
NSTableView unable automatically reload data

Hello. Can I do that NSTableView do not respond For automatically reloadData? for example when I click on hide program window, or some sing else? Another words update data in table must implement only when I call realoadData: method? ps I sink may some method like - unableReload or else, but I can't find it( ...

Core Data, NSTableView and getting Selected Row Value

I'm pretty new to Core Data and managed to get the NSTableView to show my Core Data values. The entity that the table uses is Emotes that have the two properties, Emote (string) and Usage (integer 16) When a user selects a item, it will allow a person to copy that emote to clipboard. In order to do that, I need to get the ManagedObject ...

indexes of NSTableView rows

Hello I sink index of first row in tableview is '0' it is Correct? If yes, HOW can I make so index of first row in tableview become '1' ? this is need because my DataSourse start from '1', and I need that: [myTableView selectedRow] = [myData row] but no [myTableView selectedRow] = [myData (row-1)] ...

How to set indicator image on column with multiple sort descriptors?

NSDisableScreenUpdates(); [self.productsArrayController setFetchPredicate:predicate]; [self.productsArrayController setSortDescriptors:sortDescriptors]; [self.productsArrayController fetchWithRequest:[self.productsArrayController defaultFetchRequest] merge:YES error:nil]; NSSortDescriptor *lastSortDescriptor = [sortDescriptors lastObj...

Im getting an EXE_BAD_ACCESS error with my NSTableView datasource methods. Can anyone tell me why?

Hi all, I decided to get back to Cocoa/Objective-C programming recently and my current project calls for an NSTableView. I thought I had gotten the process down to a Science but it appears I was wrong. I am getting an EXE_BAD_ACCESS error in the datasource method that actually returns the data. When I run the application, all results...

Showing text in selected row in NSTableView as white

Hi all, In my application I have taken a table view and displaying some NSString objects within it. User can also edit any row within it. When I do not change color of NSTextFieldCell in NSTableColumn in IB, it shows default display property of table view ie. when a row is selected, text of selected row starts appearing white, but whe...

cells in tableview

i need to develop table view for entering text data and boolean values, so i need to implement checkbox functionality for some tableview cells, i know how to implement regular tabledatasource interface for supply the data^ what about different types of cells? Thanks, alot. ...

Force NSTableView to reload column layout info

Is there any way to force an NSTableView to reload autosaved table column info (ie, order and size)? I've got an app that lets you switch between multiple data sets and it displays uses a table to display the data. For each data set, there's a view controller that loads the nib containing the table view. If I view the first data set and...

how to perform multiple selection in NSTableView

I am a beginner to objective c.Please tell me that how perform multiplay selection in NSTableView.I am unable to retain previous selection, when i am clicking on another row. ...

How can i show an NSImage in front of a NSTextFieldCell in a NSTableView

I display a file list and want to show the file icon and editable file name in a NSTableColumn. Also what would be the best way to display an additional NSImage immediately behind the file name (i mean not adding an additional column at the right side for the second icon). ...

NSTableView requesting Data too early.

Hi. I've run into a bit of an issue with NSTableView. The problem is that the table view is requesting data too early (it immediately requests the data from the controller), as in, the data is not there when the table view asks for it. Other methods, which gather the data to be shown in the table view haven't finished executing by the ...

NSTableView requesting Data too early.

Hi. I've run into a bit of an issue with NSTableView. The problem is that the table view is requesting data too early (it immediately requests the data from the controller), as in, the data is not there when the table view asks for it. Other methods, which gather the data to be shown in the table view haven't finished executing by the ...

Change cell content in NSTableView before editing

Hi everybody, I have an NSTableView that allows inline editing on one of its cells (NSTextFieldCell). This actually works well, but the point is: I want to manipulate the content for the editing session. Imagine having a string with a path (say: "folder/subfolder/myfile.txt") as the content of such a cell. But when the user enters edit m...

Get all Users on OS X

So I want to implement Parental Controls per user in my app, but I need a way of getting all Users and add them to an NSTableView. These users should be the same displayed by the Login Window, excluding the Other... one and system users. Any ideas on how to do this? Also, I want to be able to get the selection on that table view and of ...

conflicting types for '-(id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row'

I have this code: - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row { if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"friend name"]) { if (row == 0) { return @"All friends"; } else { return [[friendsArray objectAtIndex:row - 1] name]; ...

how to copy rows from NSTableView

Hi All, I have one NSTableView, Which displays just the row of numbers. I just want to copy those numbers using (cmd+copy) or right click copy. How can I achieve this feature in NSTableViews. ...

How to know which NSTableView opened a Contextual Menu?

Hi!, I have 5 NSTableView's instances that have the same contextual menu. When I get the message that the menu has been clicked I need to know which table sent it. I've checked the NSMenu documentation but I don't seem to find a way to check which of the tables opened the menu.. I'm thinking of subclassing NSTableView and send a message...

How can I use custom sorting on an NSTableView bound to an NSArrayController?

I have an NSTableView connected to an NSArrayController by setting the column values in interface builder to the appropriate keys in the NSArrayController. I'd like to use a custom sorting order, specifically, compare:options: with NSNumericSearch. Where can I either change my code to do this, or tell interface builder to use a differe...

Show contextual menu on ctrl-click/right-click on header of NSTableView

Hi, I'm searching for an elegant way to detect a right-click/ctrl-click on the header of an NSTableView. When the right click occurs, I want to display an contextual menu. - (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *) detects only right clicks in the table - not in the header of the table. thanks for your help. ...

Links in NSTableView NSCell

I have been reading and experimenting with allowing links in a custom drawn NSCell for the last few days and have basically got nothing usable, there's always issues with each approach. Does anyone know of a way of doing this that works? I am custom drawing the NSCell using - (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)theCellFrame inView:(NSV...