
Audio output to .wav file is valid, but when encoded with Vorbis, it records silence ?

I've been hunting bugs for the past three days and I've kind of given up. I've plowed through all the samples in the OpenAL SDK and the Vorbis examples, but to no avail, so I hope someone can help me. The problem: I record audio using OpenAL, and for debug reasons i output it to C:/out.wav which i can then play with any audio player of...

Is it possible to read music file metadata using R ?

Hi all, I've got a bunch of audio files (let's say ogg or mp3), with metadata. I wish to read their metadata into R so to create a data.frame with: file name file location file artist file album etc Any way you know of for doing that ? ...

Get length of ogg theora video

Hi, I'm currently playing around with libtheoradec but I cannot find an easy way of finding out the playing time of an ogg theora file. There are several examples in the libtheoradec distribution but none of them shows how to get the length (i.e. playing time in seconds or so) of a theora stream. Is this information not available somewh...

Firefox To Play Ogg

I have an ogg/audio file converted from mp3 using Alt WAV MP3 Ogg Converter. When I drag and drop the file in Firefox or in Google Chrome, the audio plays nicely. But when a use the following code to place the file inside a page it only works on Chrome. My code is simple as that: <audio controls> <source src="foo.ogg" type="aud...

libogg/libvorbis projets for VS2010

I recently installed VS2010 and am in the process of recompiling some libraries. It went ok until it was time for libobb and libvorbis. The conversion of the projectfiles failed for some reason. Has somebody had some experience with this? ...

Best way to stream mp3

Hey guys, I need to organize mp3-streaming from my machine to the rest of the world. People advised me to use MPD with Icecast2 as frontend. Everything is ok except one thing — music is being streamed as Ogg Vorbis, not what actually I need. There's a snippet of MPD's config file: audio_output { type "shout" ...

streaming audio with html5 `<audio>` tag

I am trying to stream audio on a site hosted by Dreamhost from a lecture series using the <audio> tag in html5, but without much success. The actual code is <audio id="playerTwo" class="player" controls="controls" preload="none"> <source src="audio.ogg" type="audio/ogg; codecs='vorbis'"/> <source src="audio.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"/> </au...

Advice - How To Start Converting Video / Audio

I have been using C++ for the last five years now. During this time, I never had to work with audio nor video files. One thing I want to write is an application that will take a AVI/MPEG file and convert it to the OGG format. Are there any good books / tutorials out there where I can get my feet wet in this domain in general? I am aw...

Good MP3 or OGG Decoder written in C

Hey, I was looking for a good MP3 or OGG decoder that use the BSD license or public domain and that is also light-weight (something that comes with sources without the need of platform specific configuration). ...

Merge two mp3 php

Hello, Do you know a class to merge two mp3 in php ? I've found nothing serious on google. Thank you ! ...