandleMessages { ... } Do ...

.NET ESB performance

I'm starting to design a new version of one of my company's telecommunications products, and to provide load balancing and scalability I was considering some kind of (.NET open source) ESB. I'm hoping to boost the throughput of the system by avoiding relational databases and use (perhaps) non-transactional queues feeding into distributed...

Selective Reading From a Queue--Custom MSMQ Service, ESB, or Something Else?

Looking for some ideas/pattern to solve a design problem for a system I will be starting work on soon. There is no question that I will need to use some sort of messaging (probably MSMQ) to communicate between certain areas of the system. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, but at the same time I want to make sure I am using the right t...

ComponentActivatorException when hosting NServiceBus without the NServceBus.Host.exe

I want to host NServiceBus inside my own process. I was getting a null reference exception when configuring NServiceBus, I changed the order of some of the configure calls which seemed to resolve that. I am now faced with another error. This is the configuration code I have: Configure.With() .CastleWindsorBuilder(Contai...

Cannot get self host to work on NServiceBus

Using version I am attempting to self host both a subscriber and publisher with NServiceBus and VS2010. The programs run and initialize but I cannot get the messages to move across. The publisher acts like it is posting, no errors, but the subscriber receives nothing. Here is the subscriber config <?xml version="1.0"?> <c...

Request/response with commands and correlated event on front-end service

I have a front-end webservice. This service makes a "create" message to be processed in the 'back-end'. Previously it was not important to wait for this process to be finished but now this front-end service must wait until a functional key is generated to be returned to the front-end service callee. The idea is to wait for a 'document ...

nservicebus message serialization

I would like to use a base message class like: [Serializable] public abstract class MessageBase : IMessage { public Guid MessageID { get; private set; } public DateTime UtcDateTime { get; private set; } protected MessageBase() { UtcDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; MessageID = Guid.NewGuid(); } public...

Handle NService bus messages without DTC

We are not using DTC in our message handlers. We turned off. NService bus endpoint transaction set to false. But in the distributor getting the following exception if DTC is disabled. May I know how to handle messages without DTC. 2010-08-27 14:28:34,953 [Worker.7] ERROR NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.Msmq.MsmqTransport [(null)] - Error ...

Multiple endpoints , NServicebus vs Rhino Bus

I am pretty new to both NServiceBus and Rhino Bus - and I am wondering if multiple endpoints will solve my problem. I want the following: 1. Have an endpoint for Invoicing messages, that runs only 1 thread at the time 2. Have another endpoint for EDI messages (~reading incoming files for electronic data interhage), only 1 thread here too...

Do MassTransit or nServiceBus support MSMQ over HTTP transport?

I understand it's available since MSMQ 3.0, is it available via any of the .NET ESBs? Is this possible with other MQ transports (ActiveMQ, etc)? Thanks, E. ...

NServicebus added to legacy windows service

I have a simple class which sets up NserviceBus for a legacy windows service. This configuration is called when the service starts up. When I run the application as a console app the configuration in the App.config is picked up, however when running the application as a windows service the App.config configuration isn't picked up. Is ...

Nservicebus configuration in WPF

Using the pub/sub sample i managed to get multiple instances of the same console app to read all messages sent from the publisher. What I did whas this: namespace Subscriber1 { public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server { } public class OverrideInputQueue : IWantCustomInitialization { public void...

NServiceBus not picking up messages

After upgrading from NServiceBus (.net 3.5) to version (.net 4.0), messages are no longer picked up from the queues when running on a windows 2008 server. Everything works as expected on my dev machine (win 7). Messages are successfully put on the queues, but then nothing happens. Could this be a permissions issue...

Failover scenarious for the Service Bus with NServiceBus or MassTransit

I need to build Identity server like Microsoft's http://login.live.com. To handle failover I will have multiple web servers nodes. The plan is that all database write operations are done by sending messages to the database server. Database will be mirrored or replicated. The idea is that database subscribes to the write operations but t...

In a Multi threaded application all threads acquire connection to database .Is this expected or some problem ????

I am using NService and NHibernate for my Application. As for NServicebus we define number of threads in configuration file. As per the worker's number of threads it works in multithreaded environment. Sometime when all threads are in use and threads acquires connection with database ,it does not allow application to...

Using NServiceBus with Asp.Net MVC 2

Is there a way to using NServiceBus with Asp.Net MVC 2? I want to send a request message from a Asp.Net MVC2 Application to a Service, which handle the message and reply with a response message. is there a way to do this clearly? ...

NServiceBus: Can it work with NO XML configuration?

I don't want to use any XML configuration. Is it possible to have NServiceBus set up with NO XML configuration? I really want my publisher to be configured all in code, and I want to be able to specify everything from the transport to the serializer to the subscription storate explicitly in code. ...

Starting multiple projects when debugging in Visual Studio 2010

In Visual Studio 2010, I have a web application and a console application (actually a service using NServiceBus, but it runs locally as a console application) that I want to both startup when I hit Debug. Right now I have the Web Application set as the startup application and it opens in a browser, then I right click on my Service and...

NServiceBus - Problem with using TransactionScopeOption.Suppress in message handler

I have an endpoint that has a message handler which does some FTP work. Since the ftp process can take some time, I encapsulated the ftp method within a TransactionScope with TransactionScopeOption.Suppress to prevent the transaction timeout exceptions. Doing this got rid of the timeout exceptions, however the handler was fired 5 times ...

How to make nservicebus persist saga in-memory for self-host server

Hi, In my self host server, I config NServiceBus in this way: NServiceBus.Configure.With() .Log4Net() .CastleWindsorBuilder(_container) .XmlSerializer() // or BinarySerializer() .MsmqTransport() .IsTransactional(true) .UnicastBus...