
Oracle Global Temporary Table / PHP interaction question

I've never used the Global Temporary Tables however I have some questions how they will work in a php environment. How is data shared: Assuming persistent connections to oracle through php using oci8. Is the data tied to a database id? is it done based on the Apache httpd demons? Or is each individual request unique? When is the data...

Return a 'DESC package' in PHP using OCI

Hi I am trying to get information on an Oracle package directly from PHP using OCI8: $sql = 'DESC my_package'; $stmt = oci_parse($conn, $sql); oci_execute($stmt); this returns: Warning: oci_execute() [function.oci-execute]: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement in /oci8_test.php on line 16 I know the command works as I tried it in SQL...

Problem with return value of oci_parse

what will be the condition of if , where i want to execute some command inside if ,if there is no row returned by the query. if() { } else { } ?> ...

Dealing with eacute and other special characters using Oracle, PHP and Oci8

Hi I am trying to store names into an Oracle database and fetch them back using PHP and oci8. However, if I insert the é directly into the Oracle database and use oci8 to fetch it back I just receive an e Do I have to encode all special characters (including é) into html entities (ie: é) before inserting into database ... or am ...

oci_connect Blank Page in PHP

UPDATE (5/21/2010) SUCCESS! So after MUCH $head->desk()'ing, I've solved it. Remember kids, be wary of the instant client version you use, dependent on the virtualization settings! I had been installing the generic Instant Client (not aware our ESX servers sit on AMD processors, not Intel) and that worked fine internally (the CentOS i...

OCI8 functions not found when run by apache with php5

I'm trying to set up a server for a project in my databases class. I'll be writing the project in php, deploying it via apache, and connecting to a remote oracle server. I'm having trouble with the oracle connection portion. I have the OCI8 module installed with oracle's instantclient version 10.2. I thought it was working because when I...

How do I require a specific version of a ruby gem?

Specifically, the ruby-oci8 gem. I have both 1.0.7 and 2.0.4 installed. I want 1.0.7. I can just require oci8, but I don't get the version I want. irb(main):001:0> require 'oci8' => true irb(main):002:0> OCI8::VERSION => "2.0.4" I can require using the full path to the file, which works, but is not going to be portable: irb(main):...

Where's the OCI8 extension in PHP/5.3.2?

I'm deploying a PHP application that connects to an Oracle 9i server using the OCI8 functions. I've installed the latest official binaries for Windows (PHP/5.3.2) in order to run it as Apache 2.2 module (i.e., the VB6+ts MSI installer). However, the OCI8 extension is no longer in the extension list: the only options to choose from are Or...

Can I return values to PHP from an anonymous PL/SQL block?

I'm using PHP and OCI8 to execute anonymous Oracle PL/SQL blocks of code. Is there any way for me to bind a variable and get its output upon completion of the block, just as I can when I call stored procedures in a similar way? $SQL = "declare something varchar2 := 'I want this returned'; begin --How can I return the value of 'someth...

Why is PHP's OCI8/Oracle oci_bind_array_by_name not working for me?

I'm trying to bind a php variable to pl/sql array. The pl/sql procedure works fine when I execute it manually and set the bind, so I know that's not the problem. It's the oci_bind_array_by_name that is causing problems. I get the following error message for the line in the PHP code below where I call the oci_bind_array_by_name functio...

Can PHP and Oracle pass complex types to each other?

I want to pass/bind an array of (key1, key2) to an Oracle PL/SQL stored procedure using PHP. I'm able to bind primitive types and arrays of primitive types, but haven't found a way to pass complex datatypes back and forth. Is this unsupported? So far I've been having to pass along multiple arrays -- one for each subtype in my complex ...

How can I connect PHP 5.1 to Oracle 7?

I have been able to query newer Oracle databases using the PHP oci8 extension with the Oracle 10.2 Instant Client. Unfortunately, the Oracle Instant Client seems to be unable to connect to an Oracle 7 database (version 7.3.3 to be precise). Is there a way to query an older Oracle database from PHP? ...

OCIError on 'require'; permissions issue?

I've just recently started learning/using Ruby at work. I've got a super-simple test script that just connects to our Oracle 10g database, runs a select, and 'puts' the results to the screen. This is on a Solaris 10 server. If I run the script as the 'apps' user (the system user that runs our automated scripts), the script runs fines....

Are there OCI8 replacements for ADO MoveFirst and EOF, BOF?

I am researching the possibility of porting an application written in classic ASP with ADO record sets and an Oracle database to PHP5 and OCI8. We have lots of stored procedures and queries with bind variables for performance. My problem is that we have become lazy from using the ADO classes and the EOF and BOF indicators along with Mo...

oci8 on Ubuntu error

I have already installed oracle xe 10g, apache, php in ubuntu by following the ebook Underground Oracle-PHP-manual. But when i run some file connection oracle-PHP using oci_connect() show error : Warning: oci_connect() [function.oci-connect]: OCIEnvNlsCreate() failed. There is something wrong with your system - please check that ORAC...