
Using log4j in oc4j 10.1.3

I have a web application running on OC4J 10.1.3. I am trying to do some logging using log4j. The messages show up in my IDE console as expected, but nothing is going into the application.log in OC4J. Anybody know what I need to do to get this working? Here's my log4j.properties: log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, CON1 # CON1 is set to be Co...

Can I have multiple EJB declarations for the same Home and Remote classes?

Can one declare multiple beans in the ejb-jar.xml (in EJB 1.1) deployment descriptor with different names but the same classes behind? For example: <session> <ejb-name>AccountFacade</ejb-name> <home>com.something.ejb.AccountFacadeHome</home> <remote>com.something.ejb.AccountFacadeRemote</remote> <ejb-class>com.something...

Ensuring serial processing of JMS messages in an OC4J cluster

We have an application that processes JMS message using a message driven bean. This application is deployed on an OC4J application server. (10.1.3) We are planning to deploy this application on multiple OC4J application servers that will be configured to run in a cluster. The problem is with JMS message processing in this cluster. We...

oc4j enterprise manager console session timeout?

How can I change the session timeout for the OC4J Enterprise Manager console? It times out too quickly between deployments in our development environment. ...

Resolving axis2 and OC4J library conflicts.

I'm trying to deploy an Axis2 web service to an OC4J 10.1.3 app server. I was using axis 1.4 before and had just created my own shared library with all of the files. There was an issue with 1.4 that was patched with 1.5 so now I'm using that but it does not include all of the libraries. This time I deployed the axis2.war to the OC4J...

ant build and deploy question

I have a question about something I encountered today at work. I have two projects that are built with ant build script. Lets call them projectA and projectB. ProjectA builds projectA.jar, and projectB builds projectB.war, and projectB.ear. ProjectB.war includes projectA.jar in the web-inf lib directory. In projectB there is ...

web application - OC4J with Active Directory integration

i really need help. I'm searching for this from a very long time. I would like to make a servlet (application deployed on OC4J ) which will allow to enter users logged in domain (Active Directory) without any prompt for login and password. Is it possible to retrive in servlet : user name via getRemoteUser or getUserPrincipal methods with...

java web application integrating with active direcotry on OC4J server

i really need help. I'm searching for this from a very long time. I would like to make a servlet (application deployed on OC4J ) which will allow to enter users logged in domain (Active Directory) without any prompt for login and password. Is it possible to retrive in servlet : user name via getRemoteUser or getUserPrincipal methods with...

OC4J problem with ssl (secure-web-site.xml)

I'm working on eclipse and after making some changes in application and redeploying EAR file on OC4J server (i've added ssl support) my application binding in secure-web-site.xml ( i mean: tag) disappears or rather is not adding. What do i have to do to get this done automatically ? ...

OC4J problem with ssl (secure-web-site.xml)

I'm working on eclipse and after making some changes in application and redeploying EAR file on OC4J server (i've added ssl support) my application binding in secure-web-site.xml ( i mean: web-app tag) disappears or rather is not adding. What do i have to do to get this done automatically ? ...

OC4J orion-application.xml - elements and attributes mapped to deployment plan properties

Hi. i read in oracle docs sentense like this: "Each property maps to an element attribute in the orion-application.xml descriptor." These properties are from deployment plan and i need to know what is the name of the element in orion-application.xml wich is mapped to webSiteBinding property (from deployment plan). ...

Eclipse + remote OC4J server - deploying application

Hi. I would like to deploy web application on a remote OC4J server using Eclipse. Is it possible? I'm using WTP and when adding the OC4J server there is only localhost available. ...

Grails OC4J trouble deploying to - any help appreciated

I've got a Grails app that's deployed successfully on a stand-alone OC4J instance, but when I try and deploy it to the full version via the GUI I get this problem: [Nov 5, 2009 10:50:41 AM] Binding diploma-1.0.1 web-module for application diploma to site default-web-site under context root diploma [Nov 5, 2009 10:50:48 AM] Operation fai...

How to use jaxb 2 in a web application within Oracle Application Server

I have an application that is running Jaxb 2.1.12. I am running JDK 1.5 and OC4J When I try to use the portion of my application that is using Jaxb, I get the following error: Unable to locate jaxb.properties for package I narrowed this down to the xml.jar that comes with OC4J. It contains Jaxb 1.0 classes. I can fix this ...

Determine Which Application Server our application is deployed to?

Our J2EE Application is deployed to JBoss and sometimes to OC4J . Can I know which one is being used? I hope there is a method returning the container information on runtime. ...

JSP files in external directory

In my project, we allow customer to write customer specific logic in JSP pages and attach to our product. Right now after deploying .ear file customer copy the custom files under /WebContent/custom directory so that we can refer those JSPs. This is a tedious process for installation, I would like to simplify this. I tried the following ...

OC4J Problem: global-web-application.xml Works, orion-web.xml Doesn't

I recently "solved" a somewhat common problem in OC4J regarding the use of Xerces rather than OC4J's built-in parser. The problem was solved by adding this line to global-web-application.xml: <web-app-class-loader search-local-classes-first="true"/> Unfortunately, this was too much of a big-hammer approach that could cause problems on ...

Starting oc4j and oracle using rc start script

I am having a problem with a couple of my linux boot scripts, specifically the ones that start up my Oracle 10g database and my oc4j container. I have used chkconfig to tell Linux to start the database before the container, however, it seems that the container starts before the database which oc4j does not like at all. I can get to my a...

oc4j jstl db connectivity problem

I have OAS version and the applciation that uses jstl 1.1. in tomcat (where it works fine) does nto work fine in OAS. To use jstl 1.2 requires jsp 2.1 and servlet 2.5. Does OAS support this? I tried to find online for this compatibility but could not confirm it. ...

Oracle Application Server 10.1.3.

Hi, How do we secure OAS administration em console and not expose it to the outside world. Or in other words how do we hide certain pages from displaying. Something like it should be accessible only by localhost and not by the domain name or the ip. Thanks ...