
How can I implement WCF/OData access as a "paid upgrade" to my ASP.NET site if I want to use AJAX with the same?

Suppose I'm entertaining a business model that offers free access to my propritary data if they visit my website. These users will have advertising subsidize the cost. Then, for the paid users I want to offer direct raw WCF access to my data as an incentive. I don't want this available to the freebie users, but at the same time the si...

WCF DataServices Expand 12 Limitations

I'm using WCF DataServices in a Silverlight app. My issues is that with the model I'm referencing I need access to more than 12 expanded properties. The reason is that I am referencing a service with recursive model and basically I need 5 expands on 4 levels which exceeds the max number of expands which is apparently 12. Is there another...

RIA Services OData "Query options are not allowed."

Hi, I have a OData endpoint which was created automatically by RIA which seems to work with simple 'get' queries. E.g. http://xxx/Service/BusinessApplication1-Web-DomainService1.svc/odata/ProductSet But when I try to use queries such as 'where' or 'top', e.g: .../BusinessApplication1-Web-DomainService1.svc/odata/ProductSet?$top=50...

ObjectContext for OData in iPhone App NSThread

I am writing an app that consumes an OData feed and I am creating my proxy which inherits from ObjectContext in a NSThread. The first time a call is made with any execute on the proxy itself or on a query object, the debugger is fine. The subsequent calls fail and it looks like the debugger freaks out. Does any one have any idea of why t...

Programatic generation of OData Proxy

There is OData Service using WCF Data Services (ADO.NET Data Services) available. I need to consume the OData Service in programmatic way. In the sense I do not want to use DataSvcUtil to create the proxy. Instead at runtime I need to generate the OData Proxy. For WSDL, it is possible to generate the proxy using CodeDOM and System.Serv...

What is wrong with my sql query of odata?

I am trying to get the number of users for each age. What is wrong with this sql query for odata.stackoverflow.com? select age, count(*) from users order by age group by age ...

Using enums in WCF Data Services

I'm trying to manually build a WCF Data Service using a POCO data model and I cannot figure out how to properly expose enum values. Assuming a simple model like: public class Order { public int ID {get; set;} public string Description {get; set;} public OrderStatus Status {get; set;} } public enum OrderStatus { New, InPr...

OData $format system query option causes Bad Request 400

I have a very simple Reflection-based OData sample the runs fine and generates json when I use the Accept header as indicated. However, I cannot get it to work with the $format=json parameter. Whenever I add that parameter, I get Bad Request. According to this, it seems like it should work: link text Note that other system query opti...

OData Metadata and Http Operations

I have a OData End point. I am creating a proxy using the OData Metadata endpoint (datasvcutil.exe). The proxy essentially contains the main DataServiceContext class and class is generated for each of the entity in the meta data. Is there any way of inferring the set of HTTP methods exposed by the end point ? Suppose that the OData ser...

AJAX + OData + Basic Auth for Sharepoint 2010's ListData.svc, JSON-P or JSON + xdr

I am looking for a way to either: Do a cross domain plain JSON request a-la YUI IO (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/examples/io/io-xdr.html with Basic Authentication) or alternatively, Have Sharepoint 2010's ListData.svc support JSON-P (e.g. /_vti_bin/listdata.svc/?$format=json&$callback=loaded) so I can use jQuery.ajax to make a Bas...

Throttling in OData : Limiting the amount of data received from Server

How do I restrict the amount of data received from a OData service.? In a WCF Service there is an option MaxReceivedMessageSize with which we can restrict. Binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize ==> Gets or sets the maximum size for a message that can be received on a channel configured with this binding. In the case of OData is there a way to...

Posting Data from iPhone to a server exposing OData

Hi, I have a server which is exposing OData services. I can actually make use of OData client for Objective C to get the data and show on the iPhone. I am wondering what is the process of posting some data into the server from the iPhone. Assume I have to just send a simple name to the server how would I do that Any pointers to clo...

Is there a .NET class wrapper for the OData protocol Uri

Does anyone know if there an open-source .NET wrapper that can reliably parse the OData protocol Uri? I'm not looking for pointers to WCF Data Services... I'm creating a WCF-based data querying service that (for complicated reasons) cannot be a real Atom/OData service, but I really like the expressiveness of the OData Uri for identifyin...

Can you use WCF Data Services (ne OData, ne Astoria, ne ADO.NET Data Service) with NetTcpBinding?

I'm looking at creating a data query WCF service over a slow satellite connection and I really like WCF Data Services. The problem I see is that HTTP is a very verbose format and since everything I'm doing is internal and .NET, is it possible to use NetTcpBinding instead to reduce some of the overhead? Is this even possible? Advisable? ...

OData : Multiple Entity Container and DataServiceContext

As per the OData specification it is possible for a OData Metadata to have multiple entity containers. Also its possible to have inheritance relationship between the entity containers. Since I generate the proxy using DataSvcUtil.exe for the data services, does the generated proxy takes care of multiple entity containers? Basic questio...

OData (WCF Data Service) with Subsonic 3

Hi all, I'm trying to use WCF Data Service with Subsonic, but ran into this error when I try to access my "service.svc". I have 2 projects, one is a class library (called "OData") that has Subsonic t4 templates to generate the classes for my table. Another is an ASP.NET MVC2 project that references to the "OData" project. I then create...

EntityClassGenerator : Not generating any output for NorthwindDataService

I am trying to generate the OData Proxy for the service : http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/$metadata I am using System.Data.Services.Design.EntityClassGenerator for generating the OData proxy. When I instantiate the EntityClassGenerator and call GenerateCode the output has no errors. But there is no code in the genera...

Querying from a DataServiceContext

I have an oData generated DataServiceContext and I am successfully adding entities to it. I need to add a whole load of entities and then commit them in a single SaveChanges with the Batch option set at the end. This is all fine, until I come to query it before the save changes. Outline is: Create a new entity Add it to the DataServi...

Does anyone know of a good OData explorer?

Our software has an OData API and we would like to package it with a good OData explorer so that developers can easily discover the properties and methods. We have found this one: http://www.silverlight.net/content/samples/odataexplorer/ But it doesn't work in some cases and is pretty crappy. We need something that is intuitive and p...

OData client for .Netframework 2.0

Is there a client that I can consume OData service in a .Netframework 2 application? Haven't found a clear answer / example. ...