
How to draw your own NSTabView tabs?

Hi, I want to draw my own tabs for NSTabViewItems. My Tabs should look different and start in the top left corner and not centered. How can I do this? ...

Cocoa Core Data and Tab View - How do I tell when Tab View is finished "loading" so I can tell the view to initialize itself?

Hi, I have a simple Core Data app I am building to try to understand Core Data. It has two entities: a weather station, and a collection of observations for a given station. I created the initial interface for this by putting a tab view on my window, selecting the first tab, and dragging the weather station entity onto that view; then s...

deriving from NSTabViewItem

I'm writing a Cocoa app. One dialog has 3 tabs, some of the tabs needs more loading time, so I want to load them lazily. Since each Tab is a NSTabViewItem class, so I'm trying to derive from it and overriding its view property. In the view getter method, I use a ViewController to load a view and returns out. In Debugging, I found NSTabVi...

Construct NSTabView filling multiple NSTabViewItems by binding to DefaultUserPreferences...

So I have a single window applications with a NSTabView and I would like to populate a the NSTabViewItems by binding to DefaultUserPreferences that is connected to a plist like: --- <key>Tabs</key> <dict> <key>0</key> <dict> <key>tabName</key> <string>Default</string> <key>appUrls</key> <array> <string>file://localh...

Objective-C Framework PSMTabBarControl does not work - NSTabView Tabs with Style

Hello everybody In my App I'm trying to get PSMTabBarControl working, but all I do - nothing... I have copied the framework File in my Frameworks folder of my App, then included it. In my InterfaceBuilder (3.2.1) I was able to drag and drop the PSMTabBarControl to my Window and link it with the NSTabView (PSM -> tabView -> NSTabView &&...

Cocoa NSTabView coding style question

Hello, I have a coding style question which probably should be asked of a senior mac programmer at work - but since I'm the only mac programmer, well, SO it is. I have a pop-up GUI for my software (3D models, data visualization) and the pop-up is Mainly a Tabbed control with a ton of stuff in each tab (sliders, radio buttons, checkboxe...