
Best way to pass data between objects in iphone development?

I am working on an iphone application and don't know what the best way to hold temporary data across views. for example i have xml on a server and i parse the data into an object so that I can hold the information. The xml has some data that i want to be displayed on one view and other data that i want to be displayed on another view. I ...

Saving an instance of an NSManagedObjectContext does not permanently save a mutable transformable attribute

I'm using Core Data + sqlite as a data cache. The app reads in a file into core data, then uses Core Data to run the app. Saves are done to both the NSManagedObjectContext and to the file. I've noticed, though, if I quit the app and reload it without repopulating the Core Data database, some (but not all) of the data saved using -save: i...

Help with "Cannot perform operation without a managed object context"

I have an NSViewController with its own nib that requires access to the managedObjectContext to display objects in a tableview. This is how I have the managed object context set up in my view controller: @interface { ... NSManagedObjectContext* managedObjectContext; ... } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSManagedObjectContext...