
Reading data from server script using URL

I am calling a login script on the server using http call from iphone. the script returns a string "Invalid" or "valid" based on given username/pswd. Here is what I am using: NSString *myurlstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"http://www.mysite.com/iph/login.aspx?username=%@&password=%@",uname,pswd]; NSString *resultstr = [NS...

Cleaning up hanging NSURLConnections when a controller is dealloc'ed

I have a controller that makes HTTP GET requests using a custom class, which acts as the delegate for the NSURLConnection. Once the NSURLConnection fails or finishes, the custom class invokes methods on the controller and passes along an NSData object of received data. I'm running into a problem where the controller in action is being d...

How to get iDevices's Serial Number from NSURLRequest/NSURLConnections (which be sent by an iDevices) by PHP

I have an iOS app send an NSURLRequest/NSURLConnections to PHP Webserver. How can i detect iDevices's Serial Number which sent NSURLRequest/NSURLConnections to my PHP Webserver? Anybody can help me? :) ...

Use of network proxies in a Mac OS X application

Hello, As someone new to developing for macs I was wondering if I could gather some advice on dealing with network proxies. Currently the software makes use of: NSURLRequest NSURLDownload [NSString initWithContentsOfURL:] WebKit / WebView I had a little search on google and found Apple's page on CFProxySupport although I haven't looke...

Multiple NSURLCoonections in same View using iphone sdk

Hi, Can any one of you post the code snippet, example tutorial on handling the multiple NSURLConnections from the same viewController using cocoa Touch framework.... Thanks for all your future help..... ...

NSURLRequest, why does craigslist return a 404?

Hi there, I'm building my first iPhone app and I'm stymied. I'm trying to build an RSS reader, and I'm trying to use a feed from craigslist. This code, using stackoverflow, returns "Status code: 200": - (void)parseRSSFeed:(NSString *)feed withDelegate:(id)delegate { responseData = [[NSMutableData data] retain]; feed = @"http://stacko...

passing cyrillic characters in URL parameter in iPhone app.

I need to pass cyrillic characters as a parameter in a URL in my iPhone app. A sample URL looks like: http://www.mysite.com/script.php?message=страшная When I use this URL in my browser, it returns the correct result. However, in my app, the cyrillic is not liked, and I end up getting a "bad url" in the didFailWithError code. I have...

CFHTTPCookieGetCreateDate is deprecated in this OS build (iOS4)

Hi, I have a simple application which accesses cookies from a webpage using a standard NSURLConnection. The existing version of the application works fine (developed for 3.0), however, I have modified the app (making it fully iOS4 compatible) and I now recieve the following warning in the log: CFHTTPCookieGetCreateDate is depr...

What's the equivlent code for stringWithContentsOfURL using a NSURLRequest?

Hi, I used to have: NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:escapedUrlString]; NSString *responseString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; But, I was reading online that I should probably be using an NSURLRequest instead if I want to add a timeout. The first code works fine, but the second co...

Load HTML NSString into a UIWebView

Im doing a project where I connect to a webpage using the NSURLConnection to be able to monitor the status codes that are returned (200 OK / 404 ERROR). I would like to send the user to the top url www.domain.com if I recieve 404 as status code and if i recieve as 200 status code I would like to load the page in to a webview. I have seen...

NSURLConnection redirected on iOS device, but not on simulator

When I make a request to a particular website, I get the XML response as desired on the simulator but I get a redirect page on the device. I think this is because it is detecting that I am using a mobile browser (similar results occur through Mobile Safari), but I'm setting the user agent string of the request to my laptop browser's UA ...