
Need a way for users to enter data while offline and re-submit it when back online

As part of a larger webapp, I want to build functionality that allows a user to enter data while offline -- and then send that data back to my site when they have a connection again The parts that, to me, are missing ar Saving a certain set of data in their browser Saving a form that allows them to enter data using form from step#2 to...

Facebook Connect: Authentication and login issue

I am trying to integrate Facebook Connect as the only means of logging in to our community site. I am having a problem with session persistence as my application seems to regularly loses it's Facebook login session. First, I'd like to know if I have to execute this code for each page on my site: $fb_params = array( 'appId' => $id, ...

iPhone offline reading

Hi, first of all - I am quite new to iPhone App development (3 months). I am working for a software company that offers a content management system. Our customers are for the main part publishing houses for magazines. They use our software to write articles to their homepages. Now we want to offer iPhone Applications to go with our cms....

HOWTO use UIWebView to display a downloaded file later?

How do I format an NSURL (what path, or path generator function) so that I can display a downloaded local file (NOT part of the application NSBundle) for use offline? The idea is to snag an HTML file, clean it up and stash it in the iFoo application specific storage area, then later use UIWebView to display it. Next, I go off to RTFM a...

Is there a CakePHP offline manual

There used to be, but there don't seem to be any direct links. A little digging around revealed some answers which I thought it would be useful to share. These are links to the manual in one page - useful for offline use or creating a PDF using Dardo Sordi Bogado's build script: ...

Mobile Safari application cache bugs?

I'm using Mobile Safari's cache manifest file to store a multi-page data entry application that is run on an iPod Touch (version 3.1.3) in offline mode. The application writes to the client-side database by way of the persistence.js ORM. This all works fine. However, I run into the occasional, extremely hard to reproduce problem whereby...

HTML5 Cache Manifest Not uploading

I am working on an offline application in HTML and am having a problem using the HTML5 manifest. I am able to get it to download all the files and the manifest but when I change the manifest it does not do an update. I see a record of the browser downloading the manifest in the web server log, and it does issue a bunch of progress event...

Test PHP's mail funtion from localhost

I need to test a function that uses PHP's mail() How can I do this without uploading the script to a server and test it online? What's even more I am developing with no Internet connection at all. I am on Mac OSX running localhost from XAMPP. ...

jQuery .click() doesn't work offline?

Hi everyone, I've bind .click events on some section headers, so that when a user clicks on one of those headers, the section appears/disappears. So far so good, but for some reason, when I go offline, that doesn't work anymore. I don't understand such a behaviour, could anyone enlighten me? Here's the code: <script src="jquery-1.4...

How to detect online/offline event cross-browser?

Hi everyone, I'm trying to accurately detect when the browser goes offline, using the HTML5 online and offline events. Here's my code: <script> // FIREFOX $(window).bind("online", applicationBackOnline); $(window).bind("offline", applicationOffline); //IE window.onload = function() { document.body.ononlin...

how to reach facebook database when none of the users is using the application?

Hi! I'm developing an FBML (not an iFrame) application on Facebook. Since i need lots of api calls, i get time-out when i try to get all the info only when the user is actually using the application. So, i guess i need to have a database that often updates itself even when users are offline. And i'll use the info from that database when ...

Can I run my .NET app offilne using the Silverlight UI?

I'm working on an interface for an app that I run locally (this needs to be able to run offline), and I want to use Silverlight's UI. I use certain references (specifically, Microsoft.Win32) in my .NET app which are not supported by the Silverlight framework, however. I want to not only use these assemblies, but somehow put a Silverlig...

How can I play video offline on iPad, using an HTML 5 web app (using Sencha touch or otherwise)

I've created a web app (using Sencha Touch, but that's not important) which I'm trying to get offline. It's a slideshow with images and a video. When online, it plays an mp4 video using the tag in HTML . I can take it offline using a cache manifest file, which works fine for all other content, but my video won't play when offline. I've...

Offline / Online Data Synchronization Design (Javascript)

Hi All, I'm currently in the process of writing an offline webapp using all the html5 goodies for offline support. However I'm starting now to think about writing the sync module that will ensure that any offline data gets sent to the server and server data back to the client. Now I'm sure this has been done before, I mean its a prett...

How can I detect a user's input language using Ruby without using an online service?

I'm looking for a library or technique to detect the input language of blocks of text provided by users. Online lookups (like Google translate) won't work for this task as I'm writing an app which must run offline. Thanks. ...

Eclipse hangs intermittently on PC without internet connection.

I've encountered this problem since Eclipse 3.2, but in the newer versions the problem occurs more often. The eclipse IDE will be unresponsive for a few seconds (up to a minute?) whenever I access certain configuration menu items or when eclipse parses an XML file which contains xmlns variables pointing to some internet URL. (eg; xmlns:...

Google gears a good solution for online/offline wiki?

Hi there we need an online offline wiki type app that is basically a number of pages with documentation in, but that also would need to link to a number of files .. words docs/ pdfs/ ppts etc that are on a synched mapped drive on the users laptop.. could anyone suggest whether or not google gears would be a reasonable solution to this,...

How to protect software from system date-time changes?

I would like to add licensing system to application. For example: user buys license for 1 month and after that program expires (Kinda Anti-Virus style?). Problem is that application is supposed to run in systems which may or may not be connected to internet, so how to protect from date-time changes? Storing app startup and close times ...

Check serverlist offline / online PHP

Hello, i try to make a script to check if my server are online or offline: <? $server = ""; $check = @fsockopen($server, 22); if ($check) { @fclose($check); echo "online"; exit; }else{ echo "offline"; } ?> so this script works, but how can i make the script that i can ...

HTML5 cache - retrieve list of cached pages

Hi - I have some questions about usage of HTML5 Cache, hopefully someone can provide some help. I have a web app where a user can query info about reservations they have made. I'd like to use the HTML5 Cache so that when a user queries a reservation, the results page will be cached offline. I want this so the user can quickly view the r...