
Accessing NexusDB from Java

I am trying to get info from an embedded db called NexusDB using java. Alternative 1: I've read in NexusDB website that there is an ODBC driver so I might use it with unixODBC. Then I need to do a JDBC-ODBC Bridge as stated here. Alternative 2: Get some sort of application to migrate NexusDB db to another db. Would like to know one. ...

update a table in db2 row by row from .net...

I perform some actions on a table retrieved from a db2 database row by row in a C# project. but when I try to update it using cursors row by row to the database using the following statement selectCommand.CommandText = "DECLARE crsr1 CURSOR FOR select * from " + tableName+" ;" , an exception is generated. From my understanding of this...

Using Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS with MS-Access JDBC-ODBC throws exception

import java.sql.* ; import java.util.* ; import java.io.* ; class DataBaseFactory{ public static Connection getConnection() { // ... } } class Demo{ public static void main(String []args) throws SQLException { Connection con = DataBaseFactory.getConnection() ; // This is throwing exception /...

Why does SQLyog returns MySQL query results 10x faster than my Delphi program?

select rectype,jobid,jobrecid,template,assignedto,entereddt,enteredby,ref1,processed,processeddt, processbydt,title,description,connectlanhandle,finished,updateddt,ref2,cancelled, requireaccept,acceptrejectstate,acceptrejectbydt,alert1dt,alert2dt,alert3dt,despatchallowed, flag,ref3,projectid,duration,skillset,postcode,prefschedulefrom,pr...

Oracle Generic DB Link not working

I'm trying to use oracle's hsodbc generic database link driver to access a postgresql database from my oracle 10gr2 database server. I think I have everything configured but I'm receiving this error from the sqlplus promt after trying a remote query. SQL> select * from temp_user@intranet; select * from temp_user@intranet ...

Querying Oracle with a pick list

I have an oracle database that I have read-only access (with no permission to create temporary tables). I have a pick list (in Excel) of 28000 IDs corresponding to 28000 rows in a table which has millions of records. How do I write a query to return the 28000 rows? I tried creating a table in access and performing a join through ODBC b...

How do I create an odbcparameter for a sql server xml datatype for an odbccommand object?

So I've got a situation where I need to pass a bunch of data to the server to create a bunch of records. So I read this article and chose the XML method. So I've got the stored procedure all created in sql server 2005. But now I need to call it from asp.net code. Only all I've got for a database connection is an odbcconnection. I se...

Is it possible to use a 32-bit ODBC driver with a 64-bit application on windows?

I have a 64-bit application and an ODBC-driver which only comes in 32-bit-flavour. Is there any way to have the application connect to the datasource through the driver? I realize the short answer is NO, related to 64-bit applications not being able to load a 32-bit dll, but I am looking for a slightly longer and more positive answer. ...

Getting status message of successful executed SQL command?

I wrote a little C++/MFC application that allows me to connect to an ODBC database and execute SQL statements. I'm using SQLGetDiagField / SQLGetDiagRec to display meaningful error messages to the user in case of any errors. Is there a way to receive and disply the database confirmation messages ("table created", "role set", "user dropp...

Why is ODBC slow?

Why is ODBC slow? What is the underlying architecture? Can somebody throw more light on the same> ...

Free/Open Source DataEase provider

Anyone know of a free/open source OLEDB/ODBC/JDBC driver against DataEase? ...

PostgreSQL ODBC driver not showing up in Control Panel (Data Sources)

I installed psqlODBC and when I go to Control Panel -> Data Sources (ODBC) I don't see the Postgres driver installed. I rebooted, still nothing. I then noticed that if I launch this control panel applet from the file c:\WINDOWS\system32\odbccp32.cpl the drivers suddenly appear! This happens on an XP 64 bit machine. I can't really ex...

How do I insert data into a Postgres table using PowerShell or VBScript?

I need to periodically query the event logs on a handful of servers and insert specific events into a Postgres table. I am having trouble figuring out how I can insert data into a table via ODBC using PowerShell and/or VBScript. I'm reasonably familiar with both VBScript and PowerShell generally, and I can craft a SQL UPDATE statement t...

TableAdapter query with an Int64 parameter over an ODBC data connection...

In this case, the Visual Studio designer generates a method which takes the parameter as an int, even though the corresponding database column is specified as System.Int64. This is the query specified in the "TableAdapter Query Configuration Wizard": SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE "status_id" = ? Again, status_id is of type System.In...

MDE Access decrypt JDBC

I want to perform JDBC SQL queries on a MDE Access file. I've set up the data source ODBC and everything worked well for a MDE file. Now, I'm working with a newer version of the MDE file, and here is the result: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][Driver ODBC Microsoft Access] Cannont read record. Read authorization unavailable for "tbl...

ODBC vs. newer methods for database management over the internet...

I am taking on a legacy project in which database management was handled over the internet using an ODBC connection. The legacy program has recently been rewritten in C#. We are currently discussing how to improve the program and I am a bit uncomfortable with using ODBC to connect to the database. I have written routines to connect to...

AS400 / DB2 cross-library query problem

Hi - I'm querying an Iseries from ODBC in my app and am trying to perform a query that returns results from 2 tables. I need to join the tables but the tables are in different libraries. I don't want to use library identifiers in my query as my libraries change as I move from dev>qa>prod. However, I am certain that these tables will only...

Unable to set up ODBC after installing ODAC (Xcopy)

We are trying to use ODAC Xcopy to minimize the footprint of installing Oracle 11g Client. Currently, we use the Oracle 11g Admin install (~700mb). I've tried using the ODAC Xcopy, and that works. However, the only issue I now have is that I cannot set up an ODBC on the target system by just installing the ODAC Xcopy. After installing ...

Windows ODBC Datasources and .Net System.Data.Odbc: Which driver is used?

Hi all, I am confused on how to connect to Oracle via ODBC. I have created an ODBC datasource named "oracle" in my Control Panel > Administrative Tools, and used the driver "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle". In my app.config , I have the following connection strings <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <configSections> </configSection...

How to write to a varchar(max) column using ODBC

Summary: I'm trying to write a text string to a column of type varchar(max) using ODBC and SQL Server 2005. It fails if the length of the string is greater than 8000. Help! I have some C++ code that uses ODBC (SQL Native Client) to write a text string to a table. If I change the column from, say, varchar(100) to varchar(max) and try to ...