
How can you use $this reffering to the controller in a codeIgniter model

Hi everyone, I am using CodeIgniter, and in one of my models I would like to refer the $this which is used in $this->load->model and $this->load->view, instead of the $this which refers to the object itself. Is it possible? Thanks, Lemiant ...

Is there anyway to use a numeric type as an object key?

It seems that when I use a numeric type as a key name in an object, it always gets converted to a string. Is there anyway to actually get it to store as a numeric? The normal typecasting does not seem to work. Example: var userId = 1; console.log( typeof userId ); // number myObject[userId] = 'a value'; console.dir(myObject); Dir Out...

What are JavaScript objects and when would they be useful?

I just heard about JavaScript objects and was wondering what they are (because I cannot find any information out there) and what they are useful for. I really just need help with that. Sorry I am a beginner. ...

Adding items to a javascript array

Hi, I'm attempting to assign items to an array on a users action, so for example, user clicks "Add", this will add the selected id into the relevant section of the array. The array won't be created at first so I set up an empty array: var Options={}; On the users click, I then want to assign a key to match the option selected from a...

Get object class name from within parent class?

I am wanting to use the get_class($var) to show the class of an object. What would be the best way to do this? My code at the moment is: abstract class userCharacter { var $cName; var $cLevel = 0; var $cHP = 50; var $cMP = 20; function __construct($n) { $this->cName = $n; } function showDetails() {...

java object hierarchy, and passing objects to functions

I have created a TreeMap like so: TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<MyClass>> wrap = new TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<MyClass>>(); I have created a constructor like so: public foo (TreeMap<Integer, Collection<Spot> > objects) { this.field = objects; } However, eclipse gives me a red squigly when I use the constructor, with my wrap vari...

aggregate sql data into business objects- sample code inside -

Do you see a better way to read data from sqlite database into business collections? These are 2 methods of my Repository. I want to get all Schoolclass entites with/without referencing Pupil entities (see Left outer join) Is there anything that I can improve ? Haven`t found any good tips about that scenario in google so I tried mysel...

java StackOverflowError when local and instance objects creation

Hi can anybody please explain me why is this code snippet giving me StackOverflowError I really appreciate if you can explain what is happening when instanceObj initializing and calling ObjectTest constructor and java.lang.Object constructor. It seems to me ObjectTest constructor loop over and over.But I don't know exact reason? So any ...

Where can I find a C++ 3D modeling library which can open common 3D file formats?

Hello! Does someone know any C++ library / interface to handle 3d-model data in common formats (.obj, .3ds, .ply, ...)? There are some libraries that I can find, like lib3ds or libobj, but if I want to handle different object formats, I would really need to get used to API of them all and write a bunch of my own wrappers so that my co...

When are the first Python objects 'object' and 'type' instances created ?

Reading: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.2/descrintro/#metaclasses A class statement is executed and then the name, bases, and attributes dict are passed to a metaclass object. Since 'type' is an instance - isinstance(type, type), it is an object already. When/how is the very first instance created ? My guess is that the firs...

new Object { } Construct

In Java, the standard way to create an object is using MyClass name = new MyClass(); I also often see the construct new MyClass() { /*stuff goes in here*/ }; I've been looking online for a while and can't find a good explanation of what the second construct style does or how it does it. Can someone please explain how and why you ...

iPhone SDK - Asynchronous Download Methods

Hello everyone, In Erica Sadun's Download Helper, link here, I can put these methods into my classes: - (void) didReceiveData: (NSData *) theData; - (void) didReceiveFilename: (NSString *) aName; - (void) dataDownloadFailed: (NSString *) reason; - (void) dataDownloadAtPercent: (NSNumber *) aPercent; these methods obviously refer back...

Confused About Objects and Classes in CodeIgniter?

I’m fairly new to CodeIgniter and have a question. I’m a bit confused about Classes, Libraries and Objects. Does CodeIgniter replace the normal PHP way of usings objects i.e. $var = new car(); with libraries i.e. $this->load->library('some_library'); $this->some_library->some_function(); ? If both are valid, is there a difference? If s...

Python: Should I put my data in lists or object attributes?

I am looking for an appropriate data structure in Python for processing variably structured forms. By variably structured forms I mean that the number of form fields and the types of the form's contents are not known in advance. They are defined by the user who populates the forms with his input. What are the pros and cons of putting da...

Static method can access caller object, bug or feature?

I was working on my application and discovered strange behaviour of methods that called statically but not defined as static that extends same class. Eventually this methods can access and alter caller protected variables and methods. Here is example of my code: <?php class object { private $version; protected $alteredBy = 'no...

JAVA, array taking a variable number of objects as parameters

I am trying to get an array to take a variable number of objects as input. I am new to programming so I apologize in advance. Here is my code: public class Rating{ double [] Ratings; int CustomerID; int Domain; public Rating (int id, int d, double [] x) { double [] Ratings = x; int CustomerID=id; ...

JavaScript: JSLint throws "Read Only.

My code: note: the Slider Object is declared but omitted in the snippet below for better readability "use strict"; /*global arrayContainer, SliderInstance, DomObjects */ arrayContainer = new Slider.constructArray(); SliderInstance = Object.beget(Slider); DomObjects = { animationContainer: document.getElementById('animationContain...

how to build arrays of objects in PHP without specifying an index number?

Here is a weird question. I am building an array of objects manually, like this: $pages_array[0]->slug = "index"; $pages_array[0]->title = "Site Index"; $pages_array[0]->template = "interior"; $pages_array[1]->slug = "a"; $pages_array[1]->title = "100% Wide (Layout A)"; $pages_array[1]->template = "interior"; $pages_array[2]->slug =...

.NET object creation, whats faster?

IS there a difference between those 2 ways of object creation? new MyClass() { Id = 1, Code = "Test" }; or MyClass c = new MyClass(); c.Id = 1; c.Code = "Test"; Whats faster? I am assuming there is no difference between the 2. Thanks :-) ...

JavaScript - Shuffling Objects inside an object (randomize)

I need to implement a randomization from JSON result. The format of the JSON is two objects: result: Question(object) [Object { id="4c6e9a41470b19_96235904", more...}, Object { id="4c784e6e928868_58699409", more...}, Object { id="4c6ecd074662c5_02703822", more...}, 6 more...] Topic(object) [Object { id="3jhf3533279827_2342...