
Why am I getting this Cache-money error?

I followed the instructions found on the github page exactly. I would post some of my configuration but it matches what's found here on The error reads as follows: /!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Thu Mar 05 16:45:09 -0500 2009 Status: 500 Internal Server Error undefined method `indices' for nil:...

Use cache money only for a single model?

I want to use cache-money but I don't want to start automatically caching everything (I'm working with a large production app, terabytes of data etc). How do I use it for only the models that I specify? Right now I've got: # initializers/cache_money.rb require 'cache_money' config = (cfg = YAML.load(, "con...

Getting Started with CacheMoney

I recently installed cache-money. After some difficulties getting memcached and cache-money set up, I thought I had it working. It cached the one query on my login page fine. I login, and go to my message index page and get this error: indices delegated to @cache_config.indices, but @cache_config is nil: Slug(id: integer, name: strin...

cache_money 'nil.repository' error

I'm just trying out cache_money gem on an existing app and getting this error: NoMethodError (You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.repository) I think I have my memached server configured properly. I'm using Rails 2.2.2 EDIT: Stack trace: NoMethodError (You have a nil object when ...

Selectively caching models with cache_money

Instead of doing this in the cache_money.rb initializer class ActiveRecord::Base is_cached :repository => $cache end I want to be able to selectively cache only certain models (the reason being our User model breaks memcached because it's generally too large to be serialized properly). class User < AR::Base is_cached :repository ...

How do I disable cache_money caching for certain ActiveRecord models

I tried doing the def index(*args); end; trick within the models I'd like cache_money to ignore, but to no avail. ...

cache_money only writing to memcached on creates and updates, and seemingly never looking in the cache for index/show actions

I seem to be having some extremely odd cache_money interactions. When I am on the console, and I create a new instance of a class and save it I see the cache misses and cache stores on my memcached console output. Then when the create finishes I see a bunch of cache deletions. If I then try to do any kind of find for the newly created...

cache money ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError

Hi, i keep on getting ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError errors randomly everywhere in my program. i have passenger (30 instances) running with nginx. i don't have this problem in dev. When i remove cache money it works fine in production. this is the error msg: ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError (missing attribute: deposit_amount): ...

"no block given" errors with cache_money

i've inherited a site that in production is generating dozens of "no block given" exceptions every 5 minutes. the top of the stack trace is: vendor/gems/nkallen-cache-money-0.2.5/lib/cash/accessor.rb:42:in `add' vendor/gems/nkallen-cache-money-0.2.5/lib/cash/accessor.rb:33:in `get' vendor/gems/nkallen-cache-money-0.2.5/lib/cas...

can i turn off write through caching in cache_money?

I just need read caching not write caching. Getting a ton of errors like: Key {"lock/Genlog:1/id/3565042"=>""} /home/slugs/152245_11e6812_6833/mnt/.gems/gems/memcached-northscale- `check_return_code' Thanks! ...

cache_money for Rails 3

I've used various forks (mostly the ngmoco fork) of Nick Kallen's excellent cache_money for several Rails 2.3 based project, but we're now making the leap to Rails 3 which, thanks to the introduction of ActiveRelation, does not work with the popular forks of cache_money. Is there a fork of cache_money, or an equivalent write-through ca...

Internet Start-up, what the _ad-hoc_ do I do?

beloved s.o. (lowercase intended; indented, and, subsequently dedented), I have a long-term project in mind, and when it's done I will definitely show it to you. In the mean-time, as the title suggests, I will be attempting (nay, succeeding! think positively, right?!) at creating an internet-based company. Essentially, I hope to utili...