
OmniAuth & openid: getting certain fields from openid provider

I'm using the rails gem: OmniAuth to login users. When using an OpenId provider I would like to get certain field, like email and nickname but I don't see any documentation on this. Any ideas? thanks ...

OmniAuth & Facebook: certificate verify failed

I've followed Railscast #235 to try and set up a minimal Facebook authentication. I've first set up a Twitter authentication, as done by Ryan himself. That worked flawlessly. I then moved on to adding a Facebook login. However, after authorizing the app the redirect to /auth/facebook/callback fails with: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0...

Is it possible to integrate OmniAuth and Facebooker together ?

Hi I'm want to use ruby on rails to create a facebook connect web site with full facebook integration (events API) can I use OmniAuth for authentication and facebooker to handle the facebook API together ? Is facebooker up to date with the latest API changes in Facebook ? Can you recommend any good articles about the subject ? Thanks G...

Rails 3, OmniAuth and passenger throws RoutingError

I'm trying to build a new rails 3 app from scratch using OmniAuth. Currently I just have a completely empty app, where I've added omniauth to the Gemfile, and added a omniauth.rb in config/initializers that looks like this: Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :facebook, 'APP_ID', 'APP_SECRET' end (E...

Does OmniAuth provide simple hooks to the Facebook Graph API?

I am working on integrating Omniauth with my new Facebook application, and I am looking through the rather sparse documentation to understand if it gives simple ways to access the graph API... I am moving from Koala which was pretty simple. Has anyone out there used Omniauth for this yet? I want to get photos from the users' albums, ...

OpenID for rails app behind Apache

Hi, I'm trying to integrate simple OpenID authentication through Google accounts. I'm using omniauth gem and on my local development system (Win7, ruby 1.8.7-p302, rails 2.3.8, omniauth 0.1.5) everything works nice. The problem shows it's face when I deploy it to my hosting (HostGator). The app (mongrel) starts at port 12002 and through...

How can I specifiy what access I need from my user's Facebook accounts when using OmniAuth?

When you use OmniAuth to login to a web app through Facebook, these are the permissions the webapp has: Access my basic information Includes name, profile picture, gender, networks, user ID, list of friends, and any other information I've shared with everyone. Send me email WebApp may email me directly at [email protected] Access my da...

Has anyone used omniauth with rails 2.3.8?

Hello All, I am new to Rails and I am trying to use omniauth with rails 2.3.8. I couldn't find any tutorial for this version of rails so I referred to I added the initializer as follows: omniauth.rb OmniAuth::Strategies::Twitter = { :consumer_key => 'xxxxxx', ...