
Outline view from UITableView

Hi guys, I need to implement a 1 level outline view out of UITableView. The cells which have children in them will have a '+' symbol and if user taps on it, the cells below it should slide down and the children cells of current selected row should appear. The sliding of cells should be visible and if the user taps '-' button of the alre...

Make NSFormatter validate NSTextFieldCell continuously

In Cocoa, I have an NSOutlineView where the cells are NSTextFieldCell. The cell displays values which are strings that are formatted according to certain rules (such as floats or pairs of floats with a space in between). I have made a custom NSFormatter to validate the text, and this seems to work with no problem. However, the cell (or ...

Cocoa NSOutlineView and Drag-and-Drop

I recently started another thread without an account, so I'm reposting the question here with an account so I can edit current links to the program so other users can follow this. I have also updated the code below. Here is my original question: I read the other post here on Outlineviews and DND, but I can't get my program to work. At...

Nstableview group style for nsoutlineview

I like the look of the group rows in the nstableview. In apple mail, the group sections like mailboxes and rss with that style too. Is there an easy way to make a group row or root item in an nsoutlineview to look like that? I think I have to override the willDisplayCell method... ...

NSOutlineView not refreshing when objects added to managed object context from NSOperations

Background Cocoa app using core data Two processes - daemon and a main UI Daemon constantly writing to a data store UI process reads from same data store Columns in NSOutlineView in UI bound to an NSTreeController NSTreeControllers managedObjectContext is bound to Application with key path of delegate.interpretedMOC NSTreeController...

Proposed solution to NSTreeController displaying duplicate enitities

As many of you may know, an NSTreeController bound to an outline view can display duplicates while presenting core data entities. A temporary solution is to add 'parent == nil' to the predicates, but this only returns parent entities. If, for instance, a user is searching for a sub-entity, the requested sub-entity won't be displayed. ...

NSOutlineView titles are blank

I am working on an NSOutlineView that I populate by bindings to an NSTreeController. The NSTreeController contains objects of my own type. Everything is working as expected (getting the correct number of rows and disclosure indicators in the right places) expect that the titles for each row are coming up blank. I have overridden -(NSSt...

Implementing NSOutlineView/NSTableView with different cells (and data types) per row.

I'm wondering how one would implement an outline view like the one Xcode 3 is using for the build configuration: When using an NSOutlineView/NSTableView with bindings and an NSTreeController/NSArrayController, the view's columns get bindings assigned to, not the individual cells, for obvious reasons. If every row in a column uses the ...

NSOutlineView: Hot To Avoid Yellow Border When Dragging Items?

Hey experts, When I drag rows from an NSTableView to another NSOutlineView, the NSOutlineView gets a yellow highlighting border. How do I avoid that? To be precise, this happens only if I drag the rows from the table into the free space (i.e. not on any items) of the NSTableView. However, when I drag the rows directly on items in the N...

Placing items from a Core Data entity into an NSOutlineView programmatically?

Sorry if this seems like a silly question - I am an amateur when it comes to Objective-C and Cocoa and even less knowledgable when it comes to Core Data usage. So here's the situation: I have an NSOutlineView that I've already populated with a few items manually with an NSTreeController. What I need to do now is take the items in one of...

NSOutlineView selection binding error

Hi I got the next situation: NSOutlineView <-> NSTreeController <-> MyClass I bind the NSTreeController to an array of objects in MyClass, now I want to get the selected item from the NSOutlineView. For this i declare a NSMutableIndexSet and bind it to the NSTreeController via the "Selection Index Paths" binding how is bound to the NSO...

How to bind an NSOutlineView selection with other NSOutlineView?

Hi. Like the title say, I need bind the item selected in one NSOutlineView with another NSOutlineView. I got a collection of objects that has another collection inside, I want to show the first collection in one NSOutlineView and his sub-collection in a separate NSOutlineView. How con I do this? ...

Wrapping my head around NSTreeController/NSOutlineView

Hey guys, In my application, like many Mac applications, I have a source list. At the moment this is an NSOutlineView bound to an NSTreeController. I can add items to it pretty easily, and have even been able to duplicate the "source list" appearance, with grey all-caps headers and all. There's something that evades me, though, and it's...

Should I use a background thread for my UI actions?

Background I've got an NSOutlineView that shows TrainingGroup entities. Each TrainingGroup represents a folder on the local machine. The NSOutlineView is bound to an NSTreeController with a fetch predicate of IsTrained == 0 Each TrainingGroup can be assigned to a project. Each TrainingGroup has many TrainingEntries that show a time wor...

NSOutlineView with badge of unread messages like Mail.app

I'm trying to create a user interface similar to the iTunes source list or the Mail.app mailbox list where a badge with a number (e.g. unread emails, new podcasts) is shown at the right hand side of an element. Based on Apple's SourceList example, I have an NSOutlineView set up to display a couple of groups and a few items in each group...

Extra column appears in NSOutlineView

Hi, I'll try to make this question as clear as possible. I have an NSOutlineView with four columns. The first three columns use a CustomCell class that I wrote where I just override drawInteriorWithFrame to make some custom drawing. The fourth column uses another custom class called TimelineCell where I do some more advanced drawing. Al...

NSOutlineView getting an assertion error when expanding items

Looks like my data model has some problem, so that i get this error from time to time when expanding items. Does anyone has an idea what this assert means? 2010-10-20 03:04:47.547 test_tree[60332:613] * Assertion failure in -NSOutlineView _expandItemEntry:expandChildren:startLevel:, /SourceCache/AppKit/AppKit-949.54/TableView.subproj/NS...

Implementing an NSOutlineView to edit the contents of a plist file

I'm writing a game using cocos2d-iphone and our stages are defined in .plist files. However, the files are growing large - so I've developed an editor that adds some structure to the process and breaks most of the plist down into fixed fields. However, some elements still require plist editor type functionality, so I have implemented an...