
Cocoa - Whats the best way for modifying NSOutlineView

Resuld shout be an settings panel with an OutlineView and "add item", "add group" and "delete" buttons. The buttons add entries to an NSOutlineView. The data is stored in a NSMutableDictionary (or whatever is suitable). Sorting/DragDrop enabled for the OutlineView . What is the best or most compfortable way for this (and write less code...

Animating "sliding" in NSOutlineView

I've done a fair amount of Googling, but still haven't find any proper solution for animating the expansion of NSOutlineView. I'm trying to mimic a "sliding" animation when expanding/collapsing rows. Anyone know a good strategy for attempting this? Animating this: }} Folder 1 To expand and look like this: }} Folder 1 }}}}} Item 1 ...

NSTableView. How to override autoscroll behavior?

I've got an NSTableView that displays (via bindings) data from an NSTreeController. The application frequently appends/changes data to/in the bound array. The problem is that if the user has selected a row in the table, but has scrolled so that the selected data is no longer visible, when the application updates the array it causes the ...

Animating OutlineView

I would like to add a sort of animation to my outlineView when a row is added, I use it as a friends list and I want to create something like the iChat one, Or a way to make them fade in ...

NSTreeController how to save to file

Hi I am using an NSTreeController to control an NSOutlineView. This application loads bookmarks from file to application. As in the SourceView example in ADC: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/samplecode/SourceView/index.html My questions is how do I save the bookmark to file once user makes the changes. Should I maintain the arra...

NSOutlineView Sidebar help

I'm trying to create a simple sidebar using NSOutlineView..... how would I do this? (I'm using CoreData) ...

Cocoa: is it safe to assume that the destination URL for delivering on an NSFilesPromisePboardType is a file URL?

Is it safe to assume that the destination URL passed to an outlineView:namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination:forDraggedItems: method (as specified by the NSOutlineViewDataSource protocol) is always a file URL? In the implementation of such a method I'm making use of NSDictionary's writeToURL:atomically: to write out a ".webloc" prope...

How to resize NSOutlineView column when scroller appears/disappears?

This ought to be very basic but after trying for an hour or so I can't figure out how to do this correctly: I have a NSOutline view with two columns, of which the right one should always be fully visible. The enclosing NSScrollView is set to show a vertical scroller only. Now whenever the vertical scroller appears it covers part of the ...

How to make an NSOutlineView indent multiple columns?

What would be the easiest or recommended way for making an NSOutlineView indent multiple columns? By default, it only indents the outline column; and as far as I know there is no built-in support for making it indent other columns. I have an NSOutlineView which shows a comparison between two sets of hierarchical data. For visual appeal,...

Heterogeneous NSTreeController

I have an NSTreeController (supplying content to an NSOutlineView). I'd like the top-level objects to be of one class, and all other objects (so, children at any level) to be of another. What's the best way to go about this? I'll need to somehow change the behavior of at least add, addChild, insert, and insertChild, I suppose. I was hop...

Expanding all items of a NSOutlineView that loads data from a data source

First of all I'm new to cocoa development so I suppose I'm probably trying to do this the wrong way, but here goes: I have a NSOutlineView which loads the data from a NSOutlineViewDataSource imnplementation. I want all the items to be expanded after they are loaded, but i can't seem to find an event fired when the data has finished loadi...

Implementing A Static NSOutlineView

I'm having a hard time scraping together enough snippets of knowledge to implement an NSOutlineView with a static, never-changing structure defined in an NSArray. This link has been great, but it's not helping me grasp submenus. I'm thinking they're just nested NSArrays, but I have no clear idea. Let's say we have an NSArray inside an N...

NSOutlineViewDelegate - need something like didFinishEditing

NSOutlineViewDelegate has outlineView:shouldEditTableColumn:item: which gets called before editing a cell. I need a similar method called after the user has finished editing a cell (in order to trigger some calculations). Where should I look for this event ? ...

Dynamically populated NSPopUpButtonCell menu in an NSOutlineView

I’m working with an NSOutlineView which has two columns. My dataSource supplies the outline view with a tree of items of a custom class which represents file types (that is, you initialise it with a UTI). The first column is the display name of the file type (e.g., “Source code”, “Interface Builder NIB document”, etc.). The second column...

How do I set the default selection for NSTreeController at startup?

The Background I've built a source list (similar to iTunes et al.) in my Cocoa app. I've got an NSOutlineView, with Value column bound to arrangedObjects.name key path of an NSTreeController. The NSTreeController accesses JGSourceListNode entities in a Core Data store. I have three subclasses of JGSourceListNode - JGProjectNode, JGGro...

How can I bind NSButtonCells title to a controllers arrangedObject?

Hello, I have an OutlineView with one column of NSButtonCell checkboxes. The content binding of the outline view is to a TreeController. Currently, I can bind the checkbox status to the content of the TreeController by binding the value of the Table Column to TreeController.arrangedObjects.shouldBeCopied. However, I can only seem to bin...

NSOutlineView not redrawing

Hello, I have an NSOutlineView with checkboxes. I have the checkbox state bound to a node item with the key shouldBeCopied. In the node item I have the getters and setters like so: -(BOOL)shouldBeCopied { if([[self parent] shouldBeCopied]) return YES; return shouldBeCopied; } -(void)setShouldBeCopied:(BOOL)value { ...

Resizing columns in NSOutlineView without showing headers

Hi, I've an outline view with two columns. I want to allow my users to resize both columns but it doesn't seem to be possible without also displaying the column headers. Anyone succeeded in doing this? ...

Why does [NSOutlineView clickedRow] always return -1?

I have a fairly pedestrian non-editable NSOutlineView setup. In the bindings for the outline view, I have set the Double Click Target binding to my file's owner (MyDocument FWIW) with a selector of outlineViewWasDoubleClicked The method exists and is called, but when I call -clickedRow it consistently returns -1 rather than the row numb...

NSOutlineView with Drag and Drop

I read the other post here on Outlineviews and DND, but I can't get my program to work. At the bottom of this post is a link to a zip of my project. Its very basic with only an outlineview and button. I want it to receive text files being dropped on it, but something is wrong with my code or connections. I tried following Apple's example...