
R, python or octave: empirical quantile (inverse cdf) with confidence intervals?

I'm looking for a built-in function that returns the sample quantile and an estimated confidence interval in something other than MATLAB (MATLAB's ecdf does this). I'm guessing R has this built-in and I just haven't found it yet. If you have any standalone code to do this, you could also point to it here, though I hope to find somethin...

Implementation of Matlab's uicontrol in Octave?

I am trying to run the .m Matlab code of a graphics program used in our lab in Octave. Octave tells me there is no definition of the function "uicontrol", which is used in the code. After some searching, I read that the package JHandles has an implementation of the "uicontrol" GUI function. However, I can't find jhandles anywhere. There...

Why/when should I prefer MATLAB over Octave?

In our shoestring operation we need to prototype algorithms in some higher-level language before committing to a C implementation on embedded hardware. So far we have been using MATLAB to do that, but the licensing costs are beginning to hurt. We're considering porting our MATLAB code to Octave. Is there any particular reason not to do...

How should I do rapid GUI development for R and Octave methods (possibly with Python)?

We are a medium-sized academic research lab whose main outputs are new statistical methods for analyzing large datasets. We generally develop in R and MATLAB/Octave. We would like to expand the reach of our work by building simple, wizard-style user interfaces to access our methods, either web-apps like RNAfold or stand-alone applicati...

Using soundsc in Octave, on Windows 7

Alright, I'm having trouble getting started on this one. I'm trying to use the soundsc function in Octave, but I keep getting this error: error: sound.m: No command line utility found for sound playing I've searched around some on the net but couldn't find out what to do. Here's a link to the source code of the file I found on the net...

How do I create a simple Octave distributable without installing Octave

The Octave documentation on this subject is both intimidating and sparse. I did not know where else to document the solution I found, so I am posting here. I apologize if that's inappropriate, but I want to help the next guy. The following solution is for a simple windows distributable. Use Case: A solution is developed in Octave 3.2...

Matrix multiplication in numpy

Hi, The numpy docs recommend using array instead of matrix for working with matrices. However, unlike octave (which I was using till recently), * doesn't perform matrix multiplication, you need to use the function matrixmultipy(). I feel this makes the code very unreadable. Does anybody share my views, and has found a solution? Thanks...

Good Performance on Octave or Matlab / Bad Performance on gcc

Hallo Everyone, I am actually on topic of 3d-Scanning for robotic pick&place-applications. To get a start I'm using an ICP-algorithmus to match the position of a reference object relative to the actual object. For this purpose I am using Octave/Matlab with the following code: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/12627-it...

Recursively create a sine wave given a single sine wave value and the period

I am trying to write a .oct function for Octave that, given a single sine wave value, between -1 and 1, and sine wave period, returns a sine wave vector of period length with the last value in the vector being the given sine wave value. My code so far is: #include <octave/oct.h> #include <octave/dColVector.h> #include <math.h> #define P...

Fast access to pixels in Octave

I am using Octave to analyze some images. Now I use two nested for-loops to access every pixel but this is really slow. My code is something like that: for i = 1:size(im,1) for j = 1:size(im,2) p = im(i,j,1:3); if (classRGB(class, [p(1),p(2),p(3)]) > 0) ## Apply some function to that pixel here endi...