
Installing drivers from NSIS installer in x64 system.

I want to add support for x64 OSes to my NSIS installer. One of the installer's task is drivers installation. I've written a special NSIS plugin for this task. This plugin uses Driver Install Frameworks API (DIFxAPI) to install drivers. The problem is that this API does not work in WOW64. Is there any way to create x64 installer appli...

Invoke ngen from NSIS installer

I am using NSIS to deploy a .Net application. The installation/uninstallation process works fine, but I would like to add a final ngen step to improve startup performance. Unfortunately, Google didn't reveal any relevant material. It's unlikely that noone has ever done this before - maybe someone here has some idea? In the unlikely cas...

NSIS disable Autorun at the end of the setup

Hi, I´m using NSIS editor to make a setup for my application, but I don´t want the user to have the option for Autorun the application. I don´t want the checkbox at the last setup screen. How can I disable this feature? ...

Passing arguments to java vm from NSIS script

I'm developing my first java application using Eclipse. I've recently needed to adjust the amount of memory allocated by passing -Xmx256M to the JVM. The application is currently package up as a runnable jar and installed using the NSIS. I'm having a problem passing arguments to the jar file once its installed. What is the common practi...

Checking if the application is running in NSIS before uninstalling.

I am new to NSIS, and I need to know that in the uninstaller, how I can check if the application (which is in C++) is running and close it before uninstalling. ...

How to copy file using NSIS ?

I want to copy war file to tomcat web-app directory using NSIS setup. I have successfully installed tomcat and jdk using following script !define PRODUCT_NAME "App Deploy" !define PRODUCT_VERSION "1.0" !define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "ZippySoft" SetCompressor lzma ;!include "UserManagement.nsh" ; MUI 1.67 compatible ------ !include "MUI.n...

UAC elevation- NSIS script

I created installer via NSIS. "c:\program files\myapp" is default folder for my application.Included script to run myapp on startUp.I'm having windows 7 But it always fail to start on start-up of machine. How can I elevate the user privileges to call it on startup from Program files/myapp.exe. or Is any other alternative to achieve above...

NSIS Check Textbox empty not working

I'm trying to display a page in NSIS to obtain two different values. I want both to be not empty. The page actually displays altough I can't get my page leave function to check properly for empty fields. Function CCInstallOpts ReserveFile "cc_installopt.ini" !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "cc_installopt.ini" !insertmacro ...

How do I concatenate 2 strings in NSIS

How do I concatenate 2 strings in NSIS? ...

Creating Windows Desktop Icon in CMake + CPack + NSIS

I'm using NSIS package generator in CMake 2.8.1 to distribute a Qt application. Everything is working fine... except the use of CPACK_CREATE_DESKTOP_LINKS to create a desktop link to the application. I've looked through the CMake source (including it's own "bootstrap" installation definition for windows), and as far as I can tell I'm do...

NSIS already installed product

Hello! I have some problem with my created nsis setup. I need to check if the product is already installed and then get the path to the already installed product. This is because I want to build a "Feature-Setup" that installs some other components into the previous installed folder. Does anyone know how to build this installer? It wi...

showing error message of missing VB dll

On Windows 7 (32 bits), i have downloaded and installed the windows desktop java application using windows installer of that application. When i re-open application it complains about a missing VB dll. What may be reason complains for missing VB dll and how can i resolved? Any help will be appreciated. FYI: The installer is build us...

Is it possible to package an exe into an NSIS generated installer which runs first?

Is it possible to generate an NSIS installer (using a .nsi) which packages an exe (let's say foobar.exe) which is then run before the installer actually installs the program as normal? I assume it'd have to extract the exe to a temp dir before running it, which is fine. It must be run before the main install however. ...

What are ProductCode & UpgradeCode & GUID? How to detect if certain application/library is already installed on the user machine?

I've already gone through: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/211192/check-if-the-application-is-already-installed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/488717/detecting-if-a-program-is-already-installed-with-nsis http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Add_uninstall_information_to_Add/Remove_Programs My questions are little more in dep...

NSIS: Access values of combo box of custom page?

I have added custom page to NSIS installer using ini files, here is a code . . . ; Welcome page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME Page custom customPage "" ": custom page" . . . Function customPage GetTempFileName $R0 File /oname=$R0 customPage.ini InstallOptions::dialog $R0 Pop $R1 StrCmp $R1 "cancel" done St...

NSIS Skip pages at runtime

My installer is checking if the program is already installed and I would like to skip the "Enter the path" page in that case. How can I script that in NSIS 2.0 ? ...

Application demands elevated privs to run on win7 but not vista

I have a simple app that I just tried the installer (Innosetup) on win7(32-bit). After I install it the program icon on the desktop gets that shield on it that notifies the user that the app demands elevated privileges. I thought it was something wrong with the installer and made on using NSIS instead, same problem. Does anyone know wh...

NSIS Installer Name

Is it possible to set the nsis installer file generated when compiling the installer? something like: makensis /ExeFile:myInstall-v4.1.2.3.exe install.nsi That would be keen. ...

How do I make a section required for a sectiongroup in NSIS?

I want to make a section inside of a sectiongroup required for that section group but not required for the entire install if the group is unchecked. I've tried "SectionIn R0" but this makes that section required for the entire install and I only want it to be required if they select the group itself. SectionGroup "group" Section "req...

NSIS Uninstaller Working Directory

I am using NSIS to create my installers/uninstallers, and the uninstaller seems to have a weird behavior. I don't put the installer in $INSTDIR, it is located at $INSTDIR/subdir/uninstall.exe (it's a addon installer for a host application). When I run the installer then, it thinks the application installation root is $INSTDIR/subdir in...