
jQuery - select onchange to slide in / slide out div or form

Hi, I am trying to enhance a form, by showing only relevant fields depending on initial selection via a form select field. It is an order form for 3 products and all 3 products have unique properties. My idea was to hide all the content in divs, then reveal the relevant div when the product is selected. I have found some solutions th...

Jquery Event onChange for Div

I have a page with the following two divs: <div id="searchResults"> </div> <div class="postSearchOptions" style="display: none;"> </div> Is there any way that I can make the "postSearchOptions" div appear when the "searchResults" div is updated by an AJAX call? I don't control the AJAX calls and I want to detect any change in the "se...

jQuery onkeyup event in textarea that does not fires when nothing change.

I was thinking to a function that check the key value pressed, and accept only the most common characters, canc, enter, ... because i need it only for basic ascii character set (not ñ, č, chinese chars, ...). Or function that after every keyup checks if value has changed. But really jQuery doesn't have an event handler for this situati...

Using Linq to SQL change events with attribute-based mapping

I'm writing a new ASP.NET MVC2 application using Linq to SQL. This application depends on an existing SQL database. I am using attribute-based mapping to map my database fields to my Linq to SQL entities. I also need to make use of Linq to SQL's On[Property]Changed methods so I can perform change-auditing of database tables within my a...

How best to associate code with events in jQuery?

Suppose I have a <select> element on my HTML page, and I want to run some Javascript when the selection is changed. I'm using jQuery. I have two ways to associate the code with the element. Method 1: jQuery .change() <select id='the_select'> <option value='opt1'>One</option> <option value='opt2'>Two</option> </select> <script> $('#t...

jqtransform form selector (onchange) problem !!!!

I'm styling a form with Jqtransform script. The form includes a selector which enlist some cities, when i click a one, it should update the selector below it with some locations within that city. here is the code of the selector <select name="city" id="city" class="wide" onchange="populateDestrict(this)"> It was working fine with de...

html select execute javascript onload

I am using HTML select onchange event to fire another javascript function func1. This html select is written into a form element, which are dynamically generated when users click on a button. The problem is how can I fire the javascript func1 when the dynamically generated form is first shown ? I am thinking of something along the line...

Programmatically manipulating DOM element value doesn't fire onchange event

Hi all. I've got a hidden form field, and when a button gets pressed the value of the hidden field is changed. Now, I've added an observer to the hidden field, listening for changes to occur. For some reason, though, the event listener never kicks in, even though the value of the hidden element changes. I'm using Prototype and Firefox 3...

How can I catch a change event from an HTML text field when a user clicks on a link after editing?

Our webapp has a form with fields and values that change depending on values entered. Each time there is a change event on one of the form elements, we use an expensive AJAX call to update other elements on the page. This works great for selects, radio buttons and checkboxes. The issue comes in when a user adds content to a text field, ...

trigger onchange event manually

Hi all, I'm setting a date-time textfield value via a calendar widget. Obviously, the calendar widget does something like this : document.getElementById('datetimetext').value = date_value; What I want is : On changing value in the date-time textfield I need to reset some other fields in the page. I've added a onchange event listener to...

javascript input onchange not working

why this doesn´t work: inputButton.addEventListener('onchange', jsFunction, false); I change the inputbox and it doesn´t call jsFunction. ...

Visibility of elements by ID

Hi, how come that when I attach onchange by attribute and call it onchange="validateDate(FPR_CURR_FROM);" it works, but when I use a ASP .NET validator, and my attached function is called like : function anonymous() { ValidatorOnChange(event); validateDate(FPR_CURR_FROM); } I get error: FPR_CURR_FROM is undefined. First ...

MS Dynamics CRM 4.0 - onChange event error

Hi I have an onChange event that keeps bringing up the error below whenever I preview it. 'Object doesnt support this property or method' I have the onChange event associated with a picklist and when a specific option is selected another field is unhidden. The code is below: onLoad: //If How did you hear about us is set to event sh...

Form won't submit properly in IE

Hi! My simple donation form submits properly except for Internet Explorer. I'm sure it has to do with issues with change() and focus() or blur(), but all my hundreds of attempts so far have failed me. I tried using .click() instead of change() as mentioned in this post:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/208471/getting-jquery-to-recognise...

Is there an event to detect URL change inside an iframe?

Let say, I have an iframe like that: <iframe src='test.html'></iframe> and in test.html, there is a button that will change its url to ...let say google.com so, is there any way that the iframe knows there is a change in the src? e.g. onchange or onload.. or whatever. ...

Hide/Show div via Radio Buttons

I'm trying to hide or show a div based on the value of some radio buttons, css defaults the div to display='none' Here's the input <input type="radio" id="payment_type" value="cash" checked="checked" name="payment_type" onchange="showhideFinancing(this.value);"/>&nbsp;Cash/Debit <input type="radio" id="payment_type" value="cheque" name...

Dojo: How to get the latest value in a NumberTextBox on onKeyPress or onChange?

I have a bunch of NumberTextBoxes which I created programmatically. Now, I have to compute some values on keypress so I call a function for that... Looks something like this: ... <head> ... function setNumTextBox() { ... var val = { name: "mytextbox", onKeyPress: keyPressFxn } new dijit.form.NumberTextBox...

Will I trigger a change event if I use Javascript to set a <option> as selected?

I've observed that, in Google Chrome, setting an <option> as selected via Javascript does not trigger the respective <select> tag's change event. Can I count on this behavior holding true in all other modern browsers? ...

howto Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_FilteringSelect onchange submit

Well the title pretty much says it all. I had $strata = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('strata'); $strata->setLabel('Select a strata: ')->setMultiOptions($this->stratalist)->setAttrib('onChange', 'this.form.submit()'); Then I need to use some fancy dojo form elements in other forms. So I decided to make them all look the same and did th...

How to get Javascript Select box's selected text

This things works perfectly <select name="selectbox" onchange="alert(this.value)> But I want to select the text. I tried in this way <select name="selectbox" onchange="alert(this.text)> It shows undefined. I found how to use dom to get text. But I want to do this in this way, I means like using just this.value. ...