
Should I use NSObjectController here?

I've got a pretty standard setup: an NSArrayController whose contents are displayed in an NSCollectionView, and a pane of editable views bound to the array controller's selection (which is of course controlled by the collection view). For some reason, when I bind an NSObjectController's contentObject to the array controller's selection,...

Binding selection across multiple view controllers in a single window interface

I am having an issue wrapping my head around how to hook up a few NSArrayControllers across two view controllers. I want to sync the selection in the source list table view to update the values in the second detail view controller. I'm using the Cocoa Dev Central Build A Core Data Tutorial as the starting point, but have broke down ...

Xcode Interface builder: How to connect NSObjectController.content to outlet of file's owner?

I have a nib file that contains a window/view and an instance of NSObjectController. I programatically load the window in the nib setting "self" as owner. "self" is my custom classs that defines an IBOutlet: an NSDictionary called settings. I now want to have that dictionary as content for the object controller. Is there a way to connec...

Do I need two NSObjectControllers?

Hi, I'm learning about Cocoa bindings. I'm having two completely different objects, each with an iVar that I want to sync with a user interface item. But since they're two different objects and I can only have on "content" outlet with one NSObjectController, do I need another one? ...

NSObjectController problem with overridden valueForKeyPath method

hello! i have next situation: I have own controller ( myController : NSObjectController ) an overridden method -(id)valueForKeyPath in it for bind my attributes. And I have some method like -(BOOL)canRemove; I want to button 'Enable' to -(BOOL)canRemove; but can't. It must like bind button 'Enable' to canAdd of NSController. I sink ...