
How do I get NumberFormatter to print negative currency values with a minus sign?

I'm using the PHP NumberFormatter class to print currency values. Eg: $cFormatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY); $cFormatter->formatCurrency(123, 'USD'); $cFormatter->formatCurrency(123, 'BRL'); $cFormatter->formatCurrency(123, 'GBP'); That works fine, and returns "$123.00", "R$123.00", "£123.00" r...

Get jQuery numberformatter working

I have the jQuery numberformatter-plugin installed, but don´t get it to work correctly. I cannot find the correct commands on the net. I want to format the value of a text field, which contains a number with two decimal places (like 0.16), to display 4 decimal places (0.1600). ...

flex 4.1 NumberFormatter: configure to show precision of one only if the number is float

Hello. Currently I use the following NumberFormatter: <mx:NumberFormatter id="numberFormatter" precision="1" useThousandsSeparator="true" /> so it changes 5.43234234 so 5.4. I want the NumberFormatter to not show any precision if there isn't one. which means that if the number is 5.0, i want it to format it to 5, and not t...