
Cocoa UI Elements Not Updating

I have a few Cocoa UI elements with outlet connexions to an object instantiated within an NSView object, which is in turn put there by an NSViewController. These elements, a definite progress bar and a text label, are not updating: the progress bar is dead and empty despite having its value change constantly, the text label does not unhi...

addSubview and autosizing

How does one add views to a window, so that the views are resized to fit within the window frame? The problem I'm making a sheet window containing 2 views, where only one of them is visible at a time, so it's important that the views have the same size as the window. My problem is that either view0 fits correctly and view1 doesn't or ...

Making a Grid in an NSView

I currently have an NSView that draws a grid pattern (essentially a guide of horizontal and vertical lines) with the idea being that a user can change the spacing of the grid and the color of the grid. The purpose of the grid is to act as a guideline for the user when lining up objects. Everything works just fine with one exception. Whe...

Printing CALayers

I have a NSView which contains many CALayers. When a user is editing a document, these CALayers animate all edits. I am attempting to implement printing for my app, but I am having some problems printing these CALayers correctly. Some CALayers bounds occupy the entire NSView, and do not need to be laid out, because their position never ...

Creating a NSView from a CGPath

I have a CGPath and I want to draw it once to a NSView. Seems relatively simple but I haven't found a way in AppKit (non iphone). ...

Display NSWindow as Subview of NSView...

I have an NSWindow that I want to display as part of another window. It has to be an NSWindow; I don't want to change it to an NSView or anything... I just don't because it involves accessing foreign nib files and the such. How should I accomplish this if possible? I was thinking along the lines of grabbing the view of the NSWindow and ...

Strange behaviour of NSString in NSView

Trying to create a Skat-Game, I encountered the following problem: isBidding is a Boolean value indicationg, the program is in a certain state, [desk selected] is a method calling returning the current selected player, chatStrings consists of dictionaries, saving strings with the player, who typed, and what he typed - (void)drawRect:(N...

Layering Cocoa WebView - Drawing on top?

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1618498/webview-in-core-animation-layer The only other thread I can find is the above which doesn't necessarily fit my needs. Is there a reliable way to simply draw a view on top of a webview? I've tried to layer a regular NSView on top of WebView, and it draws right at first, but any movement in the w...

How do I make an NSView move to the front of all NSViews

Hi, I have a super view, which has 2 subviews. These subviews are overlapped. Whenever i choose a view from a menu, corresponding view should become the front view. i.e., it should be the font most subview. acceptsFirswtResponder, resigns all work fine. But the mouse down events are sent to the topmost sub view which was set. Regard...

An NSMenuItem's view (instance of an NSView subclass) isn't highlighting on hover

I need to use a custom NSView subclass to draw some content, but it isn't drawing as highlighted when the user hovers and it doesn't dismiss the NSMenu when the user clicks on it. Any ideas? Edit So using -drawRect: and [[self enclosingMenuItem] isHighlighted] I'm able to tell whether or not I need to draw the view as highlighted and a...

Cocoa: how to implement a custom NSView with an editable text area?

What's the minimum implementation needed to make a custom NSView with an editable text area? I assume NSTextFieldCell can be used for this. I've succeeded in drawing the cell in the view (which is straightforward), but making it editable seems to require a more complicated coordination between the view and the cell. Is there sample code ...

Getting raw display data from NSView

hi-- my goal is to send an NSView over the wire. i was wondering whether there was a way to get the raw display data contained in an NSView so that I can send this data over the wire and re-display this at the destination. thanks. ...

How to display a subview loaded from a separate NIB file

I'm developing a Cocoa desktop application that uses a source list in the style of iTunes: different elements in the source list cause the main content area to display different views. The content area is entirely filled with a (vertical) NSSplitView; on the left is an NSOutlineView source list. When the user selects an item on the left...

Best way to change the background color for an NSView

I'm looking for the best way to change the background color of an NSView. I'd also like to be able to set the appropriate alpha mask for the NSView. Something like: myView.backgroundColor = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.227f green:0.251f blue:0.337 alpha:0.8]; I notice that NSWindow has this method, and I'm not a big fan of the ...

Is it possible to get an NSView to pass rightMouseDown: to the next responder without subclassing?

I have a view which contains a few subviews: mainView subViewA subViewB SubViewC mainView is an NSView constructed from a nib and is controlled with an NSViewController subclass. The subviews are standard views such as NSTextField and NSImageView and are configured to be non-editable. I want mainView to receive rightMouseD...

Capture one view and output to an other view

Hi, looking for an impulse, how to get that done. I know that it is possible to capture the iSight but I have no Idea how to capture the screen and output it in realtime to an other... there will be no recording, just output... would be nice if someone could give me an hint. thx in advance ...

Get layout frame of NSView (i.e. ibLayoutInset)

I'm working on an Interface Builder-type app for interface design. I would like to be able to align NSView's along their layout frames. Is there a way to access the ibLayoutInset property from my code? ...

Can I used [NSObject hash] to store NSView's in a dictionary?

I've read that -hash does not return the same value on different architectures. However, I don't currently see this in the docs. Is there a better way to store NSView's in a dictionary without subclassing? ...

Drop down view in cocoa

I'm looking to create a 'drop down' view that falls in front of the main window. An example of this would be the window that drops down when you click 'Advanced' in System Preferences->Networking. If someone could point me in the right direction documentation-wise that would be great. Thanks in advance. ...

Add NSView from different nib

How can I add a subview when the new view is in a different xib file? The class for the different nib is an NSViewController and I'm using self = [super initWithNibName:@"NewView" bundle:nil]; to load the nib Can I just do something like: NewView *nv = [NewView new]; [oldView removeFromSuperView]; [mv addSubview:[nv theView]]; or do...