I'm toying around with OCaml. The first thing I want to know how to do is build an OCaml project. Right now, I just want something stupidly simple since I'm just learning. Could anyone point me towards a build system along with a "hello world" type example for using that build system?
I'm trying to use ocamlfind with both the OCaml compiler and toplevel. From what I understood, I need to place the required libraries in the _tags file at the root of my project, so that the ocamlfind tool will take care of loading them - allowing me to open them in my modules like so :
open Sdl
open Sdlvideo
open Str
I recently decided to organize the files in my project directory. I moved the parsers I had for a few different file types into their own directory and also decided to use ocamlbuild (the as the project was getting more complicated and the simple shell script was not sufficient any longer).
I was able to successfully include external p...
Having successfully reorganized my project for ocamlbuild with subdirectories and using ocamlfind, I've found it difficult to build the top-level.
I've constructed a .mltop file containing all the modules that would be included and added the packages to the _tags, but the build doesn't work. It cannot find the C functions that are compi...