
Ruby Enterprise Edition crashes in gc_sweep

My Rails application crashes intermittently with the following message: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/multibyte/utils.rb:52: [BUG] gc_sweep(): unknown data type 0x0(0xbdc2ca0) ruby 1.8.7 (2009-12-24 patchlevel 248) [i686-linux], MBARI 0x8770, Ruby Enterprise Edition 2010.01 I am running the a...

Excessive httpd processes to stack up on my Rails + Apache2 + Passenger production setup?

I have a Rails + Apache2 + Postgres + Passenger application running in production mode in OSX Snow Leopard. The application serves as a data warehouse for another application in the cloud so I'm constantly getting API calls to my OSX production build. After a recent reboot, I'm finding a ton of httpd processes stacking up and eventually...

Getting rails application from github to debian server

Hello. I've been developing my first rails application on my windows computer. But now i have been setting up a debian server with nginx and passanger. I've been using Github to keep track of my application and now i am wondering how i can get the Github version of my application to the debian server and put it in production mode? Anybo...

Passenger: RailsBaseURI case sensitive?

I used Passenger to deploy a RoR app to a sub URI on my domain. The problem I'm facing is that the sub URI seems to be case sensitive. Navigating to resolves fine. However, if I go to,, or any other variation, I get a 404 error. How can these requests ...

passenger won't spawn more than 6 instances despite passenger_max_pool_size = 30

I have some problems with passenger + nginx and hope someone might be able help me and direct me in the right direction. I've set the passenger_max_pool_size to 30 but passenger never spawns more than 6 instances. I'm loading a webpage that uses ajax to load 30 sub pages from the server but because passenger only spawns 6 instances the...

Rails with passenger only runs in development

Hey, I have a problem on one of our webservers. I'll try to explain it as clear as possible, but I'm not 100% aware of all the configuration of the server. There are 2 sites running next to eachother (blcc_preprod and blcc_prod), so in the 'sites-enabled' of apache this i have a file 'blcc' like this: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoo...

Rails Beta3 & PaperClip & Passenger Bundler::PathError

So I'm going around in circles with this - I'm using a fork of the Paperclip Rails gem to get it to work with Rails3. Works fine on my OSX box with Passenger. But on my server (CentOS 5) I get this this error: git:// (at rails3) is not checked out. Please runbundle install(Bundler::PathError)Blockquote I...

Directory listing instead of Rails site after Passenger/REE upgrade

Having updated Passenger and Ruby Enterprise Edition to the latest versions today, I am now seeing a directory listing instead of my Rails app. Here's the Passenger part of my Apache config: #LoadModule passenger_module /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.6-20090201/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.1.3/ext/apache2/ #PassengerRoot...

phusion passenger on ubuntu 10.04: why apache2-prefork-dev when we want apache2-mpm-worker?

i want to install phusion passenger together with ruby enterprise edition on x86_64 SMP ubuntu 10.04. the recommended option seems to be apache2-mpm-worker but when i run passenger-install-apache2-module the installation routine of phusion passenger complains To install Apache 2 development headers: Please run apt-get instal...

nginx with passenger

Hello, I'm trying to move from Apache + Passenger to Nginx + passenger on my Ubuntu Lucid Lynx box. When I install passenger, sudo gem install passenger and cd /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-2.2.14/bin sudo ./passenger-install-nginx-module everything is fine (no error). Nginx is downloaded / compiled and installed at the same ...

Problem deploying Rails with Passenger to Mac OS X Leopard Server

I'm spinning my wheels... Apache is working and serving static html, png, etc. normally. Trying to get Passenger to serve a rails app out of as it stands when i try to hit my app: I get only an Apache 403 Errors. Nothing in myapp's Production Log. Apache2 access.log: ...

Is there some sort of mechanism in Phusion Passenger to keep whole applications from going down?

Hi there, The following is beginning to become a huge problem for us. We have about 15 Rails applications for our enterprise, running on a massive server. The problem occurs when two or three applications are wildly popular and they start taking up all the instances in the PassengerMaxPoolSize. As soon as that happens, other applicatio...

Running migration on server when deploying with capistrano

Hi, I'm trying to deploy my rails application with capistrano, but I'm having some trouble running my migrations. In my development environment I just use sqlite as my database, but on my production server I use MySQL. The problem is that I want the migrations to run from my server and not my local machine, as I am not able to connect t...

parsing # in rails uris

i am getting the following url information and need to parse it within rails. i already checked request and params but it is not there. the "#" character seems to f*ck up things. here's the url:

The framework spawner server exited unexpectedly

I'm having problems with my RoR application. Suddenly, after no changes or anything, I started getting the The framework spawner server exited unexpectedly exception. I've tried searching for some information, but everything leads to dead end. I had the app running for about half a year with no problems, but I suddenly got this error. ...

Phusion + rails: root site and sub site

Hey all, I'm facing a problem with the deployment of my sites on my server. What I want is to have a site hosted directly at the root and also at /site2. Config now looks like this: - /opt/dn/site1 contains Rails site 1 (so in here there's app, public etc) - /opt/dn/site2 contains Rails site 2 (so also wtih app/public/...) - /opt/dn/www ...

Ruby require 'rack' fails

Hello, I'm trying to install redmine and I have a problem with phusion-passenger. Installer fails on dependencies saying that rack is missing. I've investigated the code to check where it looks for it, but I've found a line: require 'rack' that is enclosed in what seems to be rubys try-catch block. I've already installed rack through ...

Trouble installing passenger gem on Ubuntu

From the console: adelevie@ubuntu:~$ gem install passenger Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing passenger: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/ruby1.8 extconf.rb /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require': no such file ...

MySQL server has gone away: Rails on Passenger (Redmine)

Hello all, I am making use of Redmine a web based software tracking tool, its perfect for my needs. However, I keep coming across this error in my production.log. ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away: SELECT * FROM issue_relations WHERE (issue_relations.issue_from_id = 6) ): app/models/i...

Deploying rails application. Getting 500 errors

Trying to deploy my rails application but when access through web I'm getting 500 error saying that The application spawner server exited unexpectedly: Unexpected end-of-file detected. Exception class: PhusionPassenger::Railz::ApplicationSpawner::Error I googled the whole internet but found only couple of guys who had the s...