
Changing where passenger looks for RubyGems


where are passenger buffered uploads hiding?

My PassengerTempDir is at /home/passenger/tmp, because /home is on a larger partition than / While uploading some large files to test this configuration, "du /home/passenger" reveals a small amount of space being used; but "df" shows the /home partition rapidly losing available space. If I move PassengerTempDir to another partition, "d...

cache money ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError

Hi, i keep on getting ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError errors randomly everywhere in my program. i have passenger (30 instances) running with nginx. i don't have this problem in dev. When i remove cache money it works fine in production. this is the error msg: ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError (missing attribute: deposit_amount): ...

Rails app Hangs and Ruby uses 100% CPU

I have an apache2 server running Phusion Passenger. On this machine I have two virtual hosts setup each look like this (path's are different for the 2nd virtualhost...but other directives are the same) ServerName DocumentRoot "/var/www/beta/mysite/public" <Directory "/var/www/beta/mysite/public"> RewriteEng...

Trying to install Phusion Passenger gem on debian

I tried do gem1.8 install passenger but I get the following error ERROR: could not find gem passenger locally or in a repository Which I don't understand, cause it clearly is in the repository gem1.8 list -r | grep passenger returns colouringcode-passenger (0.1) passenger (2.2.9) passenger-recipes (0.1.2) passenger_debugger (0...

If I install passenger via tarball and install it, how do I uninstall it?

Normally I would install phusion passenger via the gem command, but this wouldn't work for me, so I had to install it via a tarball and then run the installer. My question is, how do I uninstall it? dpkg -l | grep passenger doesn't return anything. When I list the installed gems, I don't see anything either. So i guess I have two q...

mongoDB, passenger and performance issues with phusion passenger

i just stumbled across a posing on the mongodb-user list where there was a discussion about passenger and forking when using mongoDB with MongoMapper. I just wanted to remind that Rails developers need to tweak their 'environment.rb' if they use MongoDB with Passenger. By default, Passenger spawns Ruby processes with fork(). A...

Sinatra enable :sessions not working on passenger/apache

Hi guys, Am having trouble getting enable :sessions to persist for a simple Sinatra app hosted on passenger/apache. I'm storing the state of session[:authorized] in a cookie. It works locally when hosted on Rack::Handler::Mongrel but I can't seem to get same behaviour on passenger. I've tried two methods for enabling sessions, both of ...

[Rails] Accessing a particular Rails (Passenger) instance

Hello! I have this Rails app that can be spawned (by Passenger) a number of times. I want to generate a random id for each instance and include it in every view (as a comment on the HTML output), and be able to access a specific instance using the id. Is this possible with Passenger? Can I target a specific instance? I want to be able ...

phusion passenger and ruby 1.9.1 is it working already?

i have a production and a development machine, both running ubuntu 8.10 and both are running the latest phusion passenger. as i am using ruby 1.9.1 on my local development machine on osx, i wondered if people out there are already using phusion passenger with ruby 1.9.1 or even 1.9.2 already? if so, please tell us your setup! furthermor...

Phusion Passenger on Ubuntu 8.10: how to setup gem directory and users?

I am actually running phusion passenger on ubuntu for a while. today i updated Ruby Enterprise Edition to the latest version - now it seems i have to reinstall all the gems that were installed on the system. so here are my questions what is the best way to setup phusion passenger and ruby enterprise edition to easily maintain gems afte...

Where should I set HTTP headers, such as Expires?

I want to deploy an app using Sinatra on Phusion Passenger w/ nginx. If I want to set the Expires header on my static content - stylesheets, say - there are appear to be three places where I could accomplish this. In my Sinatra app, using the API With Rack middleware In the server config for my deployment Which of these methods is t...

Does Phusion Passenger restart gracefully when I touch restart.txt

Will it finish serving all current requests before it restarts? ...

Are there any easy instructions for migrating from Phusion Passenger to Unicorn?

I am running into deployment issues with Phusion Passenger on a fairly large app: stalled processes on high loads, idle processes, slow firing up of an instance, etc. So I was looking into Unicorn, which I like very much from an architecture/performance perspective. Are there any easy to follow migration guides to go from Nginx Phusion...

Passenger 2.2.9 Ruby EE Ubuntu.. Can't get it to use 'default' production environment

Using Apache2 (2.2.12) / Passenger (2.2.9).. Have 2 apps running.. One runs fine in production mode the other insists on being in development mode. Have booted mongrel into production mode and the app works fine.. (script/server -e production) Tried the following with no result... Forced the RailsEnv in the apache virtual host. For...

Getting rmagick to work with Phusion Passenger

I'm trying to deploy my app using Phusion Passenger on DreamHost and I'm very close ... I've unpacked my gems [ecco]$ rake gems (in /home/myuser/ - [F] authlogic - [R] activesupport - [F] cancan - [F] formtastic - [R] activesupport >= 2.3.0 - [R] actionpack >= 2.3.0 - [F] paperclip - [F] rmagick - [F]...

Why is Phusion Passenger refusing to recognize my updated RubyGems?

I've updated RubyGems everywhere I can possibly think to update it: but Phusion passenger keeps throwing the same error: There is that one freaking place that shows 1.3.1 as the version, despite the file name of 1.3.6. I've obviously borked things up pretty badly here. That is, I need to update to 1.3.2 or greater and that I curr...

Who are using all the memory on my production server(apache + mysql + rails) ?

I am running a EC2 small instance as my production server. It has 1.7G memory. I noticed it uses almost all memory. However when I check top output, it looks like that only 30% is actually used. Did I misread the top output? Here is the top output (sorted by %MEM) top - 21:33:15 up 141 days, 9:39, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00,...

How to determine cpu, ram needed for rails app?

What is the most accurate way to determine the amount of cpu speed and ram needed to run my rails app? I believe there are stress testing tools like Tsung, but how do I determine, for example, that I need X more ram, or X more CPU? I would like to find some way to roughly gauge the performance needs of my application so I can anticipat...

deploying rails3 apps with bundler and phusion passenger: .bundle dir not found

i am trying to deploy rails3 apps with the latest phusion passenger 2.2.11 and ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01. i am using bundler, but passenger seems to not be able to find the .bundle dir. error message: git:// (at master) is not checked out. Please run `bundle install` (Bundler::PathError) where do i insta...