
CodeDom and collection initializers

Is there a way to generate a dictionary initializer using the C# CodeDom? Are those supported at all? I would like to have: private IDictionary<string, string> map = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Name", "Value" }, ... }; ...

c# object initializer complexity. best practice

I was too excited when object initializer appeared in C#. MyClass a = new MyClass(); a.Field1 = Value1; a.Field2 = Value2; can be rewritten shorter: MyClass a = new MyClass { Field1 = Value1, Field2 = Value2 } Object initializer code is more obvious but when properties number come to dozen and some of the assignment deals with nul...

Object initializers and Contructors

I am trying to use Object initializers to set the properties of a class and then access them within the constructor of the class. The problem is that the properties do not seem to be set until after the constructor runs. Am I doing something wrong. Basic Class.. public class TestClass { public string FirstName{get; set;} publ...

Linq IEnumerable Select Question - Can I do all of this inside my select?

Hi All, I had a quick question. Can I do all of this logic inside the select statement? var entries = atisDAO.GetPME(xl, null); response.Data.Detectors = new List<DetectorDetails>(entries.Select(pme => new DetectorDetails {ID = pme.PlaceNum.ToString()})); if(response.Data.Detectors.Any()) { response.Data.Detectors.ForEach(d =>{ ...

C# Object Initialiser - Reference to the new instance

Hi all, Can I somehow get a reference to the instance I am creating using object initialiser var x = new TestClass { Id = 1, SomeProperty = SomeMethod(this) } "this" should point to the new TestClass instance I'm creating. But it obviously refers the the instance of the class i...

c# constructors vs auto-properties and object initializers

I have used auto properties a lot but I have gone more and more away from that setting up classes with readonly backing fields initialized in the constructor. I remove all setters and only add the back if the property clearly need a setter. I find this makes my classes more robust and elegant OO wise and I am kicking myself for not doi...

Conversion of C# to VB.net List<T> has error

I'm trying to convert some C# code to VB but I’m getting an error. What would be the correct VB syntax? C# return new List<string> {"First Name", "Last Name", "First & Last Name", "None"}; VB Return New List(Of String)() From {"First Name", "Last Name", "First & Last Name", "None"} And how about would I convert this too? Dim lis...

Why is my IQueryable LINQtoObject being treated as LINQtoSQL and throwing no supported translation to SQL

I have a LINQ dbml class that I am wrapping in a POCO. I have built overloaded constructors that take the DBML class and init. the wrapper objects properties based on the dbml object passed in. For example public class MyPerson{ public MyPerson(DBMLPerson p) { this.ID = p.ID; this.Name = p.Name; } } if I the...

Is this a bug in the C# 4.0 compiler?

This code compiles successfully, but I think it should fail to compile. Also, when you run it you get a NullReferenceException. The missing code is the "new Bar" in the initialization of the Bar property. class Bar { public string Name { get; set; } } class Foo { public Bar Bar { get; set; } } class Program { static void ...

Assigning events in object initializer

Why isn't it possible to assign events along with properties in object initializers in C#? It seems to be so natural to do so. var myObject = new MyClass() { Property = value, Event1 = actor, // or Event2 += actor }; Or is there some trick that I don't know of? ...